Commit 8bfb0f55 authored by 吕雯燕's avatar 吕雯燕


parent 4892d48f
......@@ -475,4 +475,5 @@ public class 兑吧新实物_兑换流程测试_ExchangeTest extends CheckTemple
......@@ -42,6 +42,22 @@ public class 自有新实物_兑换流程测试_ExchangeTest extends CheckTemple
return result;
@DataProvider(name = "testdp", parallel = true)
public static Object[][]testdp(){
return new Object[][]{
public void beforeMethod(){
......@@ -378,4 +394,34 @@ public class 自有新实物_兑换流程测试_ExchangeTest extends CheckTemple"校验自有新实物---会员兑换制成功");
//@Test(enabled=true, dataProvider="testdp", threadPoolSize=1, invocationCount=100)
public void test(int uid) throws Exception {
// System.out.println("Current Thread Id: " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ". Dataprovider number: "+ dpNumber);
// Thread.sleep(5000);
String appItemId = "159040";
String itemId = "null";
String message = "";
String skuId="144";
String actualCredits="8";
String credits="100";
Response response = gawService.objectExchange(uid,appItemId,itemId,skuId,credits,actualCredits);
//(enabled=true, dataProvider="testdp", threadPoolSize=1, invocationCount=2)
String orderId = response.jsonPath().getString("data.orderId");
response = tawService.orderStatus(orderId,uid);
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