Commit 349310b0 authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode


parent 755c98f5
......@@ -63,6 +63,28 @@
"uri": "/hdtool/recon/ajaxElement"
"script": "./scripts/api/SampleApi",
"properties": {
"method": "GET",
"name": "rankInfo",
"onError": [
"entity": "entity|20181212032053",
"component": null,
"method": null
"onResponse": [
"entity": "entity|20181212032053",
"component": 2,
"method": "onResponse_rankInfo"
"uri": "/customActivity/sjf/activity/rankInfo"
"children": [
......@@ -688,11 +710,27 @@
"myname": "entity|61fc871c-9f18-499e-abb5-2dfe8b381223",
"myscore": "entity|d30c7a2a-e95a-42e4-a288-ebe7022e1f3e",
"myrank": "entity|3ed68a8c-bbcc-4a85-a9da-5f44eff0d08e"
"disabled": false
"script": "./scripts/api/SampleApi",
"properties": {
"method": "GET",
"name": "rankInfo",
"onResponse": [
"entity": "entity|5f2a7508-4728-430b-b306-06f719ea81e3",
"component": 1,
"method": "onResponse"
"uri": "/customActivity/sjf/activity/rankInfo"
"uuid": "5f2a7508-4728-430b-b306-06f719ea81e3",
"disabled": false,
"disabled": true,
"children": [
"name": "cankao",
......@@ -27,10 +27,26 @@ export default class MainController extends ScillaComponent {
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'ajaxElement', { duibaId: this.hdToolId, activityId: this.actId })
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'rankInfo', {
weddingId: window['CFG']._weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG']._activityId
onResponse_rankInfo(data) {
// console.log(data);
if (data.openPrize) {
if (true)
this.showDialog('Prize', data);
this.showDialog('Alert', '您与奖品擦肩而过~')
onGotAjaxElement() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
onGotAjaxElementError(e) {
......@@ -4,15 +4,42 @@ import { createTexture, EngineConfig, Entity, Texture } from "scilla/src";
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
import { TextureRenderer } from "scilla-components/src";
import { setScale } from "../transformUtils";
import { setScale, setText } from "../transformUtils";
export default class SceneResult extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
onAwake() {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar1, '//', 78);
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar2, '//', 64);
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar3, '//', 64);
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'rankInfo', {
weddingId: window['CFG']._weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG']._activityId
onResponse(data) {
setText(this.myname, 'honingwon');
setText(this.myrank, data.rank + '');
setText(this.myscore, '123456');
this.loadAvatar(this.myavatar, '//', 78);
const [rankinfo1, rankinfo2, rankinfo3, ...last] = data.list;
console.log(rankinfo1, rankinfo2, rankinfo3, last);
if (rankinfo1) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar1, rankinfo1.avatar, 78);
setText(this.name1, rankinfo1.nickName);
setText(this.score1, rankinfo1.score);
if (rankinfo2) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar2, rankinfo2.avatar, 64);
setText(this.name2, rankinfo2.nickName);
setText(this.score2, rankinfo2.score);
if (rankinfo3) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar3, rankinfo3.avatar, 64);
setText(this.name3, rankinfo3.nickName);
setText(this.score3, rankinfo3.score);
onTapCloseButton() {
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorVie
initGameStage() {
// // this.updateCountText();
// this.bubbling('showToast', '活动还未开始\n敬请期待')
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export const setScale = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent, sacle) => {
export const setText = (entity: Entity, text: string) => {
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text;
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text + '';
export const getScale = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent) => {
......@@ -6934,6 +6934,9 @@
val.entity.getComponent(Transform).scale.y = sacle;
var setText$1 = function (entity, text) {
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text + '';
var setY = function (entity, y) {
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.y = y;
......@@ -7346,6 +7349,7 @@;
SceneStart.prototype.initGameStage = function () {
SceneStart.prototype.onClick_startbtn = function () {
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = false;
......@@ -7522,10 +7526,33 @@
SceneResult.prototype.onAwake = function () {;
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar1, '//', 78);
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar2, '//', 64);
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar3, '//', 64);
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'rankInfo', {
weddingId: window['CFG']._weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG']._activityId
SceneResult.prototype.onResponse = function (data) {
setText$1(this.myname, 'honingwon');
setText$1(this.myrank, data.rank + '');
setText$1(this.myscore, '123456');
this.loadAvatar(this.myavatar, '//', 78);
var _a = __read(data.list), rankinfo1 = _a[0], rankinfo2 = _a[1], rankinfo3 = _a[2], last = _a.slice(3);
console.log(rankinfo1, rankinfo2, rankinfo3, last);
if (rankinfo1) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar1, rankinfo1.avatar, 78);
setText$1(this.name1, rankinfo1.nickName);
setText$1(this.score1, rankinfo1.score);
if (rankinfo2) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar2, rankinfo2.avatar, 64);
setText$1(this.name2, rankinfo2.nickName);
setText$1(this.score2, rankinfo2.score);
if (rankinfo3) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar3, rankinfo3.avatar, 64);
setText$1(this.name3, rankinfo3.nickName);
setText$1(this.score3, rankinfo3.score);
SceneResult.prototype.onTapCloseButton = function () {
this.bubbling('fuck', 'start');
......@@ -8464,9 +8491,21 @@
this._popup = this.Popup.getComponent(Popup);
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'ajaxElement', { duibaId: this.hdToolId, activityId: this.actId });
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'rankInfo', {
weddingId: window['CFG']._weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG']._activityId
MainController.prototype.onResponse_rankInfo = function (data) {
if (data.openPrize) {
this.showDialog('Prize', data);
MainController.prototype.onGotAjaxElement = function () {
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
MainController.prototype.onGotAjaxElementError = function (e) {
This diff is collapsed.
"success": true,
"code": null,
"desc": null,
"timestamp": 1561377481101,
"data": {
"openPrize": false,
"rank": "3",
"list": [
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName1",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 100,
"rank": "1"
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName2",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 50,
"rank": "2"
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName3",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 20,
"rank": "3"
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName4",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 204,
"rank": "4"
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName5",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 205,
"rank": "5"
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName6",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 206,
"rank": "6"
"weiXinUid": "weiXinUid",
"nickName": "nickName_last",
"avatar": "//",
"score": 9999,
"rank": "999"
\ No newline at end of file
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