Commit 00fae476 authored by techird's avatar techird


parents 241a3f58 bd435c0a
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\ No newline at end of file _drafts/
\ No newline at end of file
# KityMinder 更新日志 # KityMinder 更新日志
## v1.2.1
### 体验优化
1. 较大提升了文件载入和操作的性能
2. 拖动时不显示子节点和连接线
3. 文字输入细节体验优化
4. 历史回退使用动画回退
5. 美化帮助窗口的样式
### BUG 修复
1. 修复 F2 不能编辑的 BUG
2. 修复按 Shift + Tab 页面溢出的 BUG
## v1.2.0 ## v1.2.0
### 新功能 ### 新功能
...@@ -20,6 +35,7 @@ ...@@ -20,6 +35,7 @@
4. 添加了布局时的动画效果 4. 添加了布局时的动画效果
5. 扩大了超链接的点击范围 5. 扩大了超链接的点击范围
6. 优先级增加至 9 个,进度增加至 9 个 6. 优先级增加至 9 个,进度增加至 9 个
7. 支持ipad编辑
### BUG 修复 ### BUG 修复
( function () { (function() {
var helpContent = '<div class="help-content" style="padding:20px;width:360px;">';
// 用于存储整个快捷菜单的机构信息的字符串
helpContent += '<h2>基本操作</h2>'; var helpInfo = '';
helpContent += '<p>编辑脑图的时候,最基本的操作是插入节点、编辑节点、删除节点、设置节点样式</p>';
helpContent += '<ul>'; $.ajax({
helpContent += ' <li><h3>插入子节点:</h3>在选中的节点中按 Tab 键</li>'; type: 'get',
helpContent += ' <li><h3>插入同级节点:</h3>在选中的节点中按 Enter/Return 键</li>'; dataType: 'text',
helpContent += ' <li><h3>编辑节点:</h3>选中节点直接输入文字、双击节点或选中节点按F2键均可进入编辑模式</li>'; url: 'dialogs/help/operation.txt',
helpContent += ' <li><h3>设置节点文本格式:</h3>你可以选中一个或多个节点后,在工具栏中改变选中节点的文本格式。也可以使用快捷键来使用这些功能:撤销(Ctrl+Z)、重做(Ctrl+Y)、加粗(Ctrl+B)、斜体(Ctrl+I)</li>'; success: function(text) {
helpContent += ' <li><h3>添加标签:</h3>选中节点,点击工具栏上的‘添加标签’按钮可以为节点添加/删除标签</li>'; createHelpHtml(text);
helpContent += ' <li><h3>添加/删除超链接:</h3>选中节点,点击工具栏上的‘添加超链接’/‘删除超链接’按钮可以为节点添加、删除超链接</li>'; }
helpContent += '</ul>'; });
helpContent += '<h2>导入导出</h2>'; function createHelpHtml(text) {
helpContent += '<p>您可以导出你的脑图到本地,方法是点击工具栏上的导出按钮,然后选择要导出的格式。下面列出支持的格式列表:</p>'; var txt = text;
helpContent += '<ul>';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>大纲文本:</h3>导出成以制表符界定大纲的文本,此格式可以被导入</li>'; // 用于存储获取的某一行数据
helpContent += ' <li><h3>KityMinder格式:</h3>KityMinder自身的保存格式(JSON),此格式可以被导入</li>'; var line = '';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>PNG 图片:</h3>导出成 PNG 位图格式,此格式不可被导入</li>'; // 用于临时存储处理一条line字符串之后的结果
helpContent += ' <li><h3>SVG 矢量图:</h3>导出成 SVG 矢量图格式,可以被矢量工具二次加工,此格式不可被导入</li>'; var result = '';
helpContent += '</ul>'; // 判断是否为第一个份菜单,用于控制div.shortcuts-table标签前是否添加</div>。
var isFirstTable = true;
helpContent += '<p>导出的文件可以直接拖放到 KityMinder 上直接打开</p>'; // // 判断是否为每份菜单的第一项
// var isFirstTr = true;
helpContent += '<h2>云盘功能</h2>';
helpContent += '<p>使用百度账号登录后,您可以使用云存储和分享功能</p>'; // 正则表达式 start
helpContent += '<ul>'; // 1、匹配菜单分类标题
helpContent += ' <li><h3>登录:</h3>点击登录按钮</li>'; var reg_thead = /^##/g;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>保存(CTRL+S):</h3>点击保存按钮,将会把文件保存到你的云盘里</li>'; // 2、匹配菜单项
helpContent += ' <li><h3>分享(CTRL+SHIFT+S):</h3>点击分享按钮,会生成分享链接,该链接可以打开您分享的脑图</li>'; var reg_tcell = /\:/g;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>打开:</h3>点击您账号的下拉按钮,会列出最近保存的脑图文件,点击即可打开</li>'; // 3、匹配键值
helpContent += '</ul>'; var reg_key = /\`(.+?)\`/g;
// var 4、匹配快捷键组合选择
helpContent += '<h2>视野导航</h2>'; var reg_opt = /or|\+|,/gi;
helpContent += '<p>视野导航包括以下几个功能:</p>'; // 菜单分类标题1
helpContent += '<ul>'; var temp = '';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>视野拖动:</h3>根节点未被选中的情况下,拖动根节点可以拖动视野;或者使用空格键切换拖动状态</li>'; var xmlhttp;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>视野缩放:</h3>点击工具栏中的“放大”和“缩小”按钮可以缩放视野,或者按着 Ctrl 键使用滚轮缩放</li>'; var arr, keys, info;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>视野复位:</h3>双击空白处,可以将视野复位</li>';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>展开/收起节点:</h3>选中单个节点,点击工具栏中的“展开节点”和“收起节点”按钮可以展开/收起节点下的全部子节点</li>';
helpContent += '</ul>'; // help-container start
helpInfo += '<div class="help-container' + (kity.Browser.mac ? ' mac' : '') + '">';
helpContent += '</div>'; // help-header start
helpInfo += '<h2 class="help-header">操作说明</h2>';
KM.registerWidget( 'help', { // help-header end
tpl: helpContent, // help-article start
initContent: function ( km ) { helpInfo += '<div class="help-article row">';
var lang = km.getLang( '' ), // 开始读取operation.txt文件信息
if ( lang ) { txt.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
html = $.parseTmpl( this.tpl, lang ); result = '';
// 如果line以##开头,表明是菜单分类标题
if (reg_thead.test(line)) {
// isFirstTr = true;
// 如果不是第一个分类菜单,那么就需要在添加下一个开始标签之前,为上一个菜单添加结束标签
if (!isFirstTable) {
result += '</table>';
// 处理第一个分类菜单后,就需要把标示第一个分类菜单的变量改变
else {
isFirstTable = false;
temp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf(' '));
result += '<table class="shortcuts-table "><tr><td></td><td><span class="shortcuts-thead">' + temp + '</span></td>';
} else if (/\S/.test(line)) {
// else if(reg_tcell.test(line)) {
result += '<tr class="shortcuts-tbody"><td class="shortcuts-group"><div class="right">';
arr = line.split(':');
keys = arr[0];
info = arr[1];
keys = keys.toLowerCase().replace(reg_key, '<span class="shortcuts-key label $1">$1</span>');
result += keys;
result += '</div></td><td class="shortcuts-use">' + info + '</td>';
// 加最后一项的结尾标签
result += '</tr>';
// 处理完每一行之后,将result添加到helpInfo之后
helpInfo += result;
result = '';
// 要在处理完最后一个分类菜单后,为这个菜单添加结束标签
helpInfo += '<table>';
// 读取operation.txt文件信息完毕
helpInfo += '</div>';
// help-article end
helpInfo += '</div>';
// // help-container end
// $("#help").html(helpInfo);
KM.registerWidget('help', {
tpl: helpInfo,
initContent: function(km) {
var lang = km.getLang(''),
if (lang) {
html = $.parseTmpl(this.tpl, lang);
initEvent: function(km, $w) {
} }
this.root().html( html ); });
initEvent: function ( km, $w ) {}, }
width: 400 })();
} ); \ No newline at end of file
} )();
\ No newline at end of file
## 节点操作
`Enter`: 插入兄弟节点
`Tab`: 插入子节点
`Delete`: 删除节点
`Up`, `Down`, `Left`, `Right`: 节点导航
`Alt` + `Up`, `Alt` + `Down`: 向上/向下调整顺序
`/`: 展开/收起节点
`F2`: 编辑节点
`Ctrl` + `A`: 全选节点
`Ctrl` + `C`: 复制节点
`Ctrl` + `X`: 剪切节点
`Ctrl` + `V`: 粘贴节点
`Ctrl` + `B`: 加粗
`Ctrl` + `I`: 斜体
## 视野控制
`Space`: 切换编辑/抓手模式
`滚轮`: 移动视野
`右键拖动`: 拖动视野
`空白处双击`: 居中根节点
`+`, `-`: 放大/缩小视野
## 文件操作
`Ctrl` + `N`: 新建
`Ctrl` + `S`: 保存
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `S`: 分享
## 后悔药
`Ctrl` + `Z`: 撤销
`Ctrl` + `Y`: 重做
\ No newline at end of file
( function () { (function() {
var helpContent = '<div class="help-content" style="padding:20px;width:360px;">';
// 用于存储整个快捷菜单的机构信息的字符串
helpContent += '<h2>基本操作</h2>'; var helpInfo = '';
helpContent += '<p>编辑脑图的时候,最基本的操作是插入节点、编辑节点、删除节点、设置节点样式</p>';
helpContent += '<ul>'; $.ajax({
helpContent += ' <li><h3>插入子节点:</h3>在选中的节点中按 Tab 键</li>'; type: 'get',
helpContent += ' <li><h3>插入同级节点:</h3>在选中的节点中按 Enter/Return 键</li>'; dataType: 'text',
helpContent += ' <li><h3>编辑节点:</h3>选中节点直接输入文字、双击节点或选中节点按F2键均可进入编辑模式</li>'; url: 'dialogs/help/operation.txt',
helpContent += ' <li><h3>设置节点文本格式:</h3>你可以选中一个或多个节点后,在工具栏中改变选中节点的文本格式。也可以使用快捷键来使用这些功能:撤销(Ctrl+Z)、重做(Ctrl+Y)、加粗(Ctrl+B)、斜体(Ctrl+I)</li>'; success: function(text) {
helpContent += ' <li><h3>添加标签:</h3>选中节点,点击工具栏上的‘添加标签’按钮可以为节点添加/删除标签</li>'; createHelpHtml(text);
helpContent += ' <li><h3>添加/删除超链接:</h3>选中节点,点击工具栏上的‘添加超链接’/‘删除超链接’按钮可以为节点添加、删除超链接</li>'; }
helpContent += '</ul>'; });
helpContent += '<h2>导入导出</h2>'; function createHelpHtml(text) {
helpContent += '<p>您可以导出你的脑图到本地,方法是点击工具栏上的导出按钮,然后选择要导出的格式。下面列出支持的格式列表:</p>'; var txt = text;
helpContent += '<ul>';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>大纲文本:</h3>导出成以制表符界定大纲的文本,此格式可以被导入</li>'; // 用于存储获取的某一行数据
helpContent += ' <li><h3>KityMinder格式:</h3>KityMinder自身的保存格式(JSON),此格式可以被导入</li>'; var line = '';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>PNG 图片:</h3>导出成 PNG 位图格式,此格式不可被导入</li>'; // 用于临时存储处理一条line字符串之后的结果
helpContent += ' <li><h3>SVG 矢量图:</h3>导出成 SVG 矢量图格式,可以被矢量工具二次加工,此格式不可被导入</li>'; var result = '';
helpContent += '</ul>'; // 判断是否为第一个份菜单,用于控制div.shortcuts-table标签前是否添加</div>。
var isFirstTable = true;
helpContent += '<p>导出的文件可以直接拖放到 KityMinder 上直接打开</p>'; // // 判断是否为每份菜单的第一项
// var isFirstTr = true;
helpContent += '<h2>云盘功能</h2>';
helpContent += '<p>使用百度账号登录后,您可以使用云存储和分享功能</p>'; // 正则表达式 start
helpContent += '<ul>'; // 1、匹配菜单分类标题
helpContent += ' <li><h3>登录:</h3>点击登录按钮</li>'; var reg_thead = /^##/g;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>保存(CTRL+S):</h3>点击保存按钮,将会把文件保存到你的云盘里</li>'; // 2、匹配菜单项
helpContent += ' <li><h3>分享(CTRL+SHIFT+S):</h3>点击分享按钮,会生成分享链接,该链接可以打开您分享的脑图</li>'; var reg_tcell = /\:/g;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>打开:</h3>点击您账号的下拉按钮,会列出最近保存的脑图文件,点击即可打开</li>'; // 3、匹配键值
helpContent += '</ul>'; var reg_key = /\`(.+?)\`/g;
// var 4、匹配快捷键组合选择
helpContent += '<h2>视野导航</h2>'; var reg_opt = /or|\+|,/gi;
helpContent += '<p>视野导航包括以下几个功能:</p>'; // 菜单分类标题1
helpContent += '<ul>'; var temp = '';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>视野拖动:</h3>根节点未被选中的情况下,拖动根节点可以拖动视野;或者使用空格键切换拖动状态</li>'; var xmlhttp;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>视野缩放:</h3>点击工具栏中的“放大”和“缩小”按钮可以缩放视野,或者按着 Ctrl 键使用滚轮缩放</li>'; var arr, keys, info;
helpContent += ' <li><h3>视野复位:</h3>双击空白处,可以将视野复位</li>';
helpContent += ' <li><h3>展开/收起节点:</h3>选中单个节点,点击工具栏中的“展开节点”和“收起节点”按钮可以展开/收起节点下的全部子节点</li>';
helpContent += '</ul>'; // help-container start
helpInfo += '<div class="help-container' + (kity.Browser.mac ? ' mac' : '') + '">';
helpContent += '</div>'; // help-header start
helpInfo += '<h2 class="help-header">操作说明</h2>';
KM.registerWidget( 'help', { // help-header end
tpl: helpContent, // help-article start
initContent: function ( km ) { helpInfo += '<div class="help-article row">';
var lang = km.getLang( '' ), // 开始读取operation.txt文件信息
if ( lang ) { txt.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
html = $.parseTmpl( this.tpl, lang ); result = '';
// 如果line以##开头,表明是菜单分类标题
if (reg_thead.test(line)) {
// isFirstTr = true;
// 如果不是第一个分类菜单,那么就需要在添加下一个开始标签之前,为上一个菜单添加结束标签
if (!isFirstTable) {
result += '</table>';
// 处理第一个分类菜单后,就需要把标示第一个分类菜单的变量改变
else {
isFirstTable = false;
temp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf(' '));
result += '<table class="shortcuts-table "><tr><td></td><td><span class="shortcuts-thead">' + temp + '</span></td>';
} else if (/\S/.test(line)) {
// else if(reg_tcell.test(line)) {
result += '<tr class="shortcuts-tbody"><td class="shortcuts-group"><div class="right">';
arr = line.split(':');
keys = arr[0];
info = arr[1];
keys = keys.toLowerCase().replace(reg_key, '<span class="shortcuts-key label $1">$1</span>');
result += keys;
result += '</div></td><td class="shortcuts-use">' + info + '</td>';
// 加最后一项的结尾标签
result += '</tr>';
// 处理完每一行之后,将result添加到helpInfo之后
helpInfo += result;
result = '';
// 要在处理完最后一个分类菜单后,为这个菜单添加结束标签
helpInfo += '<table>';
// 读取operation.txt文件信息完毕
helpInfo += '</div>';
// help-article end
helpInfo += '</div>';
// // help-container end
// $("#help").html(helpInfo);
KM.registerWidget('help', {
tpl: helpInfo,
initContent: function(km) {
var lang = km.getLang(''),
if (lang) {
html = $.parseTmpl(this.tpl, lang);
initEvent: function(km, $w) {
} }
this.root().html( html ); });
initEvent: function ( km, $w ) {}, }
width: 400 })();
} ); \ No newline at end of file
} )();
\ No newline at end of file
## 节点操作
`Enter`: 插入兄弟节点
`Tab`: 插入子节点
`Delete`: 删除节点
`Up`, `Down`, `Left`, `Right`: 节点导航
`Alt` + `Up`, `Alt` + `Down`: 向上/向下调整顺序
`/`: 展开/收起节点
`F2`: 编辑节点
`Ctrl` + `A`: 全选节点
`Ctrl` + `C`: 复制节点
`Ctrl` + `X`: 剪切节点
`Ctrl` + `V`: 粘贴节点
`Ctrl` + `B`: 加粗
`Ctrl` + `I`: 斜体
## 视野控制
`Space`: 切换编辑/抓手模式
`滚轮`: 移动视野
`右键拖动`: 拖动视野
`空白处双击`: 居中根节点
`+`, `-`: 放大/缩小视野
## 文件操作
`Ctrl` + `N`: 新建
`Ctrl` + `S`: 保存
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `S`: 分享
## 后悔药
`Ctrl` + `Z`: 撤销
`Ctrl` + `Y`: 重做
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -7,26 +7,26 @@ ...@@ -7,26 +7,26 @@
<meta name="description" content="百度脑图,便捷的脑图编辑工具。让您在线上直接创建、保存并分享你的思路。"> <meta name="description" content="百度脑图,便捷的脑图编辑工具。让您在线上直接创建、保存并分享你的思路。">
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...@@ -76,24 +76,30 @@ ...@@ -76,24 +76,30 @@
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/*! /*!
* ==================================================== * ====================================================
* kity - v2.0.0 - 2014-07-08 * kity - v2.0.0 - 2014-07-23
* *
* GitHub: * GitHub:
* Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu FEX; Licensed BSD * Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu FEX; Licensed BSD
...@@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) { ...@@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) {
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(fn) { var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(fn) {
return setTimeout(fn, 1e3 / 60); return setTimeout(fn, 1e3 / 60);
}; };
var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame || window.clearTimeout;
var frameRequestId;
// 等待执行的帧的集合,这些帧的方法将在下个动画帧同步执行 // 等待执行的帧的集合,这些帧的方法将在下个动画帧同步执行
var pendingFrames = []; var pendingFrames = [];
/** /**
...@@ -381,7 +383,7 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) { ...@@ -381,7 +383,7 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) {
*/ */
function pushFrame(frame) { function pushFrame(frame) {
if (pendingFrames.push(frame) === 1) { if (pendingFrames.push(frame) === 1) {
requestAnimationFrame(executePendingFrames); frameRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(executePendingFrames);
} }
} }
/** /**
...@@ -393,6 +395,7 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) { ...@@ -393,6 +395,7 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) {
while (frames.length) { while (frames.length) {
executeFrame(frames.pop()); executeFrame(frames.pop());
} }
frameRequestId = 0;
} }
/** /**
* 请求一个帧,执行指定的动作。动作回调提供一些有用的信息 * 请求一个帧,执行指定的动作。动作回调提供一些有用的信息
...@@ -433,6 +436,9 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) { ...@@ -433,6 +436,9 @@ define("animate/frame", [], function(require, exports) {
if (~index) { if (~index) {
pendingFrames.splice(index, 1); pendingFrames.splice(index, 1);
} }
if (pendingFrames.length === 0) {
} }
/** /**
* 初始化一个帧,主要用于后续计算 * 初始化一个帧,主要用于后续计算
...@@ -1661,12 +1667,12 @@ define("graphic/box", [ "core/class" ], function(require, exports, module) { ...@@ -1661,12 +1667,12 @@ define("graphic/box", [ "core/class" ], function(require, exports, module) {
this.y = y || 0; this.y = y || 0;
this.width = width || 0; this.width = width || 0;
this.height = height || 0; this.height = height || 0;
this.left = x; this.left = this.x;
this.right = this.x + this.width; this.right = this.x + this.width; = this.y; = this.y;
this.bottom = this.y + this.height; this.bottom = this.y + this.height; = x + this.width / 2; = this.x + this.width / 2; = y + this.height / 2; = this.y + this.height / 2;
}, },
getRangeX: function() { getRangeX: function() {
return [ this.left, this.right ]; return [ this.left, this.right ];
...@@ -3174,22 +3180,37 @@ define("graphic/geometry", [ "core/utils", "graphic/point", "core/class", "graph ...@@ -3174,22 +3180,37 @@ define("graphic/geometry", [ "core/utils", "graphic/point", "core/class", "graph
* *
* @return {Number} 贝塞尔曲线的长度 * @return {Number} 贝塞尔曲线的长度
*/ */
g.bezierLength = cacher(function bezierLength(bezierArray, tolerate) { g.bezierLength = cacher(function bezierLength(bezierArray) {
// 切割成多少段来计算 // 表示(c[0]*t^4 + c[1]*t^3 + c[2]*t^2 + c[3]*t^1 + c[4])^(1/2)的函数
tolerate = Math.max(tolerate || .001, 1e-9); function f(x) {
function len(p, q) { var m = c0 * Math.pow(x, 4) + c1 * Math.pow(x, 3) + c2 * Math.pow(x, 2) + c3 * x + c4;
var dx = p[0] - q[0], dy = p[1] - q[1]; if (m < 0) {
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); m = 0;
} }
var cutted, p, q, m, cuttedLength; return Math.pow(m, .5);
cutted = cutBezier(bezierArray); }
p = bezierArray.slice(0, 2); // 用Newton-Cotes型求积公式
q = bezierArray.slice(6); var arr = bezierArray;
m = cutted[1].slice(0, 2); // 三次贝塞尔曲线函数求导后,求出对应的方程系数,用cx[],cy[]表示x`(t)和y`(t)的系数
cuttedLength = len(p, m) + len(m, q); var cx0, cx1, cx2;
if (cuttedLength - len(p, q) < tolerate) return cuttedLength; var cy0, cy1, cy2;
// 递归计算 // 用c[]表示x`(t)^2 + y`(t)^2的结果的系数
return bezierLength(cutted[0], tolerate / 2) + bezierLength(cutted[1], tolerate / 3); var c0, c1, c2, c3, c4;
// 求x`(t) 和 y`(t)的系数
cx0 = -3 * arr[0] + 9 * arr[2] - 9 * arr[4] + 3 * arr[6];
cx1 = 6 * arr[0] - 12 * arr[2] + 6 * arr[4];
cx2 = -3 * arr[0] + 3 * arr[2];
cy0 = -3 * arr[1] + 9 * arr[3] - 9 * arr[5] + 3 * arr[7];
cy1 = 6 * arr[1] - 12 * arr[3] + 6 * arr[5];
cy2 = -3 * arr[1] + 3 * arr[3];
// 求x`(t)^2 + y`(t)^2的结果的系数 c[]
c0 = Math.pow(cx0, 2) + Math.pow(cy0, 2);
c1 = 2 * (cx0 * cx1 + cy0 * cy1);
c2 = 2 * (cx0 * cx2 + cy0 * cy2) + Math.pow(cx1, 2) + Math.pow(cy1, 2);
c3 = 2 * (cx1 * cx2 + cy1 * cy2);
c4 = Math.pow(cx2, 2) + Math.pow(cy2, 2);
// 用cotes积分公式求值
return (f(0) + f(1) + 4 * (f(.125) + f(.375) + f(.625) + f(.875)) + 2 * (f(.25) + f(.5) + f(.75))) / 24;
}); });
// 计算一个 pathSegment 中每一段的在整体中所占的长度范围,以及总长度 // 计算一个 pathSegment 中每一段的在整体中所占的长度范围,以及总长度
// 方法要求每一段都是贝塞尔曲线 // 方法要求每一段都是贝塞尔曲线
...@@ -5171,6 +5192,7 @@ define("graphic/shape", [ "graphic/svg", "core/utils", "graphic/eventhandler", " ...@@ -5171,6 +5192,7 @@ define("graphic/shape", [ "graphic/svg", "core/utils", "graphic/eventhandler", "
} else { } else {
this.node.setAttribute(a, v); this.node.setAttribute(a, v);
} }
return this;
}, },
getAttr: function(a) { getAttr: function(a) {
return this.node.getAttribute(a); return this.node.getAttribute(a);
...@@ -6025,9 +6047,15 @@ define("graphic/use", [ "graphic/svg", "core/class", "graphic/shape", "core/util ...@@ -6025,9 +6047,15 @@ define("graphic/use", [ "graphic/svg", "core/class", "graphic/shape", "core/util
var Use = Class.createClass("Use", { var Use = Class.createClass("Use", {
base: require("graphic/shape"), base: require("graphic/shape"),
constructor: function(shape) { constructor: function(shape) {
var shapeId = null;
this.callBase("use"); this.callBase("use");
shapeId = shape.getId(); this.ref(shape);
ref: function(shape) {
if (!shape) {
this.node.removeAttributeNS(Svg.xlink, "xlink:href");
return this;
var shapeId = shape.getId();
if (shapeId) { if (shapeId) {
this.node.setAttributeNS(Svg.xlink, "xlink:href", "#" + shapeId); this.node.setAttributeNS(Svg.xlink, "xlink:href", "#" + shapeId);
} }
...@@ -6039,6 +6067,7 @@ define("graphic/use", [ "graphic/svg", "core/class", "graphic/shape", "core/util ...@@ -6039,6 +6067,7 @@ define("graphic/use", [ "graphic/svg", "core/class", "graphic/shape", "core/util
if (shape.node.getAttribute("stroke") === "none") { if (shape.node.getAttribute("stroke") === "none") {
shape.node.removeAttribute("stroke"); shape.node.removeAttribute("stroke");
} }
return this;
} }
}); });
var Shape = require("graphic/shape"); var Shape = require("graphic/shape");
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -740,8 +740,9 @@ $(function() { ...@@ -740,8 +740,9 @@ $(function() {
// 确定上传文件名 // 确定上传文件名
if (!remotePath) { if (!remotePath) {
filename = window.prompt('请输入文件名: ', minder.getMinderTitle()); filename = window.prompt('请输入文件名: ', minder.getMinderTitle().replace(/[\/\\\:\?\|\<\>\"\'\*]/g, ''));
if (!filename) return; if (!filename) return;
filename = filename.replace(/[\/\\\:\?\|\<\>\"\'\*]/g, '');
uploadPath = generateRemotePath(filename); uploadPath = generateRemotePath(filename);
} else { } else {
uploadPath = remotePath; uploadPath = remotePath;
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.mac .shortcuts-key.shift:after {
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\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
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overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
...@@ -233,7 +232,14 @@ button#share-btn:hover { ...@@ -233,7 +232,14 @@ button#share-btn:hover {
.km-minderNode{ .km-minderNode{
cursor:default; cursor:default;
} }
.kmui-container, .kmui-editor-body { .kmui-container {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
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bottom: 0;
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<svg version="1.1" xmlns="">
<filter id="blur">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="5" />
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -76,24 +76,30 @@ ...@@ -76,24 +76,30 @@
KityMinder KityMinder
<a id="km-version" <a id="km-version"
href="" href=""
target="blank"> target="blank"
</a> </a>
under under
<a href="" <a href=""
target="_blank">BSD License target="_blank"
tabindex="-1">BSD License
</a>. </a>.
Powered by f-cube, Powered by f-cube,
<a href="" <a href=""
target="_blank">FEX target="_blank"
</a> | </a> |
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Subproject commit 47c11b5d7977c81df1c2f1d779933d38ac6edb0e Subproject commit fec9187f532aea5284d1fac25767dcca9ad43ce4
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "kityminder", "name": "kityminder",
"title": "kityminder", "title": "kityminder",
"description": "Kity Minder", "description": "Kity Minder",
"version": "1.1.3", "version": "1.2.1",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"author": { "author": {
"name": "f-cube @ FEX", "name": "f-cube @ FEX",
echo -e "\033[0;33;1mPublish start." echo -e "\033[0;33;1mPublish start."
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Checking out gh-pages\033[0m" echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Checking out gh-pages...\033[0m"
git checkout -q gh-pages git branch -D gh-pages -q
git checkout -q -b gh-pages
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Merging server changes\033[0m" echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Delete server branch...\033[0m"
git pull origin gh-pages git push origin :gh-pages -q
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Merging dev commits\033[0m" echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Building dist js files...\033[0m"
git merge dev -qm "merge from dev"
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Building dist js files\033[0m"
grunt -q > GRUNT_OUTPUT grunt -q > GRUNT_OUTPUT
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Commit dist js files...\033[0m"
git add dist git add dist
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Commit dist js files\033[0m"
git commit -qm "publish" git commit -qm "publish"
echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Pusing to git...\033[0m" echo -e "\033[0;33;1m> Pusing to git...\033[0m"
...@@ -740,8 +740,9 @@ $(function() { ...@@ -740,8 +740,9 @@ $(function() {
// 确定上传文件名 // 确定上传文件名
if (!remotePath) { if (!remotePath) {
filename = window.prompt('请输入文件名: ', minder.getMinderTitle()); filename = window.prompt('请输入文件名: ', minder.getMinderTitle().replace(/[\/\\\:\?\|\<\>\"\'\*]/g, ''));
if (!filename) return; if (!filename) return;
filename = filename.replace(/[\/\\\:\?\|\<\>\"\'\*]/g, '');
uploadPath = generateRemotePath(filename); uploadPath = generateRemotePath(filename);
} else { } else {
uploadPath = remotePath; uploadPath = remotePath;
...@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ KM.registerToolbarUI('markers help preference resource', function(name) { ...@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ KM.registerToolbarUI('markers help preference resource', function(name) {
} }
KM.setWidgetBody(name, $dialog, me); KM.setWidgetBody(name, $dialog, me);
}).attachTo($btn); }).attachTo($btn);
if (name == 'help') {
$dialog.kmui().on('beforeshow', function() {
}).on('beforehide', function() {
}); });
me.on('interactchange', function() { me.on('interactchange', function() {
...@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
} }
this._connectContainer.addShape(connection); this._connectContainer.addShape(connection);
}, },
removeConnect: function(node) { removeConnect: function(node) {
...@@ -72,10 +73,10 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Connect', { ...@@ -72,10 +73,10 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Connect', {
'nodeattach': function(e) { 'nodeattach': function(e) {
this.createConnect(e.node); this.createConnect(e.node);
}, },
'noderemove': function(e) { 'nodedetach': function(e) {
this.removeConnect(e.node); this.removeConnect(e.node);
}, },
'layoutapply noderender': function(e) { 'layoutapply layoutfinish noderender': function(e) {
this.updateConnect(e.node); this.updateConnect(e.node);
} }
} }
...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var KityMinder = window.KM = window.KityMinder = function() { ...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var KityMinder = window.KM = window.KityMinder = function() {
instanceId = 0, instanceId = 0,
uuidMap = {}; uuidMap = {};
return { return {
version: '1.2.0', version: '1.2.1',
uuid: function(name) { uuid: function(name) {
name = name || 'unknown'; name = name || 'unknown';
uuidMap[name] = uuidMap[name] || 0; uuidMap[name] = uuidMap[name] || 0;
...@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
}, },
refresh: function(duration) { refresh: function(duration) {
this.getRoot().preTraverse(function(node) { node.render(); }); this.getRoot().renderTree();
this.layout(duration).fire('contentchange').fire('interactchange'); this.layout(duration).fire('contentchange').fire('interactchange');
return this; return this;
}, },
...@@ -200,6 +200,14 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -200,6 +200,14 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
applyLayoutResult: function(root, duration) { applyLayoutResult: function(root, duration) {
root = root || this.getRoot(); root = root || this.getRoot();
var me = this; var me = this;
var complex = root.getComplex();
function consume() {
if (!--complex)'layoutallfinish');
// 节点复杂度大于 100,关闭动画
if (complex > 300) duration = 0;
function applyMatrix(node, matrix) { function applyMatrix(node, matrix) {
node.getRenderContainer().setMatrix(node._lastLayoutTransform = matrix); node.getRenderContainer().setMatrix(node._lastLayoutTransform = matrix);
...@@ -219,39 +227,38 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -219,39 +227,38 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
matrix.m.e = Math.round(matrix.m.e); matrix.m.e = Math.round(matrix.m.e);
matrix.m.f = Math.round(matrix.m.f); matrix.m.f = Math.round(matrix.m.f);
if (!matrix.equals(lastMatrix) || true) {
// 如果当前有动画,停止动画
// 如果当前有动画,停止动画 if (node._layoutTimeline) {
if (node._layoutTimeline) { node._layoutTimeline.stop();
node._layoutTimeline.stop(); node._layoutTimeline = null;
delete node._layoutTimeline; }
// 如果要求以动画形式来更新,创建动画
// 如果要求以动画形式来更新,创建动画 if (duration) {
if (duration > 0) { node._layoutTimeline = new kity.Animator(lastMatrix, matrix, applyMatrix)
node._layoutTimeline = new kity.Animator(lastMatrix, matrix, applyMatrix) .start(node, duration + 300, 'ease')
.start(node, duration, 'ease') .on('finish', function() {
.on('finish', function() { //可能性能低的时候会丢帧,手动添加一帧
// 可能性能低的时候会丢帧 kity.Timeline.requestFrame(function() {
clearTimeout(node._lastFixTimeout); applyMatrix(node, matrix);
node._lastFixTimeout = setTimeout(function() {'layoutfinish', {
applyMatrix(node, matrix); node: node,'layoutfinish', { matrix: matrix
node: node,
matrix: matrix
}); });
}); });
// 否则直接更新
else {
applyMatrix(node, matrix);'layoutfinish', {
node: node,
matrix: matrix
}); });
} }
// 否则直接更新
else {
applyMatrix(node, matrix);'layoutfinish', {
node: node,
matrix: matrix
} }
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
...@@ -175,21 +175,30 @@ var Minder = KityMinder.Minder = kity.createClass('KityMinder', { ...@@ -175,21 +175,30 @@ var Minder = KityMinder.Minder = kity.createClass('KityMinder', {
this._status = 'normal'; this._status = 'normal';
this._rollbackStatus = 'normal'; this._rollbackStatus = 'normal';
}, },
setStatus: function(status) { setStatus: (function() {
if (status) { var sf = ~window.location.href.indexOf('status');'statuschange',{ var tf = ~window.location.href.indexOf('trace');
currentStatus:status return function(status) {
}); if (status != this._status) {
this._rollbackStatus = this._status; this._rollbackStatus = this._status;
this._status = status; this._status = status;
} else {'statuschange', {
this._status = ''; lastStatus: this._rollbackStatus,
} currentStatus: this._status
return this; });
}, if (sf) {
console.log(window.event.type, this._rollbackStatus, '->', this._status);
if (tf) {
return this;
rollbackStatus: function() { rollbackStatus: function() {
this._status = this._rollbackStatus; this.setStatus(this._rollbackStatus);
}, },
getStatus: function() { getStatus: function() {
return this._status; return this._status;
...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
this._commands = {}; this._commands = {};
this._query = {}; this._query = {};
this._modules = {}; this._modules = {};
this._renderers = {}; this._rendererClasses = {};
var i, name, type, module, moduleDeals, var i, name, type, module, moduleDeals,
dealCommands, dealEvents, dealRenderers; dealCommands, dealEvents, dealRenderers;
...@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
if (dealRenderers) { if (dealRenderers) {
for (type in dealRenderers) { for (type in dealRenderers) {
this._renderers[type] = this._renderers[type] || []; this._rendererClasses[type] = this._rendererClasses[type] || [];
if (Utils.isArray(dealRenderers[type])) { if (Utils.isArray(dealRenderers[type])) {
this._renderers[type] = this._renderers[type].concat(dealRenderers[type]); this._rendererClasses[type] = this._rendererClasses[type].concat(dealRenderers[type]);
} else { } else {
this._renderers[type].push(dealRenderers[type]); this._rendererClasses[type].push(dealRenderers[type]);
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -11,47 +11,46 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, { ...@@ -11,47 +11,46 @@ kity.extendClass(Minder, {
createNode: function(unknown, parent, index) { createNode: function(unknown, parent, index) {
var node = new MinderNode(unknown); var node = new MinderNode(unknown);'nodecreate', {'nodecreate', { node: node });
node: node
this.appendNode(node,parent, index); this.appendNode(node,parent, index);
return node; return node;
}, },
appendNode: function(node, parent, index) { appendNode: function(node, parent, index) {
if (parent) parent.insertChild(node, index); if (parent) parent.insertChild(node, index);
this.handelNodeCreate(node); this.attachNode(node);'nodeattach', {
node: node
return this; return this;
}, },
removeNode: function(node) { removeNode: function(node) {
if (node.parent) { if (node.parent) {
node.parent.removeChild(node); node.parent.removeChild(node);
this.handelNodeRemove(node); this.detachNode(node);'noderemove', {'noderemove', { node: node });
node: node
} }
}, },
handelNodeCreate: function(node) { attachNode: function(node) {
var rc = this._rc; var rc = this._rc;
node.traverse(function(current) { node.traverse(function(current) {
current.attached = true; current.attached = true;
rc.addShape(current.getRenderContainer()); rc.addShape(current.getRenderContainer());
}); });
rc.addShape(node.getRenderContainer()); rc.addShape(node.getRenderContainer());'nodeattach', {
node: node
}, },
handelNodeRemove: function(node) { detachNode: function(node) {
var rc = this._rc; var rc = this._rc;
node.traverse(function(current) { node.traverse(function(current) {
current.attached = false; current.attached = false;
rc.removeShape(current.getRenderContainer()); rc.removeShape(current.getRenderContainer());
}); });'nodedetach', {
node: node
}, },
getMinderTitle: function() { getMinderTitle: function() {
...@@ -24,88 +24,173 @@ var Renderer = KityMinder.Renderer = kity.createClass('Renderer', { ...@@ -24,88 +24,173 @@ var Renderer = KityMinder.Renderer = kity.createClass('Renderer', {
} }
}); });
kity.extendClass(Minder, { kity.extendClass(Minder, (function() {
_createRendererForNode: function(node) { function createRendererForNode(node, registered) {
var registered = this._renderers;
var renderers = []; var renderers = [];
['center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'outline', 'outside'].forEach(function(section) { ['center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'outline', 'outside'].forEach(function(section) {
if (registered['before' + section]) { var before = 'before' + section;
renderers = renderers.concat(registered['before' + section]); var after = 'after' + section;
if (registered[before]) {
renderers = renderers.concat(registered[before]);
} }
if (registered[section]) { if (registered[section]) {
renderers = renderers.concat(registered[section]); renderers = renderers.concat(registered[section]);
} }
if (registered['after' + section]) { if (registered[after]) {
renderers = renderers.concat(registered['after' + section]); renderers = renderers.concat(registered[after]);
} }
}); });
node._renderers = { node._renderers = {
return new Renderer(node); return new Renderer(node);
}); });
}, }
renderNode: function(node) {
var rendererClasses = this._renderers; return {
var g = KityMinder.Geometry;
var i, latestBox, renderer;
if (!node._renderers) { renderNodeBatch: function(nodes) {
this._createRendererForNode(node); var rendererClasses = this._rendererClasses;
} var lastBoxes = [];
var rendererCount = 0;
var i, j, renderer, node;'beforerender', {node: node}); if (!nodes.length) return;
node._contentBox = g.wrapBox({ for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
left: 0, node = nodes[j];
right: 0, if (!node._renderers) {
top: 0, createRendererForNode(node, rendererClasses);
bottom: 0 }
}); node._contentBox = new kity.Box();'beforerender', {
node: node
node._renderers.forEach(function(renderer) { // 所有节点渲染器数量是一致的
rendererCount = nodes[0]._renderers.length;
// 判断当前上下文是否应该渲染 for (i = 0; i < rendererCount; i++) {
if (renderer.shouldRender(node)) {
// 应该渲染,但是渲染图形没创建过,需要创建 // 获取延迟盒子数据
if (!renderer.getRenderShape()) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
renderer.setRenderShape(renderer.create(node)); if (typeof(lastBoxes[j]) == 'function') {
if (renderer.bringToBack) { lastBoxes[j] = lastBoxes[j]();
node.getRenderContainer().prependShape(renderer.getRenderShape()); }
} else { if (!(lastBoxes[j] instanceof kity.Box)) {
node.getRenderContainer().appendShape(renderer.getRenderShape()); lastBoxes[j] = new kity.Box(lastBoxes[j]);
} }
} }
// 强制让渲染图形显示 for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
renderer.getRenderShape().setVisible(true); node = nodes[j];
renderer = node._renderers[i];
// 更新渲染图形 // 合并盒子
latestBox = renderer.update(renderer.getRenderShape(), node, node._contentBox); if (lastBoxes[j]) {
node._contentBox = node._contentBox.merge(lastBoxes[j]);
// 判断当前上下文是否应该渲染
if (renderer.shouldRender(node)) {
// 应该渲染,但是渲染图形没创建过,需要创建
if (!renderer.getRenderShape()) {
if (renderer.bringToBack) {
} else {
// 强制让渲染图形显示
// 更新渲染图形
lastBoxes[j] = renderer.update(renderer.getRenderShape(), node, node._contentBox);
// 合并渲染区域 // 如果不应该渲染,但是渲染图形创建过了,需要隐藏起来
if (latestBox) { else if (renderer.getRenderShape()) {
node._contentBox = g.mergeBox(node._contentBox, latestBox); renderer.getRenderShape().setVisible(false);
lastBoxes[j] = null;
} }
} }
// 如果不应该渲染,但是渲染图形创建过了,需要隐藏起来 for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
else if (renderer.getRenderShape()) {'noderender', {
renderer.getRenderShape().setVisible(false); node: nodes[j]
} }
}); renderNode: function(node) {
var rendererClasses = this._rendererClasses;
var g = KityMinder.Geometry;
var i, latestBox, renderer;'noderender', { if (!node._renderers) {
node: node createRendererForNode(node, rendererClasses);
}); }
});'beforerender', {
node: node
node._contentBox = g.wrapBox({
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0
node._renderers.forEach(function(renderer) {
// 判断当前上下文是否应该渲染
if (renderer.shouldRender(node)) {
// 应该渲染,但是渲染图形没创建过,需要创建
if (!renderer.getRenderShape()) {
if (renderer.bringToBack) {
} else {
// 强制让渲染图形显示
// 更新渲染图形
latestBox = renderer.update(renderer.getRenderShape(), node, node._contentBox);
if (typeof(latestBox) == 'function') latestBox = latestBox();
// 合并渲染区域
if (latestBox) {
node._contentBox = g.mergeBox(node._contentBox, latestBox);
// 如果不应该渲染,但是渲染图形创建过了,需要隐藏起来
else if (renderer.getRenderShape()) {
});'noderender', {
node: node
kity.extendClass(MinderNode, { kity.extendClass(MinderNode, {
render: function() { render: function() {
...@@ -113,6 +198,15 @@ kity.extendClass(MinderNode, { ...@@ -113,6 +198,15 @@ kity.extendClass(MinderNode, {
this.getMinder().renderNode(this); this.getMinder().renderNode(this);
return this; return this;
}, },
renderTree: function() {
if (!this.attached) return;
var list = [];
this.traverse(function(node) {
return this;
getRenderer: function(type) { getRenderer: function(type) {
var rs = this._renderers; var rs = this._renderers;
for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) {
...@@ -122,6 +216,6 @@ kity.extendClass(MinderNode, { ...@@ -122,6 +216,6 @@ kity.extendClass(MinderNode, {
}, },
getContentBox: function() { getContentBox: function() {
//if (!this._contentBox) this.render(); //if (!this._contentBox) this.render();
return this.parent && this.parent.isCollapsed() ? new kity.Box() : this._contentBox; return this.parent && this.parent.isCollapsed() ? new kity.Box() : (this._contentBox || new kity.Box());
} }
}); });
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('TemplateModule', { ...@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('TemplateModule', {
execute: function(minder, name) { execute: function(minder, name) {
minder.useTemplate(name); minder.useTemplate(name);
}, },
queryValue: function(minder) { queryValue: function(minder) {
...@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', { ...@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', {
if (!this._dragMode) { if (!this._dragMode) {
return; return;
} }
if (this._dropSucceedTarget) { if (this._dropSucceedTarget) {
this._dragSources.forEach(function(source) { this._dragSources.forEach(function(source) {
...@@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', { ...@@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', {
this._calcDropTargets(); this._calcDropTargets();
this._calcOrderHints(); this._calcOrderHints();
this._dragMode = true; this._dragMode = true;
return true; return true;
}, },
...@@ -191,8 +195,16 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', { ...@@ -191,8 +195,16 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', {
}, },
_fadeDragSources: function(opacity) { _fadeDragSources: function(opacity) {
var minder = this._minder;
this._dragSources.forEach(function(source) { this._dragSources.forEach(function(source) {
source.getRenderContainer().fxOpacity(opacity, 200); source.getRenderContainer().fxOpacity(opacity, 200);
source.traverse(function(node) {
if (opacity < 1) {
} else {
}, true);
}); });
}, },
...@@ -250,12 +262,12 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', { ...@@ -250,12 +262,12 @@ var TreeDragger = kity.createClass('TreeDragger', {
}, },
_leaveDragMode: function() { _leaveDragMode: function() {
this._dragMode = false; this._dragMode = false;
this._dropSucceedTarget = null; this._dropSucceedTarget = null;
this._orderSucceedHint = null; this._orderSucceedHint = null;
this._renderDropHint(null); this._renderDropHint(null);
this._renderOrderHint(null); this._renderOrderHint(null);
}, },
_drawForDragMode: function() { _drawForDragMode: function() {
...@@ -337,6 +349,9 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('DragTree', function() { ...@@ -337,6 +349,9 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('DragTree', function() {
return { return {
init: function() { init: function() {
dragger = new TreeDragger(this); dragger = new TreeDragger(this);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
}, },
events: { events: {
'normal.mousedown inputready.mousedown': function(e) { 'normal.mousedown inputready.mousedown': function(e) {
...@@ -346,12 +361,13 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('DragTree', function() { ...@@ -346,12 +361,13 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('DragTree', function() {
dragger.dragStart(e.getPosition(this.getRenderContainer())); dragger.dragStart(e.getPosition(this.getRenderContainer()));
} }
}, },
'normal.mousemove': function(e) { 'normal.mousemove dragtree.mousemove': function(e) {
dragger.dragMove(e.getPosition(this.getRenderContainer())); dragger.dragMove(e.getPosition(this.getRenderContainer()));
}, },
'normal.mouseup': function(e) { 'normal.mouseup dragtree.beforemouseup': function(e) {
dragger.dragEnd(e.getPosition(this.getRenderContainer())); dragger.dragEnd();
e.stopPropagation(); //e.stopPropagation();
}, },
'statuschange': function(e) { 'statuschange': function(e) {
...@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Minder.Receiver = kity.createClass('Receiver', { ...@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Minder.Receiver = kity.createClass('Receiver', {
case keymap.Alt: case keymap.Alt:
case keymap.Cmd: case keymap.Cmd:
case keymap.F2: case keymap.F2:
if(this.selection.isHide() && != 'inputready'){ if(this.selection.isHide() && != 'textedit'){'normal');'normal');
return; return;
} }
...@@ -72,10 +72,8 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Expand', function() { ...@@ -72,10 +72,8 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Expand', function() {
function setExpandState(node, state, policy) { function setExpandState(node, state, policy) {
policy = policy || EXPAND_POLICY.KEEP_STATE; policy = policy || EXPAND_POLICY.KEEP_STATE;
policy(node, state, policy); policy(node, state, policy);
node.traverse(function(node) { node.renderTree();
node.render(); node.getMinder().layout(100);
} }
// 将展开的操作和状态读取接口拓展到 MinderNode 上 // 将展开的操作和状态读取接口拓展到 MinderNode 上
...@@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Expand', function() { ...@@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Expand', function() {
var pathData = ['M', 1.5 - this.radius, 0, 'L', this.radius - 1.5, 0]; var pathData = ['M', 1.5 - this.radius, 0, 'L', this.radius - 1.5, 0];
if (state == STATE_COLLAPSE) { if (state == STATE_COLLAPSE) {
pathData.push(['M', 0, 1.5 - this.radius, 'L', 0, this.radius - 1.5]); pathData.push(['M', 0, 1.5 - this.radius, 'L', 0, this.radius - 1.5]);
} }
this.sign.setPathData(pathData); this.sign.setPathData(pathData);
} }
}); });
...@@ -226,13 +224,17 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Expand', function() { ...@@ -226,13 +224,17 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Expand', function() {
'beforerender': function(e) { 'beforerender': function(e) {
var node = e.node; var node = e.node;
var visible = !node.parent || node.parent.isExpanded(); var visible = !node.parent || node.parent.isExpanded();
var minder = this;
node.getRenderContainer().setVisible(visible); node.getRenderContainer().setVisible(visible);
if (!visible) e.stopPropagation(); if (!visible) e.stopPropagation();
}, },
'normal.keydown': function(e) { 'normal.keydown': function(e) {
if (this.getStatus() == 'textedit') return; if (this.getStatus() == 'textedit') return;
if (e.originEvent.keyCode == keymap['/']) { if (e.originEvent.keyCode == keymap['/']) {
var expanded = this.getSelectedNode().isExpanded(); var node = this.getSelectedNode();
if (!node || node == this.getRoot()) return;
var expanded = node.isExpanded();
this.getSelectedNodes().forEach(function(node) { this.getSelectedNodes().forEach(function(node) {
if (expanded) node.collapse(); if (expanded) node.collapse();
else node.expand(); else node.expand();
...@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("HistoryModule", function() { ...@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("HistoryModule", function() {
if (child.isSelected()) { if (child.isSelected()) {
selectedNodes.push(child); selectedNodes.push(child);
} }
km.appendNode(child,parent); km.appendNode(child, parent);
child._lastLayoutTransform = parent._lastLayoutTransform;
child.render(); child.render();
var children = utils.cloneArr(child.children); var children = utils.cloneArr(child.children);
...@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("HistoryModule", function() { ...@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("HistoryModule", function() {
} }
traverseNode(km.getRoot(), target); traverseNode(km.getRoot(), target);
km.layout(); km.layout(200);,true);,true);
KityMinder.registerModule("KeyboardModule", function() { KityMinder.registerModule('KeyboardModule', function() {
var min = Math.min, var min = Math.min,
max = Math.max, max = Math.max,
abs = Math.abs, abs = Math.abs,
...@@ -127,11 +127,20 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("KeyboardModule", function() { ...@@ -127,11 +127,20 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("KeyboardModule", function() {, true);, true);
} }
} }
var lastFrame;
return { return {
'events': { 'events': {
'contentchange layoutfinish': function() { 'layoutallfinish': function() {
buildPositionNetwork(this.getRoot()); var root = this.getRoot();
function build() {
lastFrame = kity.Timeline.requestFrame(build);
'inputready.beforekeydown': function(e) {
var keyEvent = e.originEvent;
if (keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode == KityMinder.keymap.Tab) e.preventDefault();
}, },
'normal.keydown': function(e) { 'normal.keydown': function(e) {
...@@ -143,7 +152,10 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("KeyboardModule", function() { ...@@ -143,7 +152,10 @@ KityMinder.registerModule("KeyboardModule", function() {
var keyEvent = e.originEvent; var keyEvent = e.originEvent;
if (keyEvent.altKey || keyEvent.ctrlKey || keyEvent.metaKey || keyEvent.shiftKey) return; if (keyEvent.altKey || keyEvent.ctrlKey || keyEvent.metaKey || keyEvent.shiftKey) {
if ([keys.Tab].indexOf(keyEvent.keyCode)) e.preventDefault;
switch (keyEvent.keyCode) { switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
case keys.Enter: case keys.Enter:
...@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ var TextRenderer = KityMinder.TextRenderer = kity.createClass('TextRenderer', { ...@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ var TextRenderer = KityMinder.TextRenderer = kity.createClass('TextRenderer', {
create: function() { create: function() {
return new kity.Text() return new kity.Text()
.setId(KityMinder.uuid('node_text')) .setId(KityMinder.uuid('node_text'))
.setVerticalAlign('middle'); .setVerticalAlign('middle')
.setAttr('text-rendering', 'inherit');
}, },
update: function(text, node) { update: function(text, node) {
...@@ -16,7 +17,9 @@ var TextRenderer = KityMinder.TextRenderer = kity.createClass('TextRenderer', { ...@@ -16,7 +17,9 @@ var TextRenderer = KityMinder.TextRenderer = kity.createClass('TextRenderer', {
if ( { if ( {
box.y += 1; box.y += 1;
} }
return new kity.Box(r(box.x), r(box.y), r(box.width), r(box.height)); return function() {
return new kity.Box(r(box.x), r(box.y), r(box.width), r(box.height));
}, },
setTextStyle: function(node, text) { setTextStyle: function(node, text) {
...@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ var ViewDragger = kity.createClass("ViewDragger", { ...@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ var ViewDragger = kity.createClass("ViewDragger", {
move: function(offset, duration) { move: function(offset, duration) {
if (!duration) { if (!duration) {
this._minder.getRenderContainer().translate(offset.x | 0, offset.y | 0); this._minder.getRenderContainer().translate(offset.x | 0, offset.y | 0);
} } else {
else {
this._minder.getRenderContainer().fxTranslate(offset.x | 0, offset.y | 0, duration, 'easeOutCubic'); this._minder.getRenderContainer().fxTranslate(offset.x | 0, offset.y | 0, duration, 'easeOutCubic');
} }
}, },
...@@ -28,23 +27,40 @@ var ViewDragger = kity.createClass("ViewDragger", { ...@@ -28,23 +27,40 @@ var ViewDragger = kity.createClass("ViewDragger", {
lastPosition = null, lastPosition = null,
currentPosition = null; currentPosition = null;
this._minder.on('normal.mousedown normal.touchstart readonly.mousedown readonly.touchstart', function(e) { function dragEnd(e) {
lastPosition = null;
if (e.originEvent.button == 2) { e.stopPropagation();
e.originEvent.preventDefault(); // 阻止中键拉动
} // 临时拖动需要还原状态
// 点击未选中的根节点临时开启 if (isTempDrag) {
if (e.getTargetNode() == this.getRoot() || e.originEvent.button == 2) { dragger.setEnabled(false);
lastPosition = e.getPosition(); isTempDrag = false;
isTempDrag = true; if (dragger._minder.getStatus() == 'hand')
} }
}) }
.on('normal.mousemove normal.touchmove readonly.touchmove readonly.mousemove', function(e) { this._minder.on('normal.mousedown normal.touchstart ' +
if (!isTempDrag) return; 'inputready.mousedown inputready.touchstart ' +
var offset = kity.Vector.fromPoints(lastPosition, e.getPosition()); 'readonly.mousedown readonly.touchstart', function(e) {
if (offset.length() > 3) this.setStatus('hand'); if (e.originEvent.button == 2) {
}) e.originEvent.preventDefault(); // 阻止中键拉动
// 点击未选中的根节点临时开启
if (e.getTargetNode() == this.getRoot() || e.originEvent.button == 2) {
lastPosition = e.getPosition();
isTempDrag = true;
.on('normal.mousemove normal.touchmove ' +
'readonly.touchmove readonly.mousemove ' +
'inputready.mousemove inputready.touchmove', function(e) {
if (!isTempDrag) return;
var offset = kity.Vector.fromPoints(lastPosition, e.getPosition());
if (offset.length() > 3) this.setStatus('hand');
.on('hand.beforemousedown hand.beforetouchstart', function(e) { .on('hand.beforemousedown hand.beforetouchstart', function(e) {
// 已经被用户打开拖放模式 // 已经被用户打开拖放模式
...@@ -68,16 +84,9 @@ var ViewDragger = kity.createClass("ViewDragger", { ...@@ -68,16 +84,9 @@ var ViewDragger = kity.createClass("ViewDragger", {
} }
}) })
.on('mouseup touchend', function(e) { .on('mouseup touchend', dragEnd);
lastPosition = null;
// 临时拖动需要还原状态 window.addEventListener('mouseup', dragEnd);
if (isTempDrag) {
isTempDrag = false;
} }
}); });
...@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() { ...@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() {
me.setDefaultOptions('zoom', [10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200]); me.setDefaultOptions('zoom', [10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200]);
function setTextRendering() {
var value = me._zoomValue >= 100 ? 'optimize-speed' : 'geometricPrecision';
me.getRenderContainer().setAttr('text-rendering', value);
function fixPaperCTM(paper) { function fixPaperCTM(paper) {
var node = paper.shapeNode; var node = paper.shapeNode;
var ctm = node.getCTM(); var ctm = node.getCTM();
...@@ -23,6 +28,9 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() { ...@@ -23,6 +28,9 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() {
}; };
paper.setViewPort(viewport); paper.setViewPort(viewport);
if (value == 100) fixPaperCTM(paper); if (value == 100) fixPaperCTM(paper);
getZoomValue: function() {
return this._zoomValue;
} }
}); });
...@@ -32,6 +40,12 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() { ...@@ -32,6 +40,12 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() {
if (!value) return; if (!value) return;
if (minder.getRoot().getComplex() > 200) {
minder._zoomValue = value;
return minder.zoom(value);
var animator = new kity.Animator({ var animator = new kity.Animator({
beginValue: minder._zoomValue, beginValue: minder._zoomValue,
finishValue: value, finishValue: value,
...@@ -43,7 +57,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() { ...@@ -43,7 +57,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() {
if (timeline) { if (timeline) {
timeline.pause(); timeline.pause();
} }
timeline = animator.start(minder, 300, 'easeInOutSine'); timeline = animator.start(minder, 300, 'easeInOutSine', function() {});
} }
var ZoomCommand = kity.createClass('Zoom', { var ZoomCommand = kity.createClass('Zoom', {
...@@ -95,6 +109,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() { ...@@ -95,6 +109,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule('Zoom', function() {
return { return {
init: function() { init: function() {
this._zoomValue = 100; this._zoomValue = 100;
}, },
commands: { commands: {
'zoom-in': ZoomInCommand, 'zoom-in': ZoomInCommand,
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