Commit 1c170218 authored by Tim Olshansky's avatar Tim Olshansky

Merge pull request #128 from sstafford/issue127

Adding a default branch argument to the updateProject method.
parents 7ad6dd87 ac1cd584
......@@ -750,6 +750,7 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
* @param projectId The id of the project to update
* @param name The name of the project
* @param description A description for the project, null otherwise
* @param defaultBranch The branch displayed in the Gitlab UI when a user navigates to the project
* @param issuesEnabled Whether Issues should be enabled, otherwise null indicates to use GitLab default
* @param wallEnabled Whether The Wall should be enabled, otherwise null indicates to use GitLab default
* @param mergeRequestsEnabled Whether Merge Requests should be enabled, otherwise null indicates to use GitLab default
......@@ -760,10 +761,24 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
* @return the Gitlab Project
* @throws IOException on gitlab api call error
public GitlabProject updateProject(Integer projectId, String name, String description, Boolean issuesEnabled, Boolean wallEnabled, Boolean mergeRequestsEnabled, Boolean wikiEnabled, Boolean snippetsEnabled, Boolean publik, Integer visibilityLevel) throws IOException {
public GitlabProject updateProject(
Integer projectId,
String name,
String description,
String defaultBranch,
Boolean issuesEnabled,
Boolean wallEnabled,
Boolean mergeRequestsEnabled,
Boolean wikiEnabled,
Boolean snippetsEnabled,
Boolean publik,
Integer visibilityLevel)
throws IOException
Query query = new Query()
.appendIf("name", name)
.appendIf("description", description)
.appendIf("default_branch", defaultBranch)
.appendIf("issues_enabled", issuesEnabled)
.appendIf("wall_enabled", wallEnabled)
.appendIf("merge_requests_enabled", mergeRequestsEnabled)
......@@ -875,9 +890,9 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
return dispatch().to(tailUrl, GitlabMergeRequest.class);
* Updates a Merge Request
......@@ -1221,7 +1236,7 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
* <a href="">
* Create Repository Branch Documentation
* </a>
* @param project The gitlab project
* @param branchName The name of the branch to create
* @param ref The branch name or commit SHA to create branch from
......@@ -1852,7 +1867,7 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
public CommitComment createCommitComment(Integer projectId, String sha, String note,
String path, String line, String line_type) throws IOException {
Query query = new Query()
.append("id", projectId.toString())
.appendIf("sha", sha)
......@@ -1861,10 +1876,10 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
.appendIf("line", line)
.appendIf("line_type", line_type);
String tailUrl = GitlabProject.URL + "/" + sanitizeProjectId(projectId) + "/repository/commits/" + sha + CommitComment.URL + query.toString();
return dispatch().to(tailUrl, CommitComment.class);
* Get the comments of a commit
......@@ -1875,9 +1890,9 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
* @see <a href=""></a>
public List<CommitComment> getCommitComments(Integer projectId, String sha) throws IOException {
String tailUrl = GitlabProject.URL + "/" + sanitizeProjectId(projectId) + "/repository/commits/" + sha + CommitComment.URL;
return Arrays.asList(retrieve().to(tailUrl, CommitComment[].class));
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