Commit 52847873 authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode

update readme

parent a988bbd1
......@@ -36,10 +36,39 @@ npm run buildExml
- demo皮肤
- demo线上url
## 备注
## 项目结构介绍
### .vscode
vscode调试配置文件,需要提前安装chrome debugger插件。
### egret
- bin-release 发布文件目录,oss提交根目录
- libs库文件夹
- resource对应egret的resource
- scripts为发布相关脚本
- src源码目录。
- template勿删。
- autoMerger.js生成图集合并的项目配置文件。
- egretProperties.json,egret项目配置
- index.html,入口文件。
- project.json,同以前,后续考虑优化掉。
- publish.js oss发布文件。
- tsconfig.json ,ts配置。
- wingProperties.json,egret wing配置。
### mock
### .buildrc.js
### .npmrc
### build.js
## 说明
### 自动化图集合并说明
## 项目创建和维护流程
......@@ -72,17 +101,4 @@ git branch -D kickball-20180910
git push origin :kickball-20180910
如果不需backup后面要维护,那么留着分支,不必合并到主分支。这样可以避免频繁提交导致的频繁git pull,提升效率。
全发布 :npm run build [项目名称] 。比如npm run build kickball-egret
仅仅发布src下的TS代码:npm run buildTS [项目名称] 。比如npm run buildTS kickball-egret
仅仅发布exmls文件:npm run buildExml [项目名称] 。比如npm run buildExml kickball-egret。
\ No newline at end of file
如果不需backup后面要维护,那么留着分支,不必合并到主分支。这样可以避免频繁提交导致的频繁git pull,提升效率。
\ No newline at end of file
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
type ManifestConfig = {
initial: string[],
game: string[]
export class BricksPlugin implements plugins.Command {
constructor() {
async onFile(file: plugins.File) {
const filename = file.basename;
if (filename == 'manifest.json') {
const contents = file.contents.toString();
const jsonData: ManifestConfig = JSON.parse(contents);
let content = '';
content += `BK.Script.loadlib("GameRes://js/promise.js");\n`;
for (let item of jsonData.initial) {
if (item != 'js/promise.js' && item != 'js/promise.min.js') {
content += `BK.Script.loadlib("GameRes://${item}");\n`
for (let item of {
content += `BK.Script.loadlib("GameRes://${item}");\n`
content += `BK.Script.loadlib("GameRes://egret.bricks.js");\n`
file.path = file.dirname + '/manifest.js'
file.contents = new Buffer(content);
} else if (filename == 'main.js') {
const content = file.contents.toString();
let result = content.replace(/RES\.loadConfig\("resource\/default\.res\.json", "resource\/"\)/gm, 'RES.loadConfig("GameRes://resource/default.res.json", "GameRes://resource/")');
result = result.replace(/eui\.Theme\("resource\/default\.thm\.json", _this\.stage\)/gm, 'eui.Theme("GameRes://resource/default.thm.json", _this.stage)');
result += ";global.Main = Main;";
file.path = file.dirname + '/main.js'
file.contents = new Buffer(result);
} else if (filename == 'promise.js') {
return null;
return file;
async onFinish(pluginContext: plugins.CommandContext) {
//同步index.html 配置到main.js
let mainJSPath = path.join(pluginContext.outputDir, 'main.js');
let mainJSContent = fs.readFileSync(mainJSPath, { encoding: "utf8" });
let projectConfig = pluginContext.buildConfig.projectConfig;
mainJSContent = mainJSContent.replace(/frameRate: 30/gm, `frameRate: ${projectConfig.frameRate}`);
mainJSContent = mainJSContent.replace(/contentWidth: 640/gm, `contentWidth: ${projectConfig.contentWidth}`);
mainJSContent = mainJSContent.replace(/contentHeight: 1136/gm, `contentHeight: ${projectConfig.contentHeight}`);
mainJSContent = mainJSContent.replace(/entryClassName: "Main"/gm, `entryClassName: ${projectConfig.entryClassName}`);
mainJSContent = mainJSContent.replace(/scaleMode: "showAll"/gm, `scaleMode: ${projectConfig.scaleMode}`);
mainJSContent = mainJSContent.replace(/orientation: "auto"/gm, `orientation: ${projectConfig.orientation}`);
fs.writeFileSync(mainJSPath, mainJSContent);
declare var egret;
\ No newline at end of file
/// 阅读 api.d.ts 查看文档
///<reference path="api.d.ts"/>
import * as path from 'path';
import { UglifyPlugin, CompilePlugin, ManifestPlugin, ExmlPlugin, EmitResConfigFilePlugin, TextureMergerPlugin } from 'built-in';
import { BricksPlugin } from './bricks/bricks';
import { CustomPlugin } from './myplugin';
import * as defaultConfig from './config';
const config: ResourceManagerConfig = {
buildConfig: (params) => {
const { target, command, projectName, version } = params;
const outputDir = `../${projectName}_android/assets/game`;
return {
commands: [
// new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "debug", defines: { DEBUG: false, RELEASE: true } }),
new ExmlPlugin('commonjs'), // 非 EUI 项目关闭此设置
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "release", defines: { DEBUG: false, RELEASE: true } }),
new UglifyPlugin([{
sources: ["main.js"],
target: "main.min.js"
new ManifestPlugin({ output: 'manifest.json' })
mergeSelector: defaultConfig.mergeSelector,
typeSelector: defaultConfig.typeSelector
export = config;
/// 阅读 api.d.ts 查看文档
///<reference path="api.d.ts"/>
import * as path from 'path';
import { UglifyPlugin, CompilePlugin, ManifestPlugin, ExmlPlugin, EmitResConfigFilePlugin, TextureMergerPlugin, CleanPlugin } from 'built-in';
import { BricksPlugin } from './bricks/bricks';
import { CustomPlugin } from './myplugin';
import * as defaultConfig from './config';
const config: ResourceManagerConfig = {
buildConfig: (params) => {
const { target, command, projectName, version } = params;
const outputDir = `../${projectName}_bricks/PublicBrickEngineGame/Res`;
if (command == 'build') {
return {
commands: [
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "debug", defines: { DEBUG: true, RELEASE: false } }),
new ExmlPlugin('commonjs'), // 非 EUI 项目关闭此设置
new ManifestPlugin({ output: 'manifest.json' }),
new BricksPlugin()
else if (command == 'publish') {
return {
commands: [
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "debug", defines: { DEBUG: true, RELEASE: false } }),
new ExmlPlugin('commonjs'), // 非 EUI 项目关闭此设置
new ManifestPlugin({ output: 'manifest.json' }),
new UglifyPlugin([{
sources: ["main.js"],
target: "js/main.min.js"
new BricksPlugin(),
} else {
throw `unknown command : ${params.command}`;
mergeSelector: defaultConfig.mergeSelector,
typeSelector: defaultConfig.typeSelector
export = config;
/// 阅读 api.d.ts 查看文档
///<reference path="api.d.ts"/>
import * as path from 'path';
import { UglifyPlugin, CompilePlugin, ManifestPlugin, ExmlPlugin, EmitResConfigFilePlugin, TextureMergerPlugin } from 'built-in';
import { BricksPlugin } from './bricks/bricks';
import { CustomPlugin } from './myplugin';
import * as defaultConfig from './config';
const config: ResourceManagerConfig = {
buildConfig: (params) => {
const { target, command, projectName, version } = params;
const outputDir = `../${projectName}_ios/assets/game`;
return {
commands: [
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "debug", defines: { DEBUG: false, RELEASE: true } }),
new ExmlPlugin('commonjs'), // 非 EUI 项目关闭此设置
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "release", defines: { DEBUG: false, RELEASE: true } }),
new UglifyPlugin([{
sources: ["main.js"],
target: "main.min.js"
new ManifestPlugin({ output: 'manifest.json' })
mergeSelector: defaultConfig.mergeSelector,
typeSelector: defaultConfig.typeSelector
export = config;
/// 阅读 api.d.ts 查看文档
///<reference path="api.d.ts"/>
import * as path from 'path';
import { UglifyPlugin, CompilePlugin, ManifestPlugin, ExmlPlugin, EmitResConfigFilePlugin, TextureMergerPlugin, CleanPlugin } from 'built-in';
import { WxgamePlugin } from './wxgame/wxgame';
import { CustomPlugin } from './myplugin';
import * as defaultConfig from './config';
const config: ResourceManagerConfig = {
buildConfig: (params) => {
const { target, command, projectName, version } = params;
const outputDir = `../${projectName}_wxgame`;
if (command == 'build') {
return {
commands: [
new CleanPlugin({ matchers: ["js", "resource"] }),
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "debug", defines: { DEBUG: true, RELEASE: false } }),
new ExmlPlugin('commonjs'), // 非 EUI 项目关闭此设置
new WxgamePlugin(),
new ManifestPlugin({ output: 'manifest.js' })
else if (command == 'publish') {
return {
commands: [
new CleanPlugin({ matchers: ["js", "resource"] }),
new CompilePlugin({ libraryType: "release", defines: { DEBUG: false, RELEASE: true } }),
new ExmlPlugin('commonjs'), // 非 EUI 项目关闭此设置
new WxgamePlugin(),
new UglifyPlugin([{
sources: ["main.js"],
target: "main.min.js"
new ManifestPlugin({ output: 'manifest.js' })
else {
throw `unknown command : ${params.command}`;
mergeSelector: defaultConfig.mergeSelector,
typeSelector: defaultConfig.typeSelector
export = config;
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
export class WxgamePlugin implements plugins.Command {
constructor() {
async onFile(file: plugins.File) {
if (file.extname == '.js') {
const filename = file.origin;
if (filename == "libs/modules/promise/promise.js" || filename == 'libs/modules/promise/promise.min.js') {
return null;
if (filename == 'libs/modules/egret/egret.js' || filename == 'libs/modules/egret/egret.min.js') {
let content = file.contents.toString();
content += `;window.egret = egret;`;
content = content.replace(/definition = __global/, "definition = window");
file.contents = new Buffer(content);
else {
let content = file.contents.toString();
if (
filename == "libs/modules/res/res.js" ||
filename == 'libs/modules/res/res.min.js' ||
filename == 'libs/modules/assetsmanager/assetsmanager.min.js' ||
filename == 'libs/modules/assetsmanager/assetsmanager.js'
) {
content += ";window.RES = RES;"
if (filename == "libs/modules/eui/eui.js" || filename == 'libs/modules/eui/eui.min.js') {
content += ";window.eui = eui;"
if (filename == 'libs/modules/dragonBones/dragonBones.js' || filename == 'libs/modules/dragonBones/dragonBones.min.js') {
content += ';window.dragonBones = dragonBones';
content = "var egret = window.egret;" + content;
if (filename == 'main.js') {
content += ";window.Main = Main;"
file.contents = new Buffer(content);
return file;
async onFinish(pluginContext: plugins.CommandContext) {
//同步 index.html 配置到 game.js
const gameJSPath = path.join(pluginContext.outputDir, "game.js");
if(!fs.existsSync(gameJSPath)) {
console.log(`${gameJSPath}不存在,请先使用 Launcher 发布微信小游戏`);
let gameJSContent = fs.readFileSync(gameJSPath, { encoding: "utf8" });
const projectConfig = pluginContext.buildConfig.projectConfig;
const optionStr =
`entryClassName: ${projectConfig.entryClassName},\n\t\t` +
`orientation: ${projectConfig.orientation},\n\t\t` +
`frameRate: ${projectConfig.frameRate},\n\t\t` +
`scaleMode: ${projectConfig.scaleMode},\n\t\t` +
`contentWidth: ${projectConfig.contentWidth},\n\t\t` +
`contentHeight: ${projectConfig.contentHeight},\n\t\t` +
`showFPS: ${projectConfig.showFPS},\n\t\t` +
`fpsStyles: ${projectConfig.fpsStyles},\n\t\t` +
`showLog: ${projectConfig.showLog},\n\t\t` +
`maxTouches: ${projectConfig.maxTouches},`;
const reg = /\/\/----auto option start----[\s\S]*\/\/----auto option end----/;
const replaceStr = '\/\/----auto option start----\n\t\t' + optionStr + '\n\t\t\/\/----auto option end----';
gameJSContent = gameJSContent.replace(reg, replaceStr);
fs.writeFileSync(gameJSPath, gameJSContent);
let orientation;
if (projectConfig.orientation == '"landscape"') {
orientation = "landscape";
else {
orientation = "portrait";
const gameJSONPath = path.join(pluginContext.outputDir, "game.json");
let gameJSONContent = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(gameJSONPath, { encoding: "utf8" }));
gameJSONContent.deviceOrientation = orientation;
fs.writeFileSync(gameJSONPath, JSON.stringify(gameJSONContent, null, "\t"));
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