Commit 0c359a2b authored by zhuyue's avatar zhuyue Committed by GitHub


parent cbf80af5
......@@ -45,24 +45,14 @@ public class RegexSelector implements Selector {
private boolean hasGroup(String regexStr) {
if (StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(") ==
StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?:") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?:")){
return false;
if (StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(") ==
StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?=") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?=") ) {
return false;
if (StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(") ==
StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?<") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?<") ) {
return false;
if (StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(") ==
StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?!") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?!") ) {
return false;
if (StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(") ==
StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?#") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?#") ) {
int x = StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(");
int a = StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?:") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?:");
int b = StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?=") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?=");
int c = StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?<") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?<");
int d = StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?!") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?!");
int e = StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "(?#") - StringUtils.countMatches(regexStr, "\\(?#");
if (x == (a + b + c + d + e)) {
return false;
return true;
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