Commit dfb92bdc authored by wjf's avatar wjf


parent 1b766b54
......@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ import { GameGuide } from './GameGuide';
import { AiControl } from '../something/logic/AiControl';
import { JellyDisAni } from '../something/anis/JellyDisAni';
import { EggBrokenAni } from '../something/anis/EggBrokenAni';
import { FallAniData, FallType } from '../something/interface/FallAniData';
import { EleMaskAni } from '../something/anis/EleMaskAni';
// tslint:disable: no-var-keyword
// tslint:disable: prefer-const
// tslint:disable: cyclomatic-complexity
......@@ -217,9 +219,20 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
gameGuide: GameGuide;
start(data) {
// var a={x:1}
// egret.Tween.get(a)
// .to({x:100},1000)
// .call(()=>{
// console.log(a.x)
// })
// .set({x:0})
// .call(()=>{
// console.log(a.x)
// })
this.chapter = (data && data.chapter) ? data.chapter : 1;
// this.chapter = 81;
// this.chapter = 24;
this.chapterTxt.text = "第" + this.chapter + "关";
var mapDataIndex = this.chapter;
......@@ -423,9 +436,9 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
//, 1);
//, Tool.offsetY, Tool.width * Tool.colNum, Tool.height * Tool.rowNum + 100);
var mask = drawShape(path);
this.elementContainer.mask = mask;
// var mask = drawShape(path);
// this.elementContainer.mask = mask;
// this.addChild(mask)
this.elementContainer.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, this.mouseDownE, this);
this.elementContainer.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, this.mouseMoveE, this);
......@@ -1056,12 +1069,12 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
if (!anis.length) {
} else {
this.fallAni(anis, () => {
this.fallAniSuper(anis, () => {
} else {
this.fallAni(anis, () => {
this.fallAniSuper(anis, () => {
}, true)
......@@ -1069,12 +1082,12 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
var anis = this.fallVertical();
anis = anis.concat(this.fallSkewEx());
if (!anis.length) {
this.fallVerMark = false;
} else {
this.fallAni(anis, () => {
this.fallAniSuper(anis, () => {
......@@ -1082,11 +1095,11 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
* 竖直掉落
* 竖直掉落,一格判断
* 逻辑要重写
private fallVertical() {
var anis = []
var anis: FallAniData[] = []
for (var m = 0; m < Tool.colNum; m++) {
......@@ -1095,18 +1108,20 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
let lat = this.lattices[index];
if (Tool.judgeFall(lat)) {
var latDown, indexDown;
var latDown, indexDown, connects: { index: number, type: FallType }[] = [];
if (lat.down != null) {
latDown = this.lattices[lat.down];
indexDown = lat.down;
connects.push({ index: indexDown, type: FallType.THROUGH })
} else {
latDown = this.lattices[index + Tool.colNum]
indexDown = index + Tool.colNum;
connects.push({ index: indexDown, type: FallType.STRIGHT })
var emptyIndex = this.emptys.indexOf(indexDown)
if (emptyIndex > -1) {
anis.push([lat.element, indexDown]);
anis.push({ ele: lat.element, indexs: connects });
this.emptys.splice(emptyIndex, 1);
......@@ -1116,7 +1131,7 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
} else {
if (lat && !lat.element && lat.isGenerate) {
anis.push([null, index]);
anis.push({ ele: null, indexs: [{ index: index, type: FallType.STRIGHT }] });
Tool.removeEle(index, this.emptys)
......@@ -1129,23 +1144,23 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
* 一次性都竖直掉落
fallVerticalEx() {
var anis = []
var anis: FallAniData[] = []
var maxCount = 1;
for (var m = 0; m < Tool.colNum; m++) {
for (var n = Tool.rowNum - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
let index = Tool.rcToIndex(n, m);
let lat = this.lattices[index];
if (Tool.judgeFall(lat)) {
var emptyIndex = Tool.findBottom(lat, this.emptys, this.lattices);
var downIndex = this.emptys[emptyIndex];
if (emptyIndex != null) {
var ccc = (downIndex - index) / Tool.colNum
maxCount = Math.max(ccc, maxCount);
anis.push([lat.element, downIndex, ccc > 1 ? ccc / 2 : ccc]);
this.emptys.splice(emptyIndex, 1);
var indexs = Tool.findBottom(lat, this.emptys, this.lattices);
if (indexs != null) {
var downIndex = indexs[indexs.length - 1].index;
anis.push({ ele: lat.element, indexs: indexs });
// this.emptys.splice(emptyIndex, 1);
Tool.removeEle(downIndex, this.emptys)
lat.element = null
......@@ -1160,49 +1175,46 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
let index = this.generateIndexs[m];
if (lat && !lat.element && lat.isGenerate) {
var arr = [];
var downIndex = index;
var type: FallType = FallType.STRIGHT;
let connects: { index: number, type: FallType }[] = []
let anisOther: FallAniData[] = []
while (this.emptys.indexOf(downIndex) > -1) {
index: downIndex,
type: type,
ele: null,
indexs: connects.slice()
Tool.removeEle(downIndex, this.emptys)
if (this.lattices[downIndex].down != null) {
downIndex = this.lattices[downIndex].down;
type = FallType.THROUGH
} else {
downIndex += Tool.colNum;
type = FallType.STRIGHT
var p = Tool.getPositionByIndex(index);
var len = arr.length;//越前面的越上面,y越小
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let tarIndex = arr[i];
var type;
if (this.lollipopMark) {
this.lollipopMark = false;
type = ElementType.LOLLIPOP;
} else {
type = Tool.randomT(this.chapterData.baseElementTypes)
let obj = Tool.getElement(type)
obj.x = p[0];
obj.y = p[1] - Tool.height * (len - i);
anis.push([obj, tarIndex, len > 1 ? len / 2 : len]);
Tool.removeEle(tarIndex, this.emptys)
// var p = Tool.getPositionByIndex(index);
var len = anis.length;//越前面的越上面,y越小
for (var i = len - 1; i >= len - connects.length; i--) {
anis[i].wait = (len - 1 - i) * Tool.latDeltaTime * 2 / 3;
maxCount = Math.max(len, maxCount);
// console.log(len)
anis["maxCount"] = maxCount > 1 ? maxCount / 2 : maxCount;
return anis;
* 存在斜落的
private fallSkewEx() {
var anis = [];
var anis: FallAniData[] = [];
var emptys = this.emptys;
emptys.sort(function (a, b) { return a < b ? 1 : -1 })
......@@ -1212,7 +1224,7 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
if (lat.isGenerate) {
anis.push([null, indexMy])
anis.push({ ele: null, indexs: [{ index: indexMy, type: FallType.STRIGHT }] })
emptys.splice(i, 1);
......@@ -1221,19 +1233,24 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
let latFall;
let indexFall;
var latUp = this.lattices[indexMy - Tool.colNum];
if (Tool.judgeFall(latUp)) {
latFall = latUp;
indexFall = indexMy - Tool.colNum;
let type: FallType = FallType.STRIGHT
else if (lat.up) {
if (lat.up) {
var latUnUp = this.lattices[lat.up];
if (Tool.judgeFall(latUnUp)) {
latFall = latUnUp;
indexFall = lat.up;
type = FallType.THROUGH
if (!latFall && Tool.indexToRc(indexMy)[0] != 0) {
var latUp = this.lattices[indexMy - Tool.colNum];
if (Tool.judgeFall(latUp)) {
latFall = latUp;
indexFall = indexMy - Tool.colNum;
......@@ -1255,7 +1272,7 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
if (latFall) {
anis.push([latFall.element, indexMy]);
anis.push({ ele: latFall.element, indexs: [{ index: indexMy, type: type }] });
// console.log(emptys)
// console.log(indexFall)
......@@ -1295,21 +1312,7 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
let rowCount = anis[i][2] || 1;
let position = Tool.getPositionByIndex(index);
if (!obj) {
var type;
if (this.lollipopMark) {
this.lollipopMark = false;
type = ElementType.LOLLIPOP;
} else {
type = Tool.randomT(this.chapterData.baseElementTypes)
obj = Pool.takeOut(RecoverName.ELEMENT);
if (!obj) {
obj = new Element(type)
} else {
obj = this.createELement()
obj.x = position[0];
......@@ -1345,6 +1348,148 @@ export default class MainScene extends Scene {
fallAniSuper(anis: FallAniData[], callback: Function, isVertical: boolean = false) {
let deltaTime = Tool.latDeltaTime;
if (isVertical) {
deltaTime = Tool.latDeltaTime * 2 / 3;
let count = 0;
let countAll = anis.length;
for (let i = 0; i < anis.length; i++) {
let ani: FallAniData = anis[i];
let ele: Element = ani.ele;
let wait: number = ani.wait || 0;
let indexs: { index: number, type: FallType }[] = ani.indexs;
let oriRow: number;
let oriCol;
let endIndex = indexs[indexs.length - 1].index;
let tween: egret.Tween;
if (!ele) {
ele = this.createELement();
let firstIndex = indexs.shift()
oriRow = Tool.indexToRc(firstIndex.index)[0];
let fp = Tool.getPositionByIndex(firstIndex.index);
ele.x = fp[0];
ele.y = fp[1] - Tool.height;
let mask = Tool.getRectMask();
mask.x = fp[0];
mask.y = fp[1];
ele.mask = mask;
tween = egret.Tween.get(ele);
if (wait) {
// console.log(wait)
}{ x: fp[0], y: fp[1] }, deltaTime)
.call(() => {
ele.mask = null;
wait += deltaTime
} else {
oriRow = ele.row;
tween = egret.Tween.get(ele);
let lastX: number, lastY: number;
for (var j = 0; j < indexs.length; j++) {
let index = indexs[j].index;
let type = indexs[j].type;
let p = Tool.getPositionByIndex(index);
if (type == FallType.THROUGH) {
let indexUp = this.lattices[index].up;
let downPos = Tool.getPositionByIndex(index);
let upPos = Tool.getPositionByIndex(indexUp);
// let mask11 = Tool.getRectMask();
// mask11.x = indexUp[0];
// mask11.y = indexUp[1];
// ele.mask = mask11;
// this.elementContainer.addChild(mask11);
EleMaskAni(ele, upPos, wait, this.elementContainer, true);
tween.set({ alpha: 0 })
.set({ alpha: 1 })
EleMaskAni(ele, downPos, wait, this.elementContainer);
oriRow = Tool.indexToRc(index)[0];
lastX = downPos[0];
lastY = downPos[1];
} else {
var delta = Tool.indexToRc(index)[0] - oriRow;
if (delta > 0) {
oriRow = Tool.indexToRc(index)[0];
if (lastX != null) {
tween.set({ x: lastX, y: lastY })
}{ x: p[0], y: p[1] }, delta * deltaTime)
wait += delta * deltaTime;
lastX = null
var lat = this.lattices[endIndex];
lat.element = ele;
//最终回调 => {
let endP = Tool.getPositionByIndex(endIndex);
ele.x = endP[0];
ele.y = endP[1];
if (ele.type == ElementType.LOLLIPOP && Tool.indexToRc(endIndex)[0] == this.endRowNum) {
if (this.passElements &&
this.passElements[ElementType.LOLLIPOP] &&
this.lollipopCount < this.passElements[ElementType.LOLLIPOP]) {
this.lollipopMark = true
if (count == countAll) {
* 创建一个掉落元素,
* 逻辑包括棒棒糖逻辑
* 定制掉落元素逻辑
createELement() {
var type;
if (this.lollipopMark) {
this.lollipopMark = false;
type = ElementType.LOLLIPOP;
} else {
type = Tool.randomT(this.chapterData.baseElementTypes)
return Tool.getElement(type);
* 只关心交换后元素的可消除
* 或者冰淇淋的掉落
......@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ import { PassType } from "./enum/PassType";
import { EffectType } from "./enum/EffectType";
import { Pool } from "./Pool";
import { RecoverName } from "./enum/RecoverName";
import { RectMask } from "./class/RectMask";
import { FallType } from "./interface/FallAniData";
export class Tool {
public static latDeltaTime = 100;
public static rowNum = 9;
public static colNum = 9;
......@@ -715,37 +718,58 @@ export class Tool {
return arr
* 找一个格子,最终掉落点,
* @param lattice 能掉落的格子
* 找一个格子,最终掉落点,所有的index吧
* @param lattice 能掉落的格子,格子上肯定有元素,并且能掉落
* @param empty
* @param lattices
* @return 返回空格数组中的索引
* @return 所有中间点吧数据
public static findBottom(lattice: Lattice, emptys: number[], lattices: Lattice[]): number {
let indexDown, lat;
public static findBottom(lattice: Lattice, emptys: number[], lattices: Lattice[]): { index: number, type: FallType }[] {
let indexDown: number, lat: Lattice;
let connects: { index: number, type: FallType }[] = [];
let isThrough: boolean = false;
if (lattice.down != null) {
indexDown = lattice.down;
isThrough = true;
} else {
indexDown = lattice.index + this.colNum;
let lastEmptyIndex: number;
let emptyIndex: number = emptys.indexOf(indexDown);
while (emptyIndex > -1) {
if (isThrough) connects.push({ index: indexDown, type: FallType.THROUGH });
lastEmptyIndex = emptyIndex;
lat = lattices[indexDown];
if (lat.down != null) {
if (!isThrough) connects.push({ index: indexDown, type: FallType.STRIGHT });
isThrough = true
indexDown = lat.down;
} else {
isThrough = false
indexDown = lat.index + this.colNum;
emptyIndex = emptys.indexOf(indexDown);
if (lastEmptyIndex != undefined) {
return lastEmptyIndex
if (isThrough) {
return connects
else {
connects.push({ index: emptys[lastEmptyIndex], type: FallType.STRIGHT })
return connects
} else {
return null
......@@ -758,13 +782,20 @@ export class Tool {
var index = Tool.rcToIndex(n, m);
let lat = lattices[index];
if (Tool.judgeFall(lat)) {
var emptyIndex = Tool.findBottom(lat, emptys, lattices);
var downIndex = emptys[emptyIndex];
if (emptyIndex != null) {
if ((downIndex - index) / Tool.colNum > 1) {
var indexs = Tool.findBottom(lat, emptys, lattices);
if (indexs != null) {
if (indexs.length > 1) {
return true;
} else {
var downIndex: number = indexs[0].index;
var type: FallType = indexs[0].type;
if (type == FallType.STRIGHT && (downIndex - index) / Tool.colNum > 1) {
return true;
} else {
if (lat && !lat.element && lat.isGenerate) {
......@@ -773,7 +804,12 @@ export class Tool {
var downIndex = index;
while (emptys.indexOf(downIndex) > -1) {
downIndex += Tool.colNum;
if (lat.down != null) {
downIndex = lat.down;
} else {
downIndex = lat.index + this.colNum;
lat = lattices[downIndex];
if (arr.length > 1) return true
......@@ -830,6 +866,14 @@ export class Tool {
return obj
* 获得矩形遮罩
public static getRectMask(): RectMask {
let rect: RectMask = Pool.takeOut(RecoverName.RECT_MASK);
if (!rect) rect = new RectMask()
return rect;
* 返回个十百等,0是个位
import { Tool } from "../Tool";
import { ElementType } from "../enum/ElementType";
import { EffectType } from "../enum/EffectType";
import { Element } from "../class/Element";
import { Pool } from "../Pool";
import { RecoverName } from "../enum/RecoverName";
* 矩形遮罩的元素动画
* @param eleC
* @param p
* @param con
* @param callback
export function EleMaskAni(
eleC: Element,
p: number[],
wait: number,
con: egret.DisplayObjectContainer,
isUp: boolean = false,
callback?: Function
) {
let ele = Tool.getElement(eleC.type);
ele.effectType = eleC.effectType;
ele.x = p[0];
ele.y = p[1] - Tool.height * (isUp ? 0 : 1);
let mask = Tool.getRectMask();
mask.x = p[0];
mask.y = p[1];
ele.mask = mask;
.to({ x: p[0], y: p[1] + Tool.height * (isUp ? 1 : 0) }, Tool.latDeltaTime)
.call(() => {
Pool.recover(RecoverName.ELEMENT, ele);
ele.mask = null;
callback && callback();
\ No newline at end of file
import { Tool } from "../Tool";
import { Pool } from "../Pool";
import { RecoverName } from "../enum/RecoverName";
* 元素出现及消失用到的矩形遮罩
export class RectMask extends egret.Shape {
constructor() {
super();;, 1); / 2, -Tool.height / 2, Tool.width, Tool.height);
recover() {
if (this.parent) {
Pool.recover(RecoverName.RECT_MASK, this);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,4 +42,7 @@ export enum RecoverName {
STEP_ANI = "StepAni",
JELLYDIS_ANI = "JellyDisAni",
EGGBROKEN_ANI = "EggBrokenAni",
RECT_MASK = "RectMask"
\ No newline at end of file
import { Element } from "../class/Element";
* 掉落动画数据
export interface FallAniData {
* 掉落元素,设为null的时候要生成,并且通过遮罩,生成动画
ele: Element;
* 等待时间,一般用于一个生成口有多个元素排列着的情况
* ele为null才需要wait
wait?: number;
* 起点、中间点及终点的索引,穿过记录下格子,不可能为空
* 索引加类型
indexs: { index: number, type: FallType }[]
// indexs:number[];
export enum FallType {
\ No newline at end of file
* 路径数据
* 路径数据,废弃不用
export interface PathData {
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