Commit ddcd79ab authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode


parent f370d2f9
No preview for this file type
......@@ -159,6 +159,27 @@
"name": "getOrderStatus"
"script": "./scripts/api/SampleApi",
"properties": {
"uri": "/customActivity/sjf/activity/getActivityFreeLimt",
"name": "limitTimes",
"onError": [
"entity": "entity|41f0a20e-9d0a-445b-8ffc-d8a0b04ab02c",
"component": 1,
"method": "onErrorLimitFree"
"onResponse": [
"entity": "entity|41f0a20e-9d0a-445b-8ffc-d8a0b04ab02c",
"component": 1,
"method": "updateCountFromNet"
"uuid": "41f0a20e-9d0a-445b-8ffc-d8a0b04ab02c",
......@@ -733,7 +754,7 @@
"properties": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 197.83333333333326,
"y": 185.83333333333326,
"_type_": "scilla/support/Vector2D"
......@@ -777,7 +798,7 @@
"properties": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 287
"y": 259
......@@ -44,20 +44,34 @@ export default class PrizeDialogContent extends DialogContent {
onClick_usebtn() {
if (this._isDuibaPrize) {
window["downloadAppConfig"] =
openUrl: this._lottery.openUrl,
iosDownloadUrl: this._lottery.iosDownloadUrl,
androidDownloadUrl: this._lottery.androidDownloadUrl,
confirm: this._lottery.confirm ? this._lottery.confirm : false
window.location.href = this._link
onAwake() {
this._y = getY(this.useBtn)
this._y = 306;
private _isDuibaPrize;
private _lottery;
async setup({ isDuibaPrize, data }) {
let imgUrl: string;
// this.useBtn.enabled = = isDuibaPrize; = !isDuibaPrize;
this._isDuibaPrize = isDuibaPrize;
this._lottery = data.luckBagDetail;
if (isDuibaPrize) {//大牌券
this._link =;
// this._link =;
imgUrl = data.luckBagDetail.imgurl;
setY(this.useBtn, this._y);
......@@ -34,35 +34,44 @@ export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorVie
this._drop.callback = this.dropEndCallback;
// this.updateCountTxt();
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'limitTimes', {
weddingId: window['CFG'].weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG'].activityId
dropEndCallback = () => {
// initGameStage() {
// this.updateCountTxt();
// }
updateCountFromNet(limit: number) {
if (limit < 0)
limit = 0;
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:${limit}`);
console.log('updateCountFromNet', `剩余次数:${limit}`)
onErrorLimitFree(data) {
console.log('onErrorLimitFree', data);
if (data == '400005')
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:${window['CFG'].freeLimit}`);
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:0`);
updateCountTxt() {
updateCountTxtFromDojoin() {
let limit = 0;
if (this.doJoin) {
limit = this.doJoin.freeLimit;
} else {
limit = window['CFG'].freeLimit;
if (limit < 0)
limit = 0;
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:${limit}`);
console.log('updateCountTxtFromDojoin', `剩余次数:${limit}`)
onClick_startbtn() {
// if (error === '400005') {
// this.bubbling('showToast', '活动还未开始\n敬请期待~');
// } else if (error === '400006') {
// this.bubbling('showToast', '活动已结束\n下次早点来哦~');
// }
const { startTime, endTime } = window['CFG'];
const now =;
if (now < startTime) {
......@@ -74,21 +83,41 @@ export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorVie
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = false;
this._shakeTimes = this.SHAK_TIMERS;
this._counter = 0;
setRotation(this.treeWrapper, this.STREN);
onShakeOver() {
// if (window['getDuibaToken']) {
// window['getDuibaToken']((tokenObj: any) => {
// this.dojoinFunc(tokenObj.token);
// }, (key: string, messageObj: any) => {
// // this.onError(net);
// });
// } else {
// }
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
// console.log('onGotDojoin', this.doJoin);
const data = this.doJoin;
if (data.prizeType == 0) {//幸运奖
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
if (data && data.lottery) {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Prize', {
isDuibaPrize: true, data: {
exposure: data.exposure,
luckBagDetail: data.lottery
} else {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '您与奖品擦肩而过~');
} else {//线下奖品 1,一等奖;2,二等奖;3,三等奖;4,四等奖 5谢谢 6
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
if (data.prizeType == 5) {//5谢谢
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '您与奖品擦肩而过~');
} else if (data.prizeType != 6) {//线下奖品 1,一等奖;2,二等奖;3,三等奖;4,四等奖
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Prize', { isDuibaPrize: false, data: data });
} else {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '系统异常,prizeType=6');
dojoinFunc(token?) {
......@@ -120,33 +149,11 @@ export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorVie
onGotDojoin(data) {
// console.log('onGotDojoin', this.doJoin);
if (data.prizeType == 0) {//幸运奖
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
if (data && data.lottery) {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Prize', {
isDuibaPrize: true, data: {
exposure: data.exposure,
luckBagDetail: data.lottery
} else {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '您与奖品擦肩而过~');
this._shakeTimes = this.SHAK_TIMERS;
this._counter = 0;
setRotation(this.treeWrapper, this.STREN);
} else {//线下奖品 1,一等奖;2,二等奖;3,三等奖;4,四等奖 5谢谢 6
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
if (data.prizeType == 5) {//5谢谢
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '您与奖品擦肩而过~');
} else if (data.prizeType != 6) {//线下奖品 1,一等奖;2,二等奖;3,三等奖;4,四等奖
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Prize', { isDuibaPrize: false, data: data });
} else {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '系统异常,prizeType=6');
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = false;
onGotDojoinError(error) {
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window.ruleContent += '2.奖品为随机掉落,接到实物奖品的获奖用户请于获奖当日在宴会现场工作人员处领取奖品,否则视为放弃领奖<br>';
window.ruleContent += '3.若未在游戏开放时间内或剩余参与次数为0时开始游戏,将无法参与游戏<br>';
window.ruleContent += '4.点击【我的奖品】可查看获奖情况<br>';
window.ruleContent += '5.在本次活动期间,如用户存在任何违反法律、法规、水井坊活动规则的行为,包括但不限于作弊得奖等行为,水井坊有权取消用户的中奖资格,有权撤销违规交易<br>';
window.ruleContent += '6.在法律规定的范围内,水井坊对本次活动拥有最终解释权';
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
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......@@ -67,8 +67,14 @@
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window.ruleContent += '<li>点击接礼物,礼物树开始掉落奖品;</li>';
window.ruleContent += '<li>奖品为随机掉落,接到实物奖品的获奖用户请于获奖当日在宴会现场工作人员处领取奖品,否则视为放弃领奖;</li>';
window.ruleContent += '<li>若未在游戏开放时间内或剩余参与次数为0时开始游戏,将无法参与游戏;</li>';
window.ruleContent += '<li>点击【我的奖品】可查看获奖情况;</li>';
window.ruleContent += '<li>在本次活动期间,如用户存在任何违反法律、法规、水井坊活动规则的行为,包括但不限于作弊得奖等行为,水井坊有权取消用户的中奖资格,有权撤销违规交易;</li>';
window.ruleContent += '<li>在法律规定的范围内,水井坊对本次活动拥有最终解释权。</li>';
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function requirelogin() {
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
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