Commit 2660873b authored by shunx 马's avatar shunx 马


parent c89d1f9a
......@@ -2,47 +2,586 @@ export const ResJson = {
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"oy": 0,
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"sh": 20,
"ro": false
"keys": "memberGuide_bg.png,memberGuide_btn.png,memberGuide_close.png",
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"oy": 0,
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"sh": 66,
"ro": true
"keys": "newRule_bg.png,newRule_close.png",
"name": "newRule"
"name": "newRule",
"atlas": {
"newRule_bg.png": {
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"ro": true
"keys": "noprize_bg.png,noprize_close.png,noprize_ok.png",
"name": "noprize"
"name": "noprize",
"atlas": {
"noprize_bg.png": {
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"sw": 220,
"sh": 53,
"ro": true
"noprize_close.png": {
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"oy": 0,
"sw": 67,
"sh": 66,
"ro": true
"keys": "notEnoughMoney_bg.png,notEnoughMoney_btn.png,notEnoughMoney_close.png",
"name": "notEnoughMoney"
"name": "notEnoughMoney",
"atlas": {
"notEnoughMoney_bg.png": {
"x": 2,
"y": 2,
"w": 482,
"h": 580,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 482,
"sh": 580,
"ro": false
"notEnoughMoney_btn.png": {
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"oy": 0,
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"sh": 53,
"ro": true
"notEnoughMoney_close.png": {
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"w": 67,
"h": 66,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 67,
"sh": 66,
"ro": true
"keys": "playBg.jpg",
......@@ -50,11 +589,92 @@ export const ResJson = {
"keys": "prize_bg.png,prize_bg2.png,prize_close.png,prize_open.png",
"name": "prize"
"name": "prize",
"atlas": {
"prize_bg2.png": {
"x": 2,
"y": 2,
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"h": 731,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 731,
"sh": 731,
"ro": false
"prize_bg.png": {
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"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 521,
"sh": 618,
"ro": false
"prize_open.png": {
"x": 735,
"y": 622,
"w": 220,
"h": 53,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 220,
"sh": 53,
"ro": false
"prize_close.png": {
"x": 957,
"y": 622,
"w": 67,
"h": 66,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 67,
"sh": 66,
"ro": true
"keys": "share_bg.png,share_close.png,share_go.png",
"name": "share"
"name": "share",
"atlas": {
"share_bg.png": {
"x": 2,
"y": 2,
"w": 482,
"h": 580,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 482,
"sh": 580,
"ro": false
"share_go.png": {
"x": 486,
"y": 2,
"w": 220,
"h": 53,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 220,
"sh": 53,
"ro": true
"share_close.png": {
"x": 541,
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"w": 67,
"h": 66,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 67,
"sh": 66,
"ro": true
"keys": "盲盒开启-打开-输出.svga,盲盒选中-输出.svga,首页元素循环上-输出.svga,首页元素循环下-输出.svga",
......@@ -62,8 +682,43 @@ export const ResJson = {
"keys": "timesNotEnough_bg.png,timesNotEnough_close.png,timesNotEnough_ok.png",
"name": "timesNotEnough"
"name": "timesNotEnough",
"atlas": {
"timesNotEnough_bg.png": {
"x": 2,
"y": 2,
"w": 482,
"h": 580,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 482,
"sh": 580,
"ro": false
"timesNotEnough_ok.png": {
"x": 486,
"y": 2,
"w": 220,
"h": 53,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 220,
"sh": 53,
"ro": true
"timesNotEnough_close.png": {
"x": 541,
"y": 2,
"w": 67,
"h": 66,
"ox": 0,
"oy": 0,
"sw": 67,
"sh": 66,
"ro": true
"path": "./resource/"
"path": ""
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export class PrizePanel extends Panel {
click_prize_open() {
location.href = 'f34481928.html';
get groupNames() { return ["prize"] }
......@@ -122,9 +122,12 @@ export class BoxGroup extends FYGE.Sprite {
prizeData = await sendWebNetWithToken(WebNetName.drawPrize);
setTimeout(() => {
sendWebNet(WebNetName.index).then(res => {
}, 2000);
if (prizeData && prizeData.success) {
if ( && {
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export class IndexScene extends Scene {
onRestartFrame() {
if(boxGroup && boxGroup.indexsvga && boxGroup.indexsvga.parent)
this.addEventListener(FYGE.Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame, this);
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