Commit b7a2aae0 authored by 邱旭's avatar 邱旭


parent 1b2b44f0
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import { GDispatcher } from "../../libs/tc/util/GDispatcher";
import Loading from "../../libs/new_wx/components/Loading";
import ScratchIcon from "./icon/ScratchIcon";
import TurntableIcon from "./icon/TurntableIcon";
import { loadTurntableSvga } from "../panels/TurntablePanel/Turntable";
let doHelpFlag = false;
// let adTag = false;
......@@ -215,74 +215,3 @@ class InviteItem extends eui.ItemRenderer {
}, this);
\ No newline at end of file
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // 端内分享提示
// class ShareTips extends ComponentBase {
// public inviteGroup: eui.Group;
// public btn1: eui.Button;
// public btn2: eui.Button;
// private img: string;
// setUrl(img: string) {
// this.img = img;
// }
// start() {
// this.once(egret.TouchEvent.ADDED_TO_STAGE, () => {
// this.height = this.stage.stageHeight;
// }, this);
// this.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
// hideShare();
// }, this);
// this.btn1.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
// this.getFunc();//朋友圈
// hideShare();
// }, this);
// this.btn2.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
// this.getFunc();//朋友圈
// hideShare();
// }, this);
// }
// getFunc() {
// NetManager.ins.getShareCode((success, res) => {
// if(!success) {
// return;
// }
// if(iswx()) { //微信端
// } else {//端内
// window["inviteShare"](;
// }
// });
// }
// get skinKey() {
// return 'ShareTips';
// }
// }
// let inited = false;
// let _share: ShareTips;
// const initShare = () => {
// const layer = layers.shareLayer;
// const share = new ShareTips();
// share.loadSkin();
// share.start();
// layer.addChild(share);
// _share = share;
// };
// const showShareTips = (url: string) => {
// if(!inited) {
// initShare();
// inited = true;
// }
// _share.setUrl(url);
// layers.shareLayer.visible = true;
// };
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import { NetManager } from "../../../libs/tw/manager/NetManager";
import Utils from "../../Utils";
import { loadSvga } from "../../loadSvga";
import getResPath from "../../../libs/new_tc/getResPath";
import MapScene from "../../mapScene/MapScene";
import wait from "../../../libs/new_tc/wait";
export const loadTurntableSvga = (callback) => {
loadSvga(getResPath() + 'resource/assets/svgas/turntable.svga').then(async (mv: any) => {
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