Commit e221b6e4 authored by techird's avatar techird


parent 838632b3
......@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ kity.extendClass( Minder, {
json = exportNode( this.getRoot() );
protocal = KityMinder.findProtocal( protocalName );
if ( protocal ) {
return protocal.encode( json );
return protocal.encode( json, this );
} else {
return json;
......@@ -7082,8 +7082,6 @@ KM.registerToolbarUI( 'saveto', function ( name ) {
$combox = null,
comboboxWidget = null;
var downloadLink = document.createElement( 'a' );
utils.each( KityMinder.getAllRegisteredProtocals(), function ( k ) {
var p = KityMinder.findProtocal( k );
var text = p.fileDescription + '(' + p.fileExtension + ')';
......@@ -7097,85 +7095,26 @@ KM.registerToolbarUI( 'saveto', function ( name ) {
$combox = $.kmuibuttoncombobox( options ).css( 'zIndex', me.getOptions( 'zIndex' ) + 1 );
comboboxWidget = $combox.kmui();
comboboxWidget.on( 'comboboxselect', function ( evt, res ) {
if ( res.value === "png" ) {
var svghtml = $( "#kityminder .kmui-editor-body" ).html();
var bgImg = $( "#kityminder .kmui-editor-body" ).css( "backgroundImage" ).replace( /"/g, "" ).replace( /url\(|\)$/ig, "" );
var renderBox = me.getRenderContainer().getRenderBox( "top" );
var renderContainer = me.getRenderContainer();
var transform = renderContainer.getTransform();
var loop = 0;
var svg = $( svghtml ).attr( {
width: renderBox.width,
height: renderBox.height,
viewBox: null
} );
var div = $( "<div></div>" ).append( svg );
svghtml = div.html();
var canvas = $( '<canvas width="' + ( parseInt( renderBox.width ) + 40 ) + '" height="' + ( parseInt( renderBox.height ) + 40 ) + '"></canvas>' );
var ctx = canvas[ 0 ].getContext( "2d" );
var DOMURL = self.URL || self.webkitURL || self;
var img = new Image();
var svg = new Blob( [ svghtml ], {
type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"
} );
var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL( svg );
img.onload = function () {
var bgTexture = document.createElement( 'img' );
bgTexture.src = bgImg;
bgTexture.onload = function () {
var bgfill = ctx.createPattern( bgTexture, "repeat" );
ctx.fillStyle = bgfill;
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, renderBox.width + 40, renderBox.height + 40 );
ctx.drawImage( img, -renderBox.x + 20, -renderBox.y + 20 );
DOMURL.revokeObjectURL( url );
var type = 'png';
var imgData = canvas[ 0 ].toDataURL( type );
var _fixType = function ( type ) {
type = type.toLowerCase().replace( /jpg/i, 'jpeg' );
var r = type.match( /png|jpeg|bmp|gif/ )[ 0 ];
return 'image/' + r;
imgData = imgData.replace( _fixType( type ), 'image/octet-stream' );
var saveFile = function ( data, filename ) {
var save_link = document.createElementNS( '', 'a' );
save_link.href = data; = filename;
var event = document.createEvent( 'MouseEvents' );
event.initMouseEvent( 'click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null );
save_link.dispatchEvent( event );
function doDownload( url, filename ) {
var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
a.setAttribute( 'download', filename );
a.setAttribute( 'href', url );
a.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( 'click' ) );
// 下载后的文件名
var filename = 'kityminder_' + ( new Date() ).getTime() + '.' + type;
// download
saveFile( imgData, filename );
renderContainer.setTransform( transform );
img.src = url;
return "png";
} else if ( res.value === "svg" ) {
var svghtml = $( "#kityminder .kmui-editor-body" ).html();
var saveFile = function ( data, filename ) {
var save_link = document.createElementNS( '', 'a' );
save_link.href = 'data:image/svg+xml; utf-8,' + encodeURI( svghtml ); = filename;
var event = document.createEvent( 'MouseEvents' );
event.initMouseEvent( 'click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null );
save_link.dispatchEvent( event );
var filename = 'kityminder_' + ( new Date() ).getTime() + '.svg';
saveFile( svg, filename );
return "svg";
comboboxWidget.on( 'comboboxselect', function ( evt, res ) {
var data = me.exportData( res.value );
var p = KityMinder.findProtocal( res.value );
var a = downloadLink;
a.setAttribute( 'download', 'MyMind' + p.fileExtension );
a.setAttribute( 'href', 'data:text/plain; utf-8,' + encodeURI( data ) );
a.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( 'click' ) );
var filename = me.getMinderTitle() + p.fileExtension;
if ( typeof ( data ) == 'string' ) {
var url = 'data:text/plain; utf-8,' + encodeURI( data );
doDownload( url, filename );
} else if ( data && data.then ) {
data.then( function ( url ) {
doDownload( url, filename );
} );
} ).on( "beforeshow", function () {
if ( $combox.parent().length === 0 ) {
$combox.appendTo( me.$container.find( '.kmui-dialog-container' ) );
......@@ -7609,207 +7548,107 @@ KityMinder.registerProtocal( 'json', function () {
} );
KityMinder.registerProtocal( "png", function () {
var LINE_ENDING = '\n',
TAB_CHAR = '\t';
function repeat( s, n ) {
var result = "";
while ( n-- ) result += s;
return result;
function loadImage( url, callback ) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = callback;
image.src = url;
function encode( json, level ) {
var local = "";
level = level || 0;
local += repeat( TAB_CHAR, level );
local += + LINE_ENDING;
if ( json.children ) {
json.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
local += encode( child, level + 1 );
return {
fileDescription: 'PNG 图片',
fileExtension: '.png',
encode: function ( json, km ) {
var domContainer = km.getPaper().container,
bgDeclare = getComputedStyle( domContainer ).backgroundImage,
bgUrl = /url\((.+)\)$/.exec( bgDeclare )[ 1 ],
renderContainer = km.getRenderContainer(),
renderBox = renderContainer.getRenderBox(),
transform = renderContainer.getTransform(),
width = renderBox.width,
height = renderBox.height,
padding = 20,
canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ),
ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ),
blob, DomURL, url, img, finishCallback;
renderContainer.translate( -renderBox.x, -renderBox.y );
svgXml = km.getPaper().container.innerHTML;
$svg = $( svgXml );
$svg.attr( {
width: renderBox.width,
height: renderBox.height,
style: 'font-family: Arial, "Heiti SC", "Microsoft Yahei";'
} );
return local;
function isEmpty( line ) {
return !/\S/.test( line );
// need a xml with width and height
svgXml = $( '<div></div' ).append( $svg ).html();
function getLevel( line ) {
var level = 0;
while ( line.charAt( level ) === TAB_CHAR ) level++;
return level;
function getNode( line ) {
return {
data: {
text: line.replace( new RegExp( '^' + TAB_CHAR + '*' ), '' )
blob = new Blob( [ svgXml ], {
type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"
} );
function decode( local ) {
var json,
parentMap = {},
lines = local.split( LINE_ENDING ),
line, level, node;
DomURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
function addChild( parent, child ) {
var children = parent.children || ( parent.children = [] );
children.push( child );
url = DomURL.createObjectURL( blob );
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
line = lines[ i ];
if ( isEmpty( line ) ) continue;
canvas.width = width + padding * 2;
canvas.height = height + padding * 2;
level = getLevel( line );
node = getNode( line );
function fillBackground( ctx, image, width, height ) {;
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern( image, "repeat" );
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );
if ( level === 0 ) {
if ( json ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
json = node;
} else {
if ( !parentMap[ level - 1 ] ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
addChild( parentMap[ level - 1 ], node );
function drawImage( ctx, image, x, y ) {
ctx.drawImage( image, x, y );
parentMap[ level ] = node;
return json;
var lastTry, lastResult;
function recognize( local ) {
if ( !Utils.isString( local ) ) return false;
lastTry = local;
try {
lastResult = decode( local );
} catch ( e ) {
lastResult = null;
return !!lastResult;
return {
fileDescription: 'png',
fileExtension: '.png',
encode: function ( json ) {
return encode( json, 0 );
decode: function ( local ) {
if ( lastTry == local && lastResult ) {
return lastResult;
function generateDataUrl( canvas ) {
var url = canvas.toDataURL( 'png' );
return url.replace( 'image/png', 'image/octet-stream' );
return decode( local );
loadImage( url, function () {
var svgImage = this;
loadImage( bgUrl, function () {
var downloadUrl;
fillBackground( ctx, this, canvas.width, canvas.height );
drawImage( ctx, svgImage, padding, padding );
DomURL.revokeObjectURL( url );
downloadUrl = generateDataUrl( canvas );
if ( finishCallback ) {
finishCallback( downloadUrl );
renderContainer.translate( renderBox.x, renderBox.y );
} );
} );
return {
then: function ( callback ) {
finishCallback = callback;
recognize: recognize,
recognizePriority: -1
} );
KityMinder.registerProtocal( "svg", function () {
var LINE_ENDING = '\n',
TAB_CHAR = '\t';
function repeat( s, n ) {
var result = "";
while ( n-- ) result += s;
return result;
function encode( json, level ) {
var local = "";
level = level || 0;
local += repeat( TAB_CHAR, level );
local += + LINE_ENDING;
if ( json.children ) {
json.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
local += encode( child, level + 1 );
} );
return local;
function isEmpty( line ) {
return !/\S/.test( line );
function getLevel( line ) {
var level = 0;
while ( line.charAt( level ) === TAB_CHAR ) level++;
return level;
function getNode( line ) {
return {
data: {
text: line.replace( new RegExp( '^' + TAB_CHAR + '*' ), '' )
function decode( local ) {
var json,
parentMap = {},
lines = local.split( LINE_ENDING ),
line, level, node;
function addChild( parent, child ) {
var children = parent.children || ( parent.children = [] );
children.push( child );
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
line = lines[ i ];
if ( isEmpty( line ) ) continue;
level = getLevel( line );
node = getNode( line );
if ( level === 0 ) {
if ( json ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
json = node;
} else {
if ( !parentMap[ level - 1 ] ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
addChild( parentMap[ level - 1 ], node );
parentMap[ level ] = node;
return json;
var lastTry, lastResult;
function recognize( local ) {
if ( !Utils.isString( local ) ) return false;
lastTry = local;
try {
lastResult = decode( local );
} catch ( e ) {
lastResult = null;
return !!lastResult;
return {
fileDescription: 'svg',
fileDescription: 'SVG 矢量图',
fileExtension: '.svg',
encode: function ( json ) {
return encode( json, 0 );
decode: function ( local ) {
if ( lastTry == local && lastResult ) {
return lastResult;
return decode( local );
encode: function ( json, km ) {
return km.getPaper().container.innerHTML;
recognize: recognize,
recognizePriority: -1
} );
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ KM.registerToolbarUI( 'saveto', function ( name ) {
$combox = null,
comboboxWidget = null;
var downloadLink = document.createElement( 'a' );
utils.each( KityMinder.getAllRegisteredProtocals(), function ( k ) {
var p = KityMinder.findProtocal( k );
var text = p.fileDescription + '(' + p.fileExtension + ')';
......@@ -30,85 +28,26 @@ KM.registerToolbarUI( 'saveto', function ( name ) {
$combox = $.kmuibuttoncombobox( options ).css( 'zIndex', me.getOptions( 'zIndex' ) + 1 );
comboboxWidget = $combox.kmui();
comboboxWidget.on( 'comboboxselect', function ( evt, res ) {
if ( res.value === "png" ) {
var svghtml = $( "#kityminder .kmui-editor-body" ).html();
var bgImg = $( "#kityminder .kmui-editor-body" ).css( "backgroundImage" ).replace( /"/g, "" ).replace( /url\(|\)$/ig, "" );
var renderBox = me.getRenderContainer().getRenderBox( "top" );
var renderContainer = me.getRenderContainer();
var transform = renderContainer.getTransform();
var loop = 0;
var svg = $( svghtml ).attr( {
width: renderBox.width,
height: renderBox.height,
viewBox: null
} );
var div = $( "<div></div>" ).append( svg );
svghtml = div.html();
var canvas = $( '<canvas width="' + ( parseInt( renderBox.width ) + 40 ) + '" height="' + ( parseInt( renderBox.height ) + 40 ) + '"></canvas>' );
var ctx = canvas[ 0 ].getContext( "2d" );
var DOMURL = self.URL || self.webkitURL || self;
var img = new Image();
var svg = new Blob( [ svghtml ], {
type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"
} );
var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL( svg );
img.onload = function () {
var bgTexture = document.createElement( 'img' );
bgTexture.src = bgImg;
bgTexture.onload = function () {
var bgfill = ctx.createPattern( bgTexture, "repeat" );
ctx.fillStyle = bgfill;
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, renderBox.width + 40, renderBox.height + 40 );
ctx.drawImage( img, -renderBox.x + 20, -renderBox.y + 20 );
DOMURL.revokeObjectURL( url );
var type = 'png';
var imgData = canvas[ 0 ].toDataURL( type );
var _fixType = function ( type ) {
type = type.toLowerCase().replace( /jpg/i, 'jpeg' );
var r = type.match( /png|jpeg|bmp|gif/ )[ 0 ];
return 'image/' + r;
imgData = imgData.replace( _fixType( type ), 'image/octet-stream' );
var saveFile = function ( data, filename ) {
var save_link = document.createElementNS( '', 'a' );
save_link.href = data; = filename;
var event = document.createEvent( 'MouseEvents' );
event.initMouseEvent( 'click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null );
save_link.dispatchEvent( event );
function doDownload( url, filename ) {
var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
a.setAttribute( 'download', filename );
a.setAttribute( 'href', url );
a.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( 'click' ) );
// 下载后的文件名
var filename = 'kityminder_' + ( new Date() ).getTime() + '.' + type;
// download
saveFile( imgData, filename );
renderContainer.setTransform( transform );
img.src = url;
return "png";
} else if ( res.value === "svg" ) {
var svghtml = $( "#kityminder .kmui-editor-body" ).html();
var saveFile = function ( data, filename ) {
var save_link = document.createElementNS( '', 'a' );
save_link.href = 'data:image/svg+xml; utf-8,' + encodeURI( svghtml ); = filename;
var event = document.createEvent( 'MouseEvents' );
event.initMouseEvent( 'click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null );
save_link.dispatchEvent( event );
var filename = 'kityminder_' + ( new Date() ).getTime() + '.svg';
saveFile( svg, filename );
return "svg";
comboboxWidget.on( 'comboboxselect', function ( evt, res ) {
var data = me.exportData( res.value );
var p = KityMinder.findProtocal( res.value );
var a = downloadLink;
a.setAttribute( 'download', 'MyMind' + p.fileExtension );
a.setAttribute( 'href', 'data:text/plain; utf-8,' + encodeURI( data ) );
a.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( 'click' ) );
var filename = me.getMinderTitle() + p.fileExtension;
if ( typeof ( data ) == 'string' ) {
var url = 'data:text/plain; utf-8,' + encodeURI( data );
doDownload( url, filename );
} else if ( data && data.then ) {
data.then( function ( url ) {
doDownload( url, filename );
} );
} ).on( "beforeshow", function () {
if ( $combox.parent().length === 0 ) {
$combox.appendTo( me.$container.find( '.kmui-dialog-container' ) );
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ kity.extendClass( Minder, {
json = exportNode( this.getRoot() );
protocal = KityMinder.findProtocal( protocalName );
if ( protocal ) {
return protocal.encode( json );
return protocal.encode( json, this );
} else {
return json;
KityMinder.registerProtocal( "png", function () {
var LINE_ENDING = '\n',
TAB_CHAR = '\t';
function repeat( s, n ) {
var result = "";
while ( n-- ) result += s;
return result;
function loadImage( url, callback ) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = callback;
image.src = url;
function encode( json, level ) {
var local = "";
level = level || 0;
local += repeat( TAB_CHAR, level );
local += + LINE_ENDING;
if ( json.children ) {
json.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
local += encode( child, level + 1 );
} );
return local;
return {
fileDescription: 'PNG 图片',
fileExtension: '.png',
encode: function ( json, km ) {
var domContainer = km.getPaper().container,
function isEmpty( line ) {
return !/\S/.test( line );
bgDeclare = getComputedStyle( domContainer ).backgroundImage,
bgUrl = /url\((.+)\)$/.exec( bgDeclare )[ 1 ],
function getLevel( line ) {
var level = 0;
while ( line.charAt( level ) === TAB_CHAR ) level++;
return level;
renderContainer = km.getRenderContainer(),
renderBox = renderContainer.getRenderBox(),
transform = renderContainer.getTransform(),
width = renderBox.width,
height = renderBox.height,
padding = 20,
function getNode( line ) {
return {
data: {
text: line.replace( new RegExp( '^' + TAB_CHAR + '*' ), '' )
canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ),
ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ),
blob, DomURL, url, img, finishCallback;
function decode( local ) {
var json,
parentMap = {},
lines = local.split( LINE_ENDING ),
line, level, node;
function addChild( parent, child ) {
var children = parent.children || ( parent.children = [] );
children.push( child );
renderContainer.translate( -renderBox.x, -renderBox.y );
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
line = lines[ i ];
if ( isEmpty( line ) ) continue;
svgXml = km.getPaper().container.innerHTML;
$svg = $( svgXml );
$svg.attr( {
width: renderBox.width,
height: renderBox.height,
style: 'font-family: Arial, "Heiti SC", "Microsoft Yahei";'
} );
level = getLevel( line );
node = getNode( line );
// need a xml with width and height
svgXml = $( '<div></div' ).append( $svg ).html();
if ( level === 0 ) {
if ( json ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
json = node;
} else {
if ( !parentMap[ level - 1 ] ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
addChild( parentMap[ level - 1 ], node );
blob = new Blob( [ svgXml ], {
type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"
} );
DomURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
url = DomURL.createObjectURL( blob );
canvas.width = width + padding * 2;
canvas.height = height + padding * 2;
function fillBackground( ctx, image, width, height ) {;
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern( image, "repeat" );
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );
parentMap[ level ] = node;
return json;
var lastTry, lastResult;
function recognize( local ) {
if ( !Utils.isString( local ) ) return false;
lastTry = local;
try {
lastResult = decode( local );
} catch ( e ) {
lastResult = null;
return !!lastResult;
return {
fileDescription: 'png',
fileExtension: '.png',
encode: function ( json ) {
return encode( json, 0 );
decode: function ( local ) {
if ( lastTry == local && lastResult ) {
return lastResult;
function drawImage( ctx, image, x, y ) {
ctx.drawImage( image, x, y );
function generateDataUrl( canvas ) {
var url = canvas.toDataURL( 'png' );
return url.replace( 'image/png', 'image/octet-stream' );
return decode( local );
loadImage( url, function () {
var svgImage = this;
loadImage( bgUrl, function () {
var downloadUrl;
fillBackground( ctx, this, canvas.width, canvas.height );
drawImage( ctx, svgImage, padding, padding );
DomURL.revokeObjectURL( url );
downloadUrl = generateDataUrl( canvas );
if ( finishCallback ) {
finishCallback( downloadUrl );
renderContainer.translate( renderBox.x, renderBox.y );
} );
} );
return {
then: function ( callback ) {
finishCallback = callback;
recognize: recognize,
recognizePriority: -1
} );
\ No newline at end of file
KityMinder.registerProtocal( "svg", function () {
var LINE_ENDING = '\n',
TAB_CHAR = '\t';
function repeat( s, n ) {
var result = "";
while ( n-- ) result += s;
return result;
function encode( json, level ) {
var local = "";
level = level || 0;
local += repeat( TAB_CHAR, level );
local += + LINE_ENDING;
if ( json.children ) {
json.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
local += encode( child, level + 1 );
} );
return local;
function isEmpty( line ) {
return !/\S/.test( line );
function getLevel( line ) {
var level = 0;
while ( line.charAt( level ) === TAB_CHAR ) level++;
return level;
function getNode( line ) {
return {
data: {
text: line.replace( new RegExp( '^' + TAB_CHAR + '*' ), '' )
function decode( local ) {
var json,
parentMap = {},
lines = local.split( LINE_ENDING ),
line, level, node;
function addChild( parent, child ) {
var children = parent.children || ( parent.children = [] );
children.push( child );
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
line = lines[ i ];
if ( isEmpty( line ) ) continue;
level = getLevel( line );
node = getNode( line );
if ( level === 0 ) {
if ( json ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
json = node;
} else {
if ( !parentMap[ level - 1 ] ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid local format' );
addChild( parentMap[ level - 1 ], node );
parentMap[ level ] = node;
return json;
var lastTry, lastResult;
function recognize( local ) {
if ( !Utils.isString( local ) ) return false;
lastTry = local;
try {
lastResult = decode( local );
} catch ( e ) {
lastResult = null;
return !!lastResult;
return {
fileDescription: 'svg',
fileDescription: 'SVG 矢量图',
fileExtension: '.svg',
encode: function ( json ) {
return encode( json, 0 );
encode: function ( json, km ) {
return km.getPaper().container.innerHTML;
decode: function ( local ) {
if ( lastTry == local && lastResult ) {
return lastResult;
return decode( local );
recognize: recognize,
recognizePriority: -1
} );
\ No newline at end of file
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