Commit a9fc06a9 authored by yihua.huang's avatar yihua.huang

release note

parent e7bf425d
Release Notes
*2012-9-4* `version:0.3.0`
* Change default XPath selector from HtmlCleaner to [Xsoup](
[Xsoup]( is an XPath selector based on Jsoup written by me. It has much better performance than HtmlCleaner.
Time of processing a page is reduced from 7~9ms to 0.4ms.
If Xsoup is not stable for your usage, just use `Spider.xsoupOff()` to turn off it and report an issue to me!
* Add cycle retry times for Site.
When cycle retry times is set, Spider will put the url which downloading failed back to scheduler, and retry after a cycle of queue.
*2012-8-20* `version:0.2.1`
ComboExtractor support for annotation.
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