Commit 043dfd8f authored by wjf's avatar wjf

Merge branch 'dev' of into dev

parents dde2d83c 6d04de41
......@@ -220,5 +220,21 @@
"16dd8f58b77": {
"bindingDataTestObj": []
"16e01911ccd": {
"bindingDataTestObj": [
"key": "data.url",
"value": ""
"16e0235c541": {
"bindingDataTestObj": [
"key": "data.url",
"value": ""
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3292,7 +3292,7 @@ declare namespace eui {
private _icon;
* Icon to appear on the Button control.
* IconBase to appear on the Button control.
* @version Egret 2.4
* @version eui 1.0
* @platform Web,Native
......@@ -4936,7 +4936,7 @@ var eui;
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype, "icon", {
* Icon to appear on the Button control.
* IconBase to appear on the Button control.
* @version Egret 2.4
* @version eui 1.0
* @platform Web,Native
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ import InviteCutTimePanel from "../../src/panels/InviteCutTimePanel";
import RulePanel2 from "./components/RulePanel2";
import ScratchPanel from "../../src/panels/ScratchPanel";
import ScratchPrizePanel from "../../src/panels/ScratchPrizePanel";
import Turntable from "../../src/panels/TurntablePanel/Turntable";
import BagQuitPanel from "../../src/panels/BagQuitPanel";
export default class MainBase extends eui.UILayer {
constructor() {
......@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends eui.UILayer {
[ModuleTypes.PRIZE_PANEL, { cls: PrizePanel }],
[ModuleTypes.NO_PRIZE_PANEL, { cls: NoPrizePanel }],
['bag', { cls: BagPanel }],
['bagquit', { cls: BagQuitPanel }],
['bloodPanel', { cls: BloodPanel }],
['blood2Panel', { cls: BloodPanel2 }],
['GoldPanel', { cls: GoldPanel }],
......@@ -98,6 +101,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends eui.UILayer {
['inviteRule', { cls: InviteRulePanel }],
['scratch', { cls: ScratchPanel }],
['scratchPrize', { cls: ScratchPrizePanel }],
['turnTable', { cls: Turntable }],
['friend', { cls: FriendPanel }],
['ad', { cls: ADPanel }],
import ComponentBase from "./ComponentBase";
import { HtmlTextParser } from "../HtmlTextParser";
import { gotoNextLevel } from "../../../src/panels/gotoNextLevel";
export default class Toast2 extends ComponentBase {
get skinResKey() { return 'common' }
get skinKey(): string { return 'Toast2' }
start() {
this.toastLabel.textFlow = (new HtmlTextParser).parser('<u>继续闯关赢好礼</u>');
return this;
\ No newline at end of file
import layers from "../views/layers";
import Toast2 from "../components/Toast2";
let inited = false;
let _toast: Toast2;
const initToast = () => {
if (!inited) {
inited = true;
const toast = new Toast2();
toast.alpha = 0;
_toast = toast;
return _toast;
export const showToast2 = () => {
const toast = initToast().start();
const tw = egret.Tween.get(toast);
tw.set({ y: -200, alpha: 1 }).to({ y: 400 }, 500, egret.Ease.quartOut)
.to({ alpha: 0 }, 300)
......@@ -904,6 +904,7 @@ export class NetManager extends ABNetManager {
uri: window['duiba'] + '/customActivity/happyclear/exchange',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
param: d,
callback: callback

18.5 KB | W: | H:


18.2 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -141,12 +141,20 @@
"name": "scratchrulepanel"
"keys": "bagbtn我的奖券_png,bagbtn我的道具_png,bag我的奖券_png,bag我的道具_png,bag_item_bg2_png,bag_item_bg_png,bag_icon3_png,bag_icon2_png,bag_icon1_png,bag按钮 副本 9_png,bag按钮 副本 10_png",
"keys": "bagbtn我的奖券_png,bagbtn我的道具_png,bag我的奖券_png,bag我的道具_png,bag_item_bg2_png,bag_item_bg_png,bag_icon3_png,bag_icon2_png,bag_icon1_png,bag按钮 副本 9_png,bag按钮 副本 10_png,bagbg_png",
"name": "bag"
"keys": "bag退出弹窗_png,bag退出按钮_png,bag继续按钮_png",
"name": "bagquit"
"keys": "turntable_bg_png,turntable_panel_png",
"name": "turntable"
"keys": "back按钮 副本 91_png,backbg_png",
"name": "back"
"resources": [
......@@ -2559,6 +2567,31 @@
"url": "assets/bag/bag按钮 副本 10.png",
"type": "image",
"name": "bag按钮 副本 10_png"
"url": "assets/bag/bagbg.png",
"type": "image",
"name": "bagbg_png"
"url": "assets/turntable/turntable_bg.png",
"type": "image",
"name": "turntable_bg_png"
"url": "assets/turntable/turntable_panel.png",
"type": "image",
"name": "turntable_panel_png"
"url": "assets/back/back按钮 副本 91.png",
"type": "image",
"name": "back按钮 副本 91_png"
"url": "assets/back/backbg.png",
"type": "image",
"name": "backbg_png"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
......@@ -69,7 +72,8 @@
"path": "resource/default.thm.json"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="BackSkin" width="750" height="1206" xmlns:e="">
<e:Component y="710.52" skinName="ADSmallSkin" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Image source="闯关失败_png" y="27" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" x="609" y="197">
<e:Skin class="BackSkin" width="750" height="1206" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<w:Config id="16e0235c541"/>
<e:Component y="806.52" skinName="ADSmallSkin" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
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<e:Image y="-20.27" horizontalCenter="0" x="10" source=""/>
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" x="611" y="291">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="closeCommonBtn_png" source.down="closeCommonBtn_png" source.disabled="closeCommonBtn_png"/>
......@@ -10,5 +12,13 @@
<e:Label text="backpanel" x="260" y="604"/>
<e:Image width="508" height="225" source="{data.url}" horizontalCenter="0" y="380"/>
<e:Button id="inviteBtn" label="" y="675" horizontalCenter="12">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="back按钮 副本 91_png" source.down="back按钮 副本 91_png" source.disabled="back按钮 副本 91_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="BagItem2Skin" width="508" height="225" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<w:Config id="16e01911ccd"/>
<e:Image width="508" height="225" source="{data.url}"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="BagItemSkin" width="400" height="300" xmlns:e="">
<e:Skin class="BagItemSkin" width="153" height="152" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image source="bag_item_bg_png"/>
<e:Image id="hammer" source="bag_icon2_png" horizontalCenter="-6" verticalCenter="0.5" visible="false"/>
<e:Image id="boom" source="bag_icon1_png" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Image id="change" source="bag_icon3_png" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Label id="nums" text="15" textColor="0xc33700" right="10" bottom="10"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="BagQuitSkin" width="750" height="1206" xmlns:e="">
<e:Skin class="BagQuitSkin" width="750" height="1206" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image source="bag退出弹窗_png" y="211" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" x="611.94" y="201.92">
<e:Group y="490" horizontalCenter="0">
<e:Button id="quitbtn" label="" x="0" y="0">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="closeCommonBtn_png" source.down="closeCommonBtn_png" source.disabled="closeCommonBtn_png"/>
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="bag退出按钮_png" source.down="bag退出按钮_png" source.disabled="bag退出按钮_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
<e:Button label="" x="158" y="476">
<e:Button id="resumebtn" label="" x="291.73" y="0">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="bag退出按钮_png" source.down="bag退出按钮_png" source.disabled="bag退出按钮_png"/>
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="bag继续按钮_png" source.down="bag继续按钮_png" source.disabled="bag继续按钮_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
<e:Button label="" x="473.44" y="546.5">
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" x="611.94" y="201.92">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="bag继续按钮_png" source.down="bag继续按钮_png" source.disabled="bag继续按钮_png"/>
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="closeCommonBtn_png" source.down="closeCommonBtn_png" source.disabled="closeCommonBtn_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="BagSkin" width="400" height="300" xmlns:e="">
<e:Skin class="BagSkin" width="750" height="1206" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image source="bagbg_png" y="23.15" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="group1" x="94" y="269" visible="false">
<e:Image source="bag我的道具_png" y="0" x="0"/>
<e:Image id="btn1" source="bagbtn我的奖券_png" x="49.44" y="6"/>
<e:Image id="shopbtn" source="bag按钮 副本 9_png" x="132" y="644"/>
<e:List id="list" x="24" y="93.97" itemRendererSkinName="BagItemSkin">
<e:Object a="null"/>
<e:Object a="null"/>
<e:Object a="null"/>
<e:HorizontalLayout gap="30"/>
<e:Group id="group2" x="94" y="269">
<e:Image y="0" x="0" source="bag我的奖券_png"/>
<e:Image id="btn2" x="297.41" y="6" source="bagbtn我的道具_png"/>
<e:Image id="recordbtn" source="bag按钮 副本 10_png" y="644" x="132"/>
<e:Scroller width="508" y="102" horizontalCenter="0" height="487">
<e:List id="list2" itemRendererSkinName="BagItem2Skin" scaleX="1" scaleY="1">
<e:Object a="null" url=""/>
<e:Object a="null" url=""/>
<e:Object a="null" url=""/>
<e:VerticalLayout gap="20"/>
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" x="601.94" y="223.92">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="closeCommonBtn_png" source.down="closeCommonBtn_png" source.disabled="closeCommonBtn_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
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......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
<e:Label id="turnTableTips" text="立即到" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" verticalAlign="middle" textAlign="center" textColor="0xFFFFFF" size="18" fontFamily="Helvetica"/>
<e:Group id="scratchGroup" y="476" right="30">
<e:Group id="scratchGroup" y="476" right="18">
<e:Button id="scratchBtn" label="" y="0">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="Toast2Skin" width="750" height="122" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<w:Config id="168a2aff0ee"/>
<e:Image id="bg" source="toast_png" y="0" scale9Grid="131,22,48,10" width="403" height="122" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label text="购买成功" verticalAlign="middle" textAlign="center" height="61" textColor="0xffffff" size="28" lineSpacing="15" anchorOffsetX="0" y="6.08" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="toastLabel" text="继续闯关赢好礼" verticalAlign="middle" textAlign="center" textColor="0xFFFFFF" size="28" lineSpacing="15" anchorOffsetX="0" y="72.12" horizontalCenter="0"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="LoadingSceneSkin" width="750" height="1624" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image scaleX="1" scaleY="1" y="73.35" horizontalCenter="0" source=""/>
<e:Group horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="-190" touchEnabled="false">
<e:Image scaleX="1" scaleY="1" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" source=""/>
<e:Group id="panel" anchorOffsetX="277" anchorOffsetY="276.5" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
<e:Image scaleX="1" scaleY="1" anchorOffsetX="277" anchorOffsetY="276.5" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" source=""/>
<e:Group id="prize0" y="14.28" x="202">
<e:Image id="img0" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab0" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xe33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize1" y="124.33" rotation="-40" x="51">
<e:Image id="img1" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab1" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize2" y="305.71" rotation="-80" x="7">
<e:Image id="img2" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab2" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize3" y="472.4" rotation="-120" x="88">
<e:Image id="img3" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab3" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize4" y="547.74" rotation="-160" x="258">
<e:Image id="img4" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab4" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize5" y="496.44" rotation="-200" x="438">
<e:Image id="img5" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab5" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize6" y="342.33" rotation="-240" x="540.33">
<e:Image id="img6" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab6" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize7" y="157.32" rotation="-280" x="520.6">
<e:Image id="img7" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab7" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Group id="prize8" y="27.91" rotation="-320" x="388.98">
<e:Image id="img8" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab8" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Button id="start_btn" label="" anchorOffsetX="93" anchorOffsetY="140" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="-25">
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" y="295.91" x="611">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="closeCommonBtn_png" source.down="closeCommonBtn_png" source.disabled="closeCommonBtn_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e:Skin class="LoadingSceneSkin" width="750" height="1624" xmlns:e="" xmlns:w="">
<e:Image scaleX="1" scaleY="1" y="73.35" horizontalCenter="0" source=""/>
<e:Group horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="-190" touchEnabled="false">
<e:Image scaleX="1" scaleY="1" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" source="turntable_bg_png"/>
<e:Group id="panel" anchorOffsetX="253.5" anchorOffsetY="253.5" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" width="507" height="507">
<e:Image scaleX="1" scaleY="1" anchorOffsetX="253.5" anchorOffsetY="253.5" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" source="turntable_panel_png"/>
<e:Group id="prize0" y="-10" x="179">
<e:Image id="img0" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab0" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xe33330" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Group id="prize1" y="187" x="-11" rotation="-60">
<e:Image id="img1" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab1" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Group id="prize2" y="450" x="64" rotation="-120">
<e:Image id="img2" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab2" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Group id="prize3" y="516.5" rotation="-180" x="329">
<e:Image id="img3" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab3" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Group id="prize4" y="320.1" rotation="-240" x="519.18">
<e:Image id="img4" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab4" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Group id="prize5" y="56.5" rotation="-300" x="444.18">
<e:Image id="img5" y="50" width="83" height="83" rotation="0" horizontalCenter="0"/>
<e:Label id="lab5" text="Label" y="0" size="24" rotation="0" textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" anchorOffsetX="75" width="150" anchorOffsetY="0" height="50" skewX="0" textColor="0xE33330" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>
<e:Button id="start_btn" label="" anchorOffsetX="93" anchorOffsetY="140" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="-25">
<e:Button id="closeBtn" label="" y="135.31" x="565.89">
<e:Skin states="up,down,disabled">
<e:Image width="100%" height="100%" source="closeCommonBtn_png" source.down="closeCommonBtn_png" source.disabled="closeCommonBtn_png"/>
<e:Label id="labelDisplay" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -52,4 +52,74 @@ export default class Utils {
public static prefixInteger(num, length) {
return (Array(length).join('0') + num).slice(-length);
* 对象/数组 深拷贝
* @param {Object} src - 来源对象
* @param {Object} dst - 目标对象
* @returns {Object} obj - 拷贝完成的对象
public static deepClone(src, dst = undefined) {
let _obj = dst || (src instanceof Array ? [] : {});
for(let key in src) {
let prop = src[key];
if(prop === _obj) { // 避免相互引用对象导致死循环,如src.a = dst的情况
_obj[key] = ((typeof prop === 'object') ? this.deepClone(prop) : _obj[key] = prop);
// if (typeof prop === 'object') { // 如果这是个对象则递归调用
// _obj[key] = _deepClone(prop);
// } else {
// _obj[key] = prop;
// }
return _obj;
* 产生一个固定范围的随机数(左闭右开)
* @param start
* @param end
public static Random(start: number, end: number) {
return Math.random() * (end - start) + start;
* 产生一个固定范围的随机整数(左闭右开)
* @param start
* @param end
public static RandomInt(start: number, end: number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - start) + start);
* obj是否在array中
* @param obj
* @param array
public static isInArray(obj: any, array: any[]) {
for(let i in array) {
if(obj == array[i]) {
return true;
return false;
* 简单的碰撞检测
* @param obj1
* @param obj2
public static hitTest(obj1: any, obj2: any): boolean {
let rect1: egret.Rectangle = obj1.getBounds();
let rect2: egret.Rectangle = obj2.getBounds();
rect1.x = obj1.x;
rect1.y = obj1.y;
rect2.x = obj2.x;
rect2.y = obj2.y;
return rect1.intersects(rect2);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import AvatarComp from "./AvatarComp";
import Utils from "../Utils";
import { GDispatcher } from "../../libs/tc/util/GDispatcher";
import Loading from "../../libs/new_wx/components/Loading";
import ScratchIcon from "./icon/ScratchIcon";
let doHelpFlag = false;
// let adTag = false;
......@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ export default class MapScene extends Scene {
GDispatcher.dispatchEvent("getInviteInfo"); // 查询邀请信息,控制邀请有礼角标
......@@ -88,6 +91,8 @@ export default class MapScene extends Scene {
let scratchBtn = new ScratchIcon("scratch", this["scratchGroup"], this["scratchBtn"], this["scratchTipsBg"], this["scratchTips"]);
NetManager.ins.getSignInfo(() => {
const panels = [];
const date = new Date();
......@@ -646,13 +651,13 @@ export default class MapScene extends Scene {
////////////////////////////////////////////////// 大转盘 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
onTap_turnTableBtn() {
protected initEvents() {
// this['goldBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_goldBtn, this)
this['turnTableBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_turnTableBtn, this)
this['scratchBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_scratchBtn, this)
// this['scratchBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_scratchBtn, this)
this['inviteBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_inviteBtn, this)
this['friendBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_friendBtn, this)
this['adBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_adBtn, this)
......@@ -669,7 +674,7 @@ export default class MapScene extends Scene {
this['musicOffBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_music, this);
this['musicBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTap_music, this);
this['recordBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
window.location.href = window['__link__']'bag');
}, this);
// 消消乐查询信息
* 地图页图标基类
* 2019.10.24
export default class IconBase{
private iconGroup:eui.Group;
private iconBtn:eui.Button;
private iconTipsBg:eui.Image;
private iconTips:eui.Label;
private readonly _name:string;
public get name(){
return this._name;
constructor(name:string, group:eui.Group, btn:eui.Button, tipsBg:eui.Image, tipsLabel:eui.Label){
this.iconGroup = group;
this.iconBtn = btn;
this.iconTipsBg = tipsBg;
this.iconTips = tipsLabel;
this._name = name;
protected initEvents(){
this.iconBtn.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTouchBtn, this);
protected onTouchBtn(e:egret.TouchEvent){
protected removeEvents(){
this.iconBtn.removeEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTouchBtn, this);
protected destory(){
* 设置图标提示的隐藏与显示
* @param visible
public set tipsVisible(visible:boolean){
this.iconTipsBg.visible = visible;
this.iconTips.visible = visible;
* 设置图标隐藏与显示
* @param visible
public set visible(visible:boolean){
this.iconGroup.visible = visible;
this.iconBtn.visible = visible;
this.iconTipsBg.visible = visible;
this.iconTips.visible = visible;
\ No newline at end of file
import IconBase from "./IconBase";
export default class ScratchIcon extends IconBase {
constructor(name: string, group: eui.Group, btn: eui.Button, tipsBg: eui.Image, tipsLabel: eui.Label) {
super(name, group, btn, tipsBg, tipsLabel);
protected initEvents() {
protected onTouchBtn(e: egret.TouchEvent) {
protected removeEvents() {
protected destory() {
\ No newline at end of file
import Panel from "../../libs/new_wx/components/Panel";
import { addAdComp } from "./BoxPanel";
import { gotoNextLevel } from "./gotoNextLevel";
export default class BackPanel extends Panel {
start(data) {
addAdComp(84, 806.52, this)
// NetManager.ins.showLog(getlogItem(3));
// NetManager.ins.showLog(getlogItem(4));''
initEvents() {
// this['inviteBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTapInvite, this)
this['inviteBtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTapInvite, this)
onTapInvite() {
protected get closeBtns(): eui.Button[] { return [this['closeBtn']] }
import Panel from "../../libs/new_wx/components/Panel";
import PanelCtrl from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
import BagItemRenderer from "./bag/BagItemRenderer";
import BagIte2mRenderer from "./bag/BagItemRenderer2";
import { getPropNums } from "../getHomeData";
import PropType from "../PropType";
export default class BagPanel extends Panel {
start(data) {
this['group1'].visible = false;
this['group2'].visible = true;
this['btn1'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
this['group1'].visible = false;
this['group2'].visible = true;
}, this);
this['btn2'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
this['group1'].visible = true;
this['group2'].visible = false;
}, this);
this['recordbtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {
window.location.href = window['__link__'];
}, this);
this['shopbtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, () => {'Shop')
}, this);
const prop2Nums = getPropNums(PropType.BOOM);
const prop1Nums = getPropNums(PropType.HAMMER);
const prop3Nums = getPropNums(PropType.CHANCE_NUM);
this.list.dataProvider = new eui.ArrayCollection([
this.list2.dataProvider = new eui.ArrayCollection([
showlog() {
// NetManager.ins.showLog(getlogItem(3));
// NetManager.ins.showLog(getlogItem(4));
......@@ -21,6 +77,6 @@ export default class BagPanel extends Panel {
protected get closeBtns(): eui.Button[] { return [this['closeBtn'],this['closeBtn2']] }
protected get closeBtns(): eui.Button[] { return [this['closeBtn'], this['closeBtn2']] }
get skinKey() { return 'Bag' }
\ No newline at end of file
import Panel from "../../libs/new_wx/components/Panel";
import PanelCtrl from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
import BagItemRenderer from "./bag/BagItemRenderer";
import BagIte2mRenderer from "./bag/BagItemRenderer2";
import { getPropNums } from "../getHomeData";
import PropType from "../PropType";
export default class BagQuitPanel extends Panel {
panel: string
start(data) {
this.panel = data;
showlog() {
// NetManager.ins.showLog(getlogItem(3));
// NetManager.ins.showLog(getlogItem(4));
initEvents() {
this['resumebtn'].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onresumebtn, this)
onresumebtn() {
protected get closeBtns(): eui.Button[] { return [this['closeBtn'], this['quitbtn']] }
get skinKey() { return 'BagQuit' }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,9 +6,17 @@ import { getlogItem } from "../Main";
import { showToast } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl";
import setGlow from "../setGlow";
import getHomeData from "../getHomeData";
import { showToast2 } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl2";
import PanelCtrl from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
export default class Buy1Panel extends Panel {
buyBtn: eui.Button
start(data) {
......@@ -31,10 +39,12 @@ export default class Buy1Panel extends Panel {
this.buyBtn.enabled = true;
if (success) {
NetManager.ins.hc_home(() => {
}, window['collectRuleId']);
}else {
}, PropType.HAMMER);//兑换道具
......@@ -6,8 +6,14 @@ import { getlogItem } from "../Main";
import { showToast } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl";
import setGlow from "../setGlow";
import getHomeData from "../getHomeData";
import { showToast2 } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl2";
import PanelCtrl from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
export default class Buy2Panel extends Panel {
start(data) {
......@@ -26,12 +32,14 @@ export default class Buy2Panel extends Panel {
this.buyBtn.enabled = false;
NetManager.ins.hc_exchange((success) => {
this.buyBtn.enabled = true;
if (success) {
NetManager.ins.hc_home(() => {
}, window['collectRuleId']);
}, PropType.BOOM);//兑换道具
......@@ -6,8 +6,14 @@ import { getlogItem } from "../Main";
import { showToast } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl";
import setGlow from "../setGlow";
import getHomeData from "../getHomeData";
import { showToast2 } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl2";
import PanelCtrl from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
export default class Buy3Panel extends Panel {
start(data) {
......@@ -26,13 +32,15 @@ export default class Buy3Panel extends Panel {
this.buyBtn.enabled = false;
NetManager.ins.hc_exchange((success) => {
this.buyBtn.enabled = true;
if (success) {
NetManager.ins.hc_home(() => {
}, window['collectRuleId']);
}, PropType.CHANCE_NUM);//兑换道具
......@@ -6,8 +6,14 @@ import { getlogItem } from "../Main";
import { showToast } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl";
import setGlow from "../setGlow";
import getHomeData from "../getHomeData";
import { showToast2 } from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/toastCtrl2";
import PanelCtrl from "../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
export default class ExchangePanel extends Panel {
start(data) {
......@@ -26,13 +32,15 @@ export default class ExchangePanel extends Panel {
this.buyBtn.enabled = false;
NetManager.ins.hc_exchange((success) => {
this.buyBtn.enabled = true;
if (success) {
NetManager.ins.hc_home(() => {
}, window['collectRuleId']);
}, PropType.CASH_NUM);//兑换道具
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ export default class ScratchPanel extends Panel {
this["progressLabel"].text = `仅剩${(100 - progress).toFixed(2)}%`; // 进度条文字
let _width = this["progressBg"].width * progress / 100; // 宽度
let dProgress = Math.abs(progress - this["progress"].width / this["progressBg"].width); // 比当前进度的差值的绝对值
let _duration = 2000 * dProgress / 100; // 算出变化的时间
let _duration = 1000 * dProgress / 100; // 算出变化的时间
egret.Tween.get(this["progress"]).to({width: _width}, _duration);
let RotaryData = {
key: [
data: {
export default RotaryData;
import { GDispatcher } from "../../../libs/tc/util/GDispatcher";
import { DataManager } from "../../../libs/tw/manager/DataManager";
import RotaryData from './RotaryData';
import Panel from "../../../libs/new_wx/components/Panel";
import PanelCtrl from "../../../libs/new_wx/ctrls/panelCtrl";
import { ModuleTypes } from "../../../libs/new_wx/types/sceneTypes";
import hdGameDoDojoin from "../../../libs/new_tw/ctrls/hdGameDoDojoin";
import submit from "../../../libs/new_tw/ctrls/submit";
import Loading from "../../../libs/new_wx/components/Loading";
import { NetManager } from "../../../libs/tw/manager/NetManager";
import Utils from "../../Utils";
export default class Turntable extends Panel {
public panel:eui.Group;
public start_btn:eui.Button;
public closeBtn:eui.Button;
public get skinKey() {
return 'Turntable'
constructor(data?) {
super(); = data;
start(data?) {
initEvents() {
this["closeBtn"].addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTouchTap_closeBtn, this);
this.start_btn.addEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTapStart, this);
GDispatcher.addEvent('queryPrize', this.queryPrize, this);
GDispatcher.addEvent('panelEffect', this.panelEffect, this);
onTouchTap_closeBtn() {
removeEvents() {
this["closeBtn"].removeEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTouchTap_closeBtn, this);
this.start_btn.removeEventListener(egret.TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.onTapStart, this);
GDispatcher.removeEvent('queryPrize', this.queryPrize, this);
GDispatcher.removeEvent('panelEffect', this.panelEffect, this);
onTapStart() {
this.setBtnTouch(false); // 锁定按钮;
// 设置全部按钮是否可以点击
private setBtnTouch(touchEnabled: boolean) {
this.start_btn.touchEnabled = touchEnabled;
* 开始抽奖
private queryPrize() {
* 开始游戏
private doJoin() {
/////////////////////////////////////////// 开始转盘并查询奖品 ///////////////////////////////////////////
// hdGameDoDojoin((success, res) => {
// if(!success) {
// Loading.instace.hide();
// this.setBtnTouch(true);
// return;
// }
// submit((success, res) => {
// Loading.instace.hide();
// if(!success) {
// this.setBtnTouch(true);
// return;
// }
// // if(!res.lottery || res.lottery.type == 'thanks') {
// //;
// // } else {
// //, res.lottery);
// // }
// this.rotateByPrize(res.lotteryId, () => {
// if(!res.lottery || res.lottery.type == 'thanks') { // 如果未中奖
// this.setBtnTouch(true); // 开启按钮
// } else {
//, res.lottery);
// GDispatcher.dispatchEvent('getCount'); // 更新免费抽奖次数
// this.setBtnTouch(true); // 开启按钮
// }
// });
// }, 2);
// });
* 根据奖项转转盘
* @param prizeId
* @param callFun - 缓动回调
private rotateByPrize(prizeId, callFun: Function) {
// let key = RotaryData.key[prizeId]; // 转盘数据的key
let index = ~~(Math.random() *[prizeId].length);
let rs =[prizeId][index]; // 奖品在转盘上的范围
let r = Utils.Random(rs.start, rs.end) + Utils.RandomInt(9, 15) * 360;
let t = Utils.Random(5000, 8000);
this.rotate(r, t, callFun);
* 开始一次旋转
* @param rotation - 角度
* @param time - 时间
* @param callFun - 缓动回调
private rotate(rotation: number, time: number, callFun: Function) {
let tw = egret.Tween.get(this.panel);{rotation: rotation}, time, egret.Ease.cubicInOut).wait(500).call(callFun);
protected onSkinComplete(): void {
protected onLoad(): void {
private initUI(): void {
this.getPrizeInfo(); // 查询奖品
private initEffect() {
private panelEffect() {
egret.Tween.get(this.panel).to({rotation: 360}, 20000).call(() => {
protected async preLoadRes() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
* 获得所有奖品信息
private getPrizeInfo() {
/////////////////////////////////////////// 查询奖品加入转盘数据 ///////////////////////////////////////////
// let data = DataManager.ins.ajaxElementData.options;
// let options = Utils.deepClone(data);
// for(let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
// let v = options[i];
// if(v.scoreArea == "1,1") {
// options.splice(i--, 1);
// }
// }
// for(let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
// let v = options[i];
// RotaryData.key.push(;
//[] = [{start: i * 40 - 15, end: i * 40 + 15}];
// this[`img${i}`].source = v.logo;
// this[`lab${i}`].text =;
// }
\ No newline at end of file
import getSkinPath from "../../../libs/new_wx/utils/getSkinPath";
export default class BagItemRenderer extends eui.ItemRenderer {
constructor() {
this.skinName = getSkinPath('BagItem');
dataChanged() {
this['nums'].text =;
\ No newline at end of file
import getSkinPath from "../../../libs/new_wx/utils/getSkinPath";
export default class BagIte2mRenderer extends eui.ItemRenderer {
constructor() {
this.skinName = getSkinPath('BagItem2');
dataChanged() {
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
"code": "0000000000",
"data": {
"mapAdvert": {
"enable": true,
"advertList": [
"img": "//",
"url": ""
"noticeAdvert": {
"enable": true,
"advertList": [
"img": "//",
"url": ""
"popupAdvert": { "enable": true,
"advertList": [
"img": "//",
"url": ""
"success": true,
"desc": "OK",
"timestamp": 1571913337116
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -365,11 +365,11 @@
"type": 3,
"num": 1
"num": 2
"type": 4,
"num": 1
"num": 3
"remainEnargy": 9979,
\ No newline at end of file
"success": true,
"code": "0000000000",
"desc": "OK",
"timestamp": 1571819565824,
"data": {
"wealth": 140,
"totalStars": 359,
"levels": [
"levelNum": 1,
"maxScore": 39870,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 2,
"maxScore": 36770,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 3,
"maxScore": 28800,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 4,
"maxScore": 36340,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 5,
"maxScore": 64750,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 6,
"maxScore": 59590,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 7,
"maxScore": 37810,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 8,
"maxScore": 24050,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 9,
"maxScore": 43210,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 10,
"maxScore": 25630,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 11,
"maxScore": 25420,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 12,
"maxScore": 32580,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 13,
"maxScore": 56700,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 14,
"maxScore": 34450,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 15,
"maxScore": 42080,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 16,
"maxScore": 18990,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 17,
"maxScore": 51180,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 18,
"maxScore": 38390,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 19,
"maxScore": 20160,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 20,
"maxScore": 55860,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 21,
"maxScore": 21630,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 22,
"maxScore": 115670,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 23,
"maxScore": 26840,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 24,
"maxScore": 39310,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 25,
"maxScore": 28010,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 26,
"maxScore": 36710,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 27,
"maxScore": 37610,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 28,
"maxScore": 67430,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 29,
"maxScore": 118210,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 30,
"maxScore": 52800,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 31,
"maxScore": 32060,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 32,
"maxScore": 15000,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 33,
"maxScore": 36350,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 34,
"maxScore": 35930,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 35,
"maxScore": 69590,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 36,
"maxScore": 65520,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 37,
"maxScore": 72220,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 38,
"maxScore": 46450,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 39,
"maxScore": 46340,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 40,
"maxScore": 50220,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 41,
"maxScore": 35080,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 42,
"maxScore": 20690,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 43,
"maxScore": 22950,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 44,
"maxScore": 32270,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 45,
"maxScore": 77730,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 46,
"maxScore": 37680,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 47,
"maxScore": 53230,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 48,
"maxScore": 58830,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 49,
"maxScore": 95480,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 50,
"maxScore": 74370,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 51,
"maxScore": 59300,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 52,
"maxScore": 54770,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 53,
"maxScore": 25710,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 54,
"maxScore": 39220,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 55,
"maxScore": 52860,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 56,
"maxScore": 74730,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 57,
"maxScore": 44770,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 58,
"maxScore": 44610,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 59,
"maxScore": 72310,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 60,
"maxScore": 47880,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 61,
"maxScore": 89810,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 62,
"maxScore": 24420,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 63,
"maxScore": 36960,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 64,
"maxScore": 31840,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 65,
"maxScore": 74220,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 66,
"maxScore": 176910,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 67,
"maxScore": 61010,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 68,
"maxScore": 47900,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 69,
"maxScore": 39940,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 70,
"maxScore": 55620,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 71,
"maxScore": 23480,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 72,
"maxScore": 44670,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 73,
"maxScore": 57750,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 74,
"maxScore": 53350,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 75,
"maxScore": 27430,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 76,
"maxScore": 34370,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 77,
"maxScore": 41730,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 78,
"maxScore": 33080,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 79,
"maxScore": 16860,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 80,
"maxScore": 35460,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 81,
"maxScore": 47380,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 82,
"maxScore": 39230,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 83,
"maxScore": 33710,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 84,
"maxScore": 49520,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 85,
"maxScore": 55970,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 86,
"maxScore": 94160,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 87,
"maxScore": 49370,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 88,
"maxScore": 41570,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 89,
"maxScore": 34480,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 90,
"maxScore": 77170,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 91,
"maxScore": 36230,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 92,
"maxScore": 36890,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 93,
"maxScore": 33800,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 94,
"maxScore": 34200,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 95,
"maxScore": 39460,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 96,
"maxScore": 30800,
"stars": 2
"levelNum": 97,
"maxScore": 62330,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 98,
"maxScore": 43080,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 99,
"maxScore": 43850,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 100,
"maxScore": 58060,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 101,
"maxScore": 33440,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 102,
"maxScore": 37070,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 103,
"maxScore": 80120,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 104,
"maxScore": 37370,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 105,
"maxScore": 63770,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 106,
"maxScore": 118590,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 107,
"maxScore": 43040,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 108,
"maxScore": 116110,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 109,
"maxScore": 94310,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 110,
"maxScore": 61970,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 111,
"maxScore": 44820,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 112,
"maxScore": 70240,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 113,
"maxScore": 37160,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 114,
"maxScore": 87000,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 115,
"maxScore": 37340,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 116,
"maxScore": 107460,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 117,
"maxScore": 48130,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 118,
"maxScore": 67190,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 119,
"maxScore": 52010,
"stars": 3
"levelNum": 120,
"maxScore": 47440,
"stars": 3
"remainProp": [
"type": 2,
"num": 1
"type": 3,
"num": 2
"type": 4,
"num": 3
"remainEnargy": 1,
"askForEnergy": true,
"canReceiveTreasureBoxNum": 0,
"nextRangeStarsNum": 0,
"isGetAllTreasureBox": true,
"refectionCountdown": 1685
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