Commit 05b8b573 authored by Akikonata's avatar Akikonata


parent 531bf0ea
Subproject commit bfe316800ce4c78e0072d03404f0a364ae30ff0d
Subproject commit 256dce28fb1e574b18f0dd084f7503cbc25e2a80
KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
KityMinder.registerModule("LayoutDefault", function () {
var _target = this.getRenderTarget();
function getMinderSize() {
......@@ -9,41 +9,41 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
var minder = this;
var ShIcon = kity.createClass( "DefaultshIcon", ( function () {
var ShIcon = kity.createClass("DefaultshIcon", (function () {
return {
constructor: function ( node ) {
constructor: function (node) {
this._show = false;
this._node = node;
var iconShape = this.shape = new kity.Group();
iconShape.class = "shicon";
iconShape.icon = this;
var circle = this._circle = new kity.Circle().fill( "white" ).stroke( "gray" ).setRadius( 5 );
var circle = this._circle = new kity.Circle().fill("white").stroke("gray").setRadius(5);
var plus = this._plus = new kity.Path();
.moveTo( -3, 0 )
.lineTo( 3, 0 )
.moveTo( 0, -3 )
.lineTo( 0, 3 );
plus.stroke( "gray" );
.moveTo(-3, 0)
.lineTo(3, 0)
.moveTo(0, -3)
.lineTo(0, 3);
var dec = this._dec = new kity.Path();
.moveTo( -3, 0 )
.lineTo( 3, 0 );
dec.stroke( "gray" );
minder.getRenderContainer().addShape( iconShape );
iconShape.addShapes( [ circle, plus, dec ] );
.moveTo(-3, 0)
.lineTo(3, 0);
iconShape.addShapes([circle, plus, dec]);
switchState: function ( val ) {
if ( val === true || val === false )
switchState: function (val) {
if (val === true || val === false)
this._show = !val;
if ( !this._show ) {
this._plus.setOpacity( 0 );
this._dec.setOpacity( 1 );
if (!this._show) {
this._show = true;
} else {
this._plus.setOpacity( 1 );
this._dec.setOpacity( 0 );
this._show = false;
return this._show;
......@@ -52,29 +52,29 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
var node = this._node;
var Layout = node.getLayout();
var nodeShape = node.getRenderContainer();
var nodeX, nodeY = ( node.getType() === "main" ? Layout.y : ( Layout.y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2 - 5 ) );
if ( Layout.appendside === "left" ) {
nodeX = nodeShape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[ 1 ].x - 5;
var nodeX, nodeY = (node.getType() === "main" ? Layout.y : (Layout.y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2 - 5));
if (Layout.appendside === "left") {
nodeX = nodeShape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[1].x - 5;
} else {
nodeX = nodeShape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[ 0 ].x + 6;
if ( node.getType() === "main" ) nodeX -= 3;
nodeX = nodeShape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[0].x + 6;
if (node.getType() === "main") nodeX -= 3;
this.shape.setTranslate( nodeX, nodeY );
this.shape.setTranslate(nodeX, nodeY);
remove: function () {
} )() );
var uSet = function ( a, b ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
var idx = b.indexOf( a[ i ] );
if ( idx !== -1 ) {
b.splice( idx, 1 );
var uSet = function (a, b) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var idx = b.indexOf(a[i]);
if (idx !== -1) {
b.splice(idx, 1);
return a.concat( b );
return a.concat(b);
var nodeStyles = {
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
color: '#430',
fill: '#e9df98',
fontSize: 24,
padding: [ 15.5, 25.5, 15.5, 25.5 ],
margin: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
padding: [15.5, 25.5, 15.5, 25.5],
margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
radius: 30,
highlight: 'rgb(254, 219, 0)',
spaceLeft: 3,
......@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
spaceBottom: 3
"main": {
stroke: new kity.Pen( "white", 2 ).setLineCap( "round" ).setLineJoin( "round" ),
stroke: new kity.Pen("white", 2).setLineCap("round").setLineJoin("round"),
fill: '#A4c5c0',
color: "#333",
padding: [ 6.5, 20, 6.5, 20 ],
padding: [6.5, 20, 6.5, 20],
fontSize: 16,
margin: [ 0, 10, 30, 50 ],
margin: [0, 10, 30, 50],
radius: 10,
highlight: 'rgb(254, 219, 0)',
spaceLeft: 5,
......@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
"sub": {
stroke: new kity.Pen( "white", 2 ).setLineCap( "round" ).setLineJoin( "round" ),
stroke: new kity.Pen("white", 2).setLineCap("round").setLineJoin("round"),
color: "white",
fontSize: 12,
margin: [ 0, 10, 20, 6 ],
padding: [ 5, 10, 5.5, 10 ],
margin: [0, 10, 20, 6],
padding: [5, 10, 5.5, 10],
highlight: 'rgb(254, 219, 0)',
spaceLeft: 4,
spaceRight: 0,
......@@ -120,36 +120,36 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
var updateBg = function ( node ) {
var updateBg = function (node) {
var nodeType = node.getType();
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ nodeType ];
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[nodeType];
var Layout = node.getLayout();
switch ( node.getType() ) {
switch (node.getType()) {
case "root":
case "main":
var bg = node.getBgRc().clear();
bg.addShape( Layout.bgShadow = new kity.Rect() );
bg.addShape( Layout.bgRect = new kity.Rect() );
Layout.bgRect.fill( nodeStyle.fill ).setRadius( nodeStyle.radius );
Layout.bgShadow.fill( 'black' ).setOpacity( 0.2 ).setRadius( nodeStyle.radius ).translate( 3, 5 );
bg.addShape(Layout.bgShadow = new kity.Rect());
bg.addShape(Layout.bgRect = new kity.Rect());
Layout.bgShadow.fill('black').setOpacity(0.2).setRadius(nodeStyle.radius).translate(3, 5);
case "sub":
var underline = Layout.underline = new kity.Path();
var highlightshape = Layout.highlightshape = new kity.Rect().setRadius( 4 );
node.getBgRc().clear().addShapes( [ Layout.bgRect = new kity.Rect().setRadius( 4 ), highlightshape, underline ] );
var highlightshape = Layout.highlightshape = new kity.Rect().setRadius(4);
node.getBgRc().clear().addShapes([Layout.bgRect = new kity.Rect().setRadius(4), highlightshape, underline]);
var initLayout = function ( node ) {
var initLayout = function (node) {
var Layout = node.getLayout();
var nodeType = node.getType();
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ nodeType ];
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[nodeType];
//var txtShape = node.getTextShape();
//txtShape.fill( nodeStyle.color ).setSize( nodeStyle.fontSize ).setY( -3 );
if ( nodeType === "root" ) {
if (nodeType === "root") {
Layout.leftList = [];
Layout.rightList = [];
Layout.leftHeight = 0;
......@@ -157,213 +157,213 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
var updateShapeByCont = function ( node ) {
var updateShapeByCont = function (node) {
var contRc = node.getContRc();
var nodeType = node.getType();
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ nodeType ];
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[nodeType];
var _contRCWidth = contRc.getWidth();
var _contRCHeight = contRc.getHeight();
var Layout = node.getLayout();
switch ( nodeType ) {
switch (nodeType) {
case "root":
case "main":
var width = _contRCWidth + nodeStyle.padding[ 1 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 3 ],
height = _contRCHeight + nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 2 ];
Layout.bgRect.setWidth( width ).setHeight( height );
Layout.bgShadow.setWidth( width ).setHeight( height );
var width = _contRCWidth + nodeStyle.padding[1] + nodeStyle.padding[3],
height = _contRCHeight + nodeStyle.padding[0] + nodeStyle.padding[2];
case "sub":
var _contWidth = contRc.getWidth();
var _contHeight = contRc.getHeight();
width = _contWidth + nodeStyle.padding[ 1 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 3 ];
height = _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 2 ];
width = _contWidth + nodeStyle.padding[1] + nodeStyle.padding[3];
height = _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[0] + nodeStyle.padding[2];
.moveTo( 0, _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[ 2 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] )
.lineTo( _contWidth + nodeStyle.padding[ 1 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 3 ], _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[ 2 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] );
Layout.underline.stroke( nodeStyle.stroke );
.moveTo(0, _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[2] + nodeStyle.padding[0])
.lineTo(_contWidth + nodeStyle.padding[1] + nodeStyle.padding[3], _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[2] + nodeStyle.padding[0]);
.setWidth( _contWidth + nodeStyle.padding[ 1 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 3 ] )
.setHeight( _contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 2 ] );
Layout.bgRect.setWidth( width ).setHeight( height );
.setWidth(_contWidth + nodeStyle.padding[1] + nodeStyle.padding[3])
.setHeight(_contHeight + nodeStyle.padding[0] + nodeStyle.padding[2]);
contRc.setTranslate( nodeStyle.padding[ 3 ], nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] + _contRCHeight / 2 );
contRc.setTranslate(nodeStyle.padding[3], nodeStyle.padding[0] + _contRCHeight / 2);
var updateLayoutVertical = function ( node, parent, action ) {
var updateLayoutVertical = function (node, parent, action) {
var root = minder.getRoot();
var effectSet = [ node ];
if ( action === "remove" ) {
var effectSet = [node];
if (action === "remove") {
effectSet = [];
var Layout = node.getLayout();
var nodeShape = node.getRenderContainer();
var nodeType = node.getType();
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ nodeType ];
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[nodeType];
var appendside = Layout.appendside;
var countBranchHeight = function ( node, side ) {
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ node.getType() ];
var selfHeight = node.getRenderContainer().getHeight() + nodeStyle.margin[ 0 ] + nodeStyle.margin[ 2 ];
var childHeight = ( function () {
var countBranchHeight = function (node, side) {
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[node.getType()];
var selfHeight = node.getRenderContainer().getHeight() + nodeStyle.margin[0] + nodeStyle.margin[2];
var childHeight = (function () {
var sum = 0;
var children;
if ( !side ) {
if (!side) {
children = node.getChildren();
} else {
children = node.getLayout()[ side + "List" ];
children = node.getLayout()[side + "List"];
for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
var childLayout = children[ i ].getLayout();
if ( children[ i ].getRenderContainer().getPaper() && children[ i ].getRenderContainer().getHeight() !== 0 )
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var childLayout = children[i].getLayout();
if (children[i].getRenderContainer().getPaper() && children[i].getRenderContainer().getHeight() !== 0)
sum += childLayout.branchheight;
return sum;
} )();
if ( side ) {
if (side) {
return childHeight;
} else {
return ( selfHeight > childHeight ? selfHeight : childHeight );
return (selfHeight > childHeight ? selfHeight : childHeight);
if ( nodeType === "root" ) {
if (nodeType === "root") {
Layout.y = getMinderSize().height / 2;
effectSet.push( node );
} else {
if ( action === "append" || action === "contract" ) {
var nodeHeight = node.getRenderContainer().getHeight() || ( node.getContRc().getHeight() + nodeStyle.padding[ 0 ] + nodeStyle.padding[ 2 ] );
Layout.branchheight = nodeHeight + nodeStyle.margin[ 0 ] + nodeStyle.margin[ 2 ];
} else if ( action === "change" ) {
Layout.branchheight = countBranchHeight( node );
if (action === "append" || action === "contract") {
var nodeHeight = node.getRenderContainer().getHeight() || (node.getContRc().getHeight() + nodeStyle.padding[0] + nodeStyle.padding[2]);
Layout.branchheight = nodeHeight + nodeStyle.margin[0] + nodeStyle.margin[2];
} else if (action === "change") {
Layout.branchheight = countBranchHeight(node);
var parentLayout = parent.getLayout();
var parentShape = parent.getRenderContainer();
var prt = node.getParent() || parent;
while ( prt ) {
while (prt) {
var prtLayout = prt.getLayout();
if ( prt.getType() === "root" ) {
prtLayout[ appendside + "Height" ] = countBranchHeight( prt, appendside );
if (prt.getType() === "root") {
prtLayout[appendside + "Height"] = countBranchHeight(prt, appendside);
} else {
prtLayout.branchheight = countBranchHeight( prt );
prtLayout.branchheight = countBranchHeight(prt);
prt = prt.getParent();
var updateSide = function ( appendside ) {
var _buffer = [ root ];
while ( _buffer.length > 0 ) {
var _buffer0Layout = _buffer[ 0 ].getLayout();
var children = _buffer0Layout[ appendside + "List" ] || _buffer[ 0 ].getChildren();
var children = ( function () {
var updateSide = function (appendside) {
var _buffer = [root];
while (_buffer.length > 0) {
var _buffer0Layout = _buffer[0].getLayout();
var children = _buffer0Layout[appendside + "List"] || _buffer[0].getChildren();
var children = (function () {
var result = [];
for ( var len = 0; len < children.length; len++ ) {
var l = children[ len ].getLayout();
if ( l.added ) {
result.push( children[ len ] );
for (var len = 0; len < children.length; len++) {
var l = children[len].getLayout();
if (l.added) {
return result;
} )();
_buffer = _buffer.concat( children );
var sY = _buffer0Layout.y - ( _buffer0Layout[ appendside + "Height" ] || _buffer0Layout.branchheight ) / 2;
for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
var childLayout = children[ i ].getLayout();
_buffer = _buffer.concat(children);
var sY = _buffer0Layout.y - (_buffer0Layout[appendside + "Height"] || _buffer0Layout.branchheight) / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var childLayout = children[i].getLayout();
childLayout.y = sY + childLayout.branchheight / 2;
sY += childLayout.branchheight;
if ( _buffer[ 0 ] !== root && _buffer[ 0 ].getLayout().added ) effectSet.push( _buffer[ 0 ] );
if (_buffer[0] !== root && _buffer[0].getLayout().added) effectSet.push(_buffer[0]);
var sideList;
if ( appendside ) {
updateSide( appendside );
if (appendside) {
} else {
updateSide( "left" );
updateSide( "right" );
return effectSet;
var updateLayoutHorizon = function ( node ) {
var updateLayoutHorizon = function (node) {
var nodeType = node.getType();
var parent = node.getParent();
var effectSet = [ node ];
var effectSet = [node];
var Layout = node.getLayout();
var _buffer = [ node ];
while ( _buffer.length !== 0 ) {
var prt = _buffer[ 0 ].getParent();
var children = _buffer[ 0 ].getChildren();
children = ( function () {
var _buffer = [node];
while (_buffer.length !== 0) {
var prt = _buffer[0].getParent();
var children = _buffer[0].getChildren();
children = (function () {
var result = [];
for ( var len = 0; len < children.length; len++ ) {
var l = children[ len ].getLayout();
if ( l.added ) {
result.push( children[ len ] );
for (var len = 0; len < children.length; len++) {
var l = children[len].getLayout();
if (l.added) {
return result;
} )();
_buffer = _buffer.concat( children );
if ( !prt ) {
_buffer = _buffer.concat(children);
if (!prt) {
Layout.x = getMinderSize().width / 2;
var parentLayout = prt.getLayout();
var parentWidth = prt.getRenderContainer().getWidth();
var parentStyle = nodeStyles[ prt.getType() ];
var childLayout = _buffer[ 0 ].getLayout();
var childStyle = nodeStyles[ _buffer[ 0 ].getType() ];
if ( parentLayout.align === "center" ) {
var parentStyle = nodeStyles[prt.getType()];
var childLayout = _buffer[0].getLayout();
var childStyle = nodeStyles[_buffer[0].getType()];
if (parentLayout.align === "center") {
parentWidth = parentWidth / 2;
if ( childLayout.appendside === "left" ) {
childLayout.x = parentLayout.x - parentWidth - parentStyle.margin[ 1 ] - childStyle.margin[ 3 ];
if (childLayout.appendside === "left") {
childLayout.x = parentLayout.x - parentWidth - parentStyle.margin[1] - childStyle.margin[3];
} else {
childLayout.x = parentLayout.x + parentWidth + parentStyle.margin[ 1 ] + childStyle.margin[ 3 ];
childLayout.x = parentLayout.x + parentWidth + parentStyle.margin[1] + childStyle.margin[3];
effectSet.push( _buffer[ 0 ] );
return effectSet;
var translateNode = function ( node ) {
var translateNode = function (node) {
var Layout = node.getLayout();
var nodeShape = node.getRenderContainer();
var align = Layout.align;
var _rectHeight = nodeShape.getHeight();
var _rectWidth = nodeShape.getWidth();
switch ( align ) {
switch (align) {
case "right":
nodeShape.setTranslate( Layout.x - _rectWidth, Layout.y - _rectHeight / 2 );
nodeShape.setTranslate(Layout.x - _rectWidth, Layout.y - _rectHeight / 2);
case "center":
nodeShape.setTranslate( Layout.x - _rectWidth / 2, Layout.y - _rectHeight / 2 );
nodeShape.setTranslate(Layout.x - _rectWidth / 2, Layout.y - _rectHeight / 2);
nodeShape.setTranslate( Layout.x, Layout.y - _rectHeight / 2 );
nodeShape.setTranslate(Layout.x, Layout.y - _rectHeight / 2);
node.setPoint( Layout.x, Layout.y );
node.setPoint(Layout.x, Layout.y);
var updateConnectAndshIcon = function ( node ) {
var updateConnectAndshIcon = function (node) {
var nodeType = node.getType();
var Layout = node.getLayout();
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ node.getType() ];
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[node.getType()];
var connect;
if ( nodeType === "main" ) {
if ( !Layout.connect ) {
if (nodeType === "main") {
if (!Layout.connect) {
connect = Layout.connect = new kity.Group();
var bezier = Layout.connect.bezier = new kity.Bezier();
var circle = = new kity.Circle();
connect.addShapes( [ bezier, circle ] );
minder.getRenderContainer().addShape( connect );
connect.addShapes([bezier, circle]);
var parent = minder.getRoot();
......@@ -374,57 +374,57 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
var nodeClosurePoints = nodeShape.getRenderBox().closurePoints;
var sPos;
var endPos;
if ( Layout.appendside === "left" ) {
sPos = new kity.BezierPoint( rootX - 30, nodeClosurePoints[ 2 ].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2 );
endPos = new kity.BezierPoint( nodeClosurePoints[ 2 ].x + 3, nodeClosurePoints[ 2 ].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2 );
if (Layout.appendside === "left") {
sPos = new kity.BezierPoint(rootX - 30, nodeClosurePoints[2].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2);
endPos = new kity.BezierPoint(nodeClosurePoints[2].x + 3, nodeClosurePoints[2].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2);
} else {
sPos = new kity.BezierPoint( rootX + 30, nodeClosurePoints[ 3 ].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2 );
endPos = new kity.BezierPoint( nodeClosurePoints[ 3 ].x - 3, nodeClosurePoints[ 3 ].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2 );
sPos = new kity.BezierPoint(rootX + 30, nodeClosurePoints[3].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2);
endPos = new kity.BezierPoint(nodeClosurePoints[3].x - 3, nodeClosurePoints[3].y + nodeShape.getHeight() / 2);
var sPosV = sPos.getVertex();
var endPosV = endPos.getVertex();
sPos.setVertex( rootX, rootY );
connect.bezier.setPoints( [ sPos, endPos ] ).stroke( nodeStyle.stroke ); endPosV.x + ( Layout.appendside === "left" ? -0.5 : -1.5 ), endPosV.y ).fill( "white" ).setRadius( 4 );
} else if ( nodeType === "sub" ) {
if ( !Layout.connect ) {
sPos.setVertex(rootX, rootY);
connect.bezier.setPoints([sPos, endPos]).stroke(nodeStyle.stroke); + (Layout.appendside === "left" ? -0.5 : -1.5), endPosV.y).fill("white").setRadius(4);
} else if (nodeType === "sub") {
if (!Layout.connect) {
connect = Layout.connect = new kity.Path();
minder.getRenderContainer().addShape( connect );
connect = Layout.connect;
var parentShape = node.getParent().getRenderContainer();
var parentBox = parentShape.getRenderBox();
var parentLayout = node.getParent().getLayout();
var parentStyle = nodeStyles[ node.getParent().getType() ];
var parentStyle = nodeStyles[node.getParent().getType()];
var Shape = node.getRenderContainer();
var sX, sY = parentLayout.y;
var nodeX, nodeY = Shape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[ 1 ].y;
if ( Layout.appendside === "left" ) {
sX = parentBox.closurePoints[ 1 ].x - parentStyle.margin[ 1 ];
nodeX = Shape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[ 0 ].x;
var nodeX, nodeY = Shape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[1].y;
if (Layout.appendside === "left") {
sX = parentBox.closurePoints[1].x - parentStyle.margin[1];
nodeX = Shape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[0].x;
.moveTo( sX, sY )
.lineTo( sX, nodeY > sY ? ( nodeY - nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ] ) : ( nodeY + nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ] ) );
if ( nodeY > sY ) connect.getDrawer().carcTo( nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ], 0, 1, nodeX, nodeY );
else connect.getDrawer().carcTo( nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ], 0, 0, nodeX, nodeY );
connect.stroke( nodeStyle.stroke );
.moveTo(sX, sY)
.lineTo(sX, nodeY > sY ? (nodeY - nodeStyle.margin[3]) : (nodeY + nodeStyle.margin[3]));
if (nodeY > sY) connect.getDrawer().carcTo(nodeStyle.margin[3], 0, 1, nodeX, nodeY);
else connect.getDrawer().carcTo(nodeStyle.margin[3], 0, 0, nodeX, nodeY);
} else {
sX = parentBox.closurePoints[ 0 ].x + parentStyle.margin[ 1 ];
nodeX = Shape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[ 1 ].x + 1;
sX = parentBox.closurePoints[0].x + parentStyle.margin[1];
nodeX = Shape.getRenderBox().closurePoints[1].x + 1;
.moveTo( sX, sY )
.lineTo( sX, nodeY > sY ? ( nodeY - nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ] ) : ( nodeY + nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ] ) );
if ( nodeY > sY ) connect.getDrawer().carcTo( nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ], 0, 0, nodeX, nodeY );
else connect.getDrawer().carcTo( nodeStyle.margin[ 3 ], 0, 1, nodeX, nodeY );
connect.stroke( nodeStyle.stroke );
.moveTo(sX, sY)
.lineTo(sX, nodeY > sY ? (nodeY - nodeStyle.margin[3]) : (nodeY + nodeStyle.margin[3]));
if (nodeY > sY) connect.getDrawer().carcTo(nodeStyle.margin[3], 0, 0, nodeX, nodeY);
else connect.getDrawer().carcTo(nodeStyle.margin[3], 0, 1, nodeX, nodeY);
if ( nodeType !== "root" && node.getChildren().length !== 0 ) {
if ( !Layout.shicon ) {
Layout.shicon = new ShIcon( node );
if (nodeType !== "root" && node.getChildren().length !== 0) {
if (!Layout.shicon) {
Layout.shicon = new ShIcon(node);
......@@ -448,112 +448,112 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
getCurrentLayoutStyle: function () {
return nodeStyles;
highlightNode: function ( node ) {
highlightNode: function (node) {
var highlight = node.isHighlight();
var nodeType = node.getType();
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[ nodeType ];
var nodeStyle = nodeStyles[nodeType];
var Layout = node.getLayout();
switch ( nodeType ) {
switch (nodeType) {
case "root":
case "main":
if ( highlight ) {
Layout.bgRect.fill( nodeStyle.highlight );
if (highlight) {
} else {
Layout.bgRect.fill( nodeStyle.fill );
case "sub":
if ( highlight ) {
Layout.highlightshape.fill( nodeStyle.highlight ).setOpacity( 1 );
node.getTextShape().fill( node.getData( 'fontcolor' ) || 'black' );
if (highlight) {
node.getTextShape().fill(node.getData('fontcolor') || 'black');
} else {
Layout.highlightshape.setOpacity( 0 );
node.getTextShape().fill( node.getData( 'fontcolor' ) || 'white' );
node.getTextShape().fill(node.getData('fontcolor') || 'white');
updateLayout: function ( node ) {
updateLayout: function (node) {
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeLeft", {
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeLeft", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeCenter", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeCenter", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeRight", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeRight", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeBottom", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeBottom", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeTop", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeTop", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNode", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNode", {
node: node
}, false ) );
updateShapeByCont( node );
var set1 = updateLayoutHorizon( node );
var set2 = updateLayoutVertical( node, node.getParent(), "change" );
var set = uSet( set1, set2 );
for ( var i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
translateNode( set[ i ] );
updateConnectAndshIcon( set[ i ] );
if ( this.isNodeSelected( node ) ) {
this.highlightNode( node )
}, false));
var set1 = updateLayoutHorizon(node);
var set2 = updateLayoutVertical(node, node.getParent(), "change");
var set = uSet(set1, set2);
for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
translateNode(set [i]);
updateConnectAndshIcon(set [i]);
if (this.isNodeSelected(node)) {
initStyle: function () {
var _root = minder.getRoot();
var historyPoint = _root.getPoint();
if ( historyPoint ) historyPoint = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( historyPoint ) );
minder.handelNodeInsert( _root );
if (historyPoint) historyPoint = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(historyPoint));
_root.getLayout().align = "center";
updateBg( _root );
initLayout( _root );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeLeft", {
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeLeft", {
node: _root
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeCenter", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeCenter", {
node: _root
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeRight", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeRight", {
node: _root
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeBottom", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeBottom", {
node: _root
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeTop", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeTop", {
node: _root
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNode", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNode", {
node: _root
}, false ) );
updateShapeByCont( _root );
updateLayoutHorizon( _root );
updateLayoutVertical( _root );
translateNode( _root );
if ( historyPoint ) _root.setPoint( historyPoint.x, historyPoint.y );
}, false));
if (historyPoint) _root.setPoint(historyPoint.x, historyPoint.y);
var mains = _root.getChildren();
for ( var i = 0; i < mains.length; i++ ) {
this.appendChildNode( _root, mains[ i ] );
if ( mains[ i ].isExpanded() && ( mains[ i ].getChildren().length > 0 ) ) {
minder.expandNode( mains[ i ] );
for (var i = 0; i < mains.length; i++) {
this.appendChildNode(_root, mains[i]);
if (mains[i].isExpanded() && (mains[i].getChildren().length > 0)) {
_root.setPoint( _root.getLayout().x, _root.getLayout().y );
_root.setPoint(_root.getLayout().x, _root.getLayout().y);
expandNode: function ( ico ) {
expandNode: function (ico) {
var isExpand, node;
if ( ico instanceof MinderNode ) {
if (ico instanceof MinderNode) {
node = ico;
isExpand = node.getLayout().shicon.switchState();
} else {
......@@ -561,17 +561,17 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
node = ico.icon._node;
var _buffer;
if ( isExpand ) {
if (isExpand) {
_buffer = [ node ];
while ( _buffer.length !== 0 ) {
var c = _buffer[ 0 ].getChildren();
if ( _buffer[ 0 ].isExpanded() && c.length !== 0 ) {
for ( var x = 0; x < c.length; x++ ) {
minder.appendChildNode( _buffer[ 0 ], c[ x ] );
_buffer = [node];
while (_buffer.length !== 0) {
var c = _buffer[0].getChildren();
if (_buffer[0].isExpanded() && c.length !== 0) {
for (var x = 0; x < c.length; x++) {
minder.appendChildNode(_buffer[0], c[x]);
_buffer = _buffer.concat( c );
_buffer = _buffer.concat(c);
......@@ -579,26 +579,26 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
_buffer = node.getChildren();
while ( _buffer.length !== 0 ) {
var Layout = _buffer[ 0 ].getLayout();
if ( Layout.added ) {
while (_buffer.length !== 0) {
var Layout = _buffer[0].getLayout();
if (Layout.added) {
Layout.added = false;
_buffer[ 0 ].getRenderContainer().remove();
if ( Layout.shicon ) Layout.shicon.remove();
if (Layout.shicon) Layout.shicon.remove();
_buffer = _buffer.concat( _buffer[ 0 ].getChildren() );
_buffer = _buffer.concat(_buffer[0].getChildren());
var set = updateLayoutVertical( node, node.getParent(), "contract" );
for ( var i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
translateNode( set[ i ] );
updateConnectAndshIcon( set[ i ] );
var set = updateLayoutVertical(node, node.getParent(), "contract");
for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
translateNode(set [i]);
updateConnectAndshIcon(set [i]);
appendChildNode: function ( parent, node, focus, sibling ) {
minder.handelNodeInsert( node );
appendChildNode: function (parent, node, focus, sibling) {
var Layout = node.getLayout();
......@@ -606,17 +606,17 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
Layout.added = true;
var parentLayout = parent.getLayout();
var children = parent.getChildren();
var exist = ( children.indexOf( node ) !== -1 );
if ( sibling ) {
if ( !exist ) parent.insertChild( node, sibling.getIndex() + 1 );
var exist = (children.indexOf(node) !== -1);
if (sibling) {
if (!exist) parent.insertChild(node, sibling.getIndex() + 1);
var siblingLayout = sibling.getLayout();
Layout.appendside = siblingLayout.appendside;
Layout.align = siblingLayout.align;
if ( parent.getType() === "root" ) {
minder.handelNodeInsert( node );
if (parent.getType() === "root") {
var len = children.length;
if ( len < 7 ) {
if ( len % 2 ) {
if (len < 7) {
if (len % 2) {
Layout.appendside = "right";
Layout.align = "left";
} else {
......@@ -624,20 +624,20 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
Layout.align = "right";
var sideList = parentLayout[ Layout.appendside + "List" ];
var idx = sideList.indexOf( sibling );
sideList.splice( idx + 1, 0, node );
var sideList = parentLayout[Layout.appendside + "List"];
var idx = sideList.indexOf(sibling);
sideList.splice(idx + 1, 0, node);
} else {
if ( parent.getType() !== "root" ) {
if (parent.getType() !== "root") {
var prtLayout = parent.getLayout();
Layout.appendside = prtLayout.appendside;
Layout.align = prtLayout.align;
if ( !exist ) parent.appendChild( node );
if (!exist) parent.appendChild(node);
} else {
var nodeP = node.getPoint();
if ( nodeP && nodeP.x && nodeP.y ) {
if ( nodeP.x > parent.getPoint().x ) {
if (nodeP && nodeP.x && nodeP.y) {
if (nodeP.x > parent.getPoint().x) {
Layout.appendside = "right";
Layout.align = "left";
} else {
......@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
Layout.align = "right";
} else {
if ( parentLayout.rightList.length > 1 && parentLayout.rightList.length > parentLayout.leftList.length ) {
if (parentLayout.rightList.length > 1 && parentLayout.rightList.length > parentLayout.leftList.length) {
Layout.appendside = "left";
Layout.align = "right";
} else {
......@@ -653,51 +653,51 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
Layout.align = "left";
var sideList1 = parentLayout[ Layout.appendside + "List" ];
sideList1.push( node );
var sideList1 = parentLayout[Layout.appendside + "List"];
var idx1;
if ( Layout.appendside === "right" ) {
if (Layout.appendside === "right") {
idx1 = sideList1.length;
} else {
idx1 = parent.getChildren().length;
if ( !exist ) parent.insertChild( node, idx1 );
if (!exist) parent.insertChild(node, idx1);
if ( parent.getType() === "root" ) {
node.setType( "main" );
if (parent.getType() === "root") {
} else {
node.setType( "sub" );
updateBg( node );
initLayout( node );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeLeft", {
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeLeft", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeCenter", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeCenter", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeRight", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeRight", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeBottom", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeBottom", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNodeTop", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNodeTop", {
node: node
}, false ) );
this._firePharse( new MinderEvent( "RenderNode", {
}, false));
this._firePharse(new MinderEvent("RenderNode", {
node: node
}, false ) );
updateShapeByCont( node );
var set1 = updateLayoutVertical( node, parent, "append" );
var set2 = updateLayoutHorizon( node );
var set = uSet( set1, set2 );
for ( var i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
translateNode( set[ i ] );
updateConnectAndshIcon( set[ i ] );
}, false));
var set1 = updateLayoutVertical(node, parent, "append");
var set2 = updateLayoutHorizon(node);
var set = uSet(set1, set2);
for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
translateNode(set [i]);
updateConnectAndshIcon(set [i]);
// if ( focus ) {
......@@ -705,58 +705,58 @@ KityMinder.registerModule( "LayoutDefault", function () {
// }
var shicon = parent.getLayout().shicon;
if ( shicon ) shicon.switchState( true );
if (shicon) shicon.switchState(true);
appendSiblingNode: function ( sibling, node, focus ) {
appendSiblingNode: function (sibling, node, focus) {
var parent = sibling.getParent();
this.appendChildNode( parent, node, focus, sibling );
this.appendChildNode(parent, node, focus, sibling);
removeNode: function ( nodes ) {
removeNode: function (nodes) {
nodes = utils.isArray(nodes) ? nodes : [nodes];
while ( nodes.length !== 0 ) {
var parent = nodes[ 0 ].getParent();
if ( !parent ) {
nodes.splice( 0, 1 );
while (nodes.length !== 0) {
var parent = nodes[0].getParent();
if (!parent) {
nodes.splice(0, 1);
return false;
var nodeLayout = nodes[ 0 ].getLayout();
if ( parent.getType() === "root" ) {
var sideList = parent.getLayout()[ nodeLayout.appendside + "List" ];
var index = sideList.indexOf( nodes[ 0 ] );
sideList.splice( index, 1 );
var nodeLayout = nodes[0].getLayout();
if (parent.getType() === "root") {
var sideList = parent.getLayout()[nodeLayout.appendside + "List"];
var index = sideList.indexOf(nodes[0]);
sideList.splice(index, 1);
parent.removeChild( nodes[ 0 ] );
if ( parent.getType() !== "root" && parent.getChildren().length === 0 ) {
if (parent.getType() !== "root" && parent.getChildren().length === 0) {
var prtLayout = parent.getLayout();
prtLayout.shicon = null;
var set = updateLayoutVertical( nodes[ 0 ], parent, "remove" );
for ( var j = 0; j < set.length; j++ ) {
translateNode( set[ j ] );
updateConnectAndshIcon( set[ j ] );
var set = updateLayoutVertical(nodes[0], parent, "remove");
for (var j = 0; j < set.length; j++) {
translateNode(set [j]);
updateConnectAndshIcon(set [j]);
var _buffer = [ nodes[ 0 ] ];
while ( _buffer.length !== 0 ) {
_buffer = _buffer.concat( _buffer[ 0 ].getChildren() );
var _buffer = [nodes[0]];
while (_buffer.length !== 0) {
_buffer = _buffer.concat(_buffer[0].getChildren());
try {
_buffer[ 0 ].getRenderContainer().remove();
var Layout = _buffer[ 0 ].getLayout();
var Layout = _buffer[0].getLayout();
} catch ( error ) {
console.log( "isRemoved" );
} catch (error) {
var idx = nodes.indexOf( _buffer[ 0 ] );
if ( idx !== -1 ) {
nodes.splice( idx, 1 );
var idx = nodes.indexOf(_buffer[0]);
if (idx !== -1) {
nodes.splice(idx, 1);
this.addLayoutStyle( "default", _style );
this.addLayoutStyle("default", _style);
return {};
} );
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