Commit 129d2ba2 authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode


parent fb4a421a
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { dynamic, engine, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import Toast from "./common/Toast";
import { initEnv } from "./common/BuriedPoint";
import Popup from "./popup/Popup";
export default class MainController extends ScillaComponent {
Popup: Entity;//PopupContainer 弹窗容器
Toast: Entity;//toast 实体
hdToolId: dynamic;
actId: dynamic;
private _toast: Toast;
private _popup: Popup;
// fuckNavigator(p) {
// console.log('fuckNavigator from MainController', p)
// }
onAwake() {
engine.dataCenter.set('CFG', window['CFG']);
this._toast = this.Toast.getComponent(Toast);
this._popup = this.Popup.getComponent(Popup);
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'ajaxElement', { duibaId: this.hdToolId, activityId: this.actId })
onGotAjaxElement() {
onGotAjaxElementError(e) {
// if (typeof e === 'string') {
// switch (e) {
// case '0100016': //活动未开始
// case '0100014': //活动已结束
// case '0100017': //活动已关闭
// this.showErrorToast(e);
// break;
// default:
// this.showNetError();
// }
// } else {
// this.showNetError();
// }
showErrorToast(e) {
// switch (e) {
// case '0100016': //活动未开始
// this.showToast('活动未开始,暂时无法参与');
// break;
// case '0100014': //活动已结束
// case '0100017': //活动已关闭
// this.showToast('活动已结束,无法参与');
// break;
// }
showToast(content, duration?) {{
showDialog(name, data?, callback?) {
this._popup.showDialog(name, data, callback);
showNetError(action?) {
// this.showDialog('Alert', { title: '网络异常', content: '请检查网络后重试!', button: '重新加载', showCloseButton: false }, () => {
// if (typeof action === 'function') {
// action();
// } else {
// action = action || 'refresh';
// switch (action) {
// case 'back':
// history.back();
// break;
// case 'refresh':
// location.reload();
// break;
// }
// }
// })
* Created by rockyl on 2018-12-16.
* Api接口组件基类
import {engine, ScillaEvent} from "scilla/src";
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
export enum RequestMethod{
GET = 'GET',
PUT = 'PUT',
export default class ApiComponent extends ScillaComponent {
name: string;
method: RequestMethod = RequestMethod.POST;
params: any;
onResponse: ScillaEvent = new ScillaEvent();
onError: ScillaEvent = new ScillaEvent();
onFinish: ScillaEvent = new ScillaEvent();
autoCall: boolean = false;
private _args;
onAwake() {
protected async execute(paramsInput?, ...args) {
this._args = args;
onGotResponse(response: any) {
if(this._args && this._args.length > 0){
this.onResponse.invoke(, ...this._args);
onGotError(e) {
if(this._args && this._args.length > 0){
this.onError.invoke(e, ...this._args);
if(this._args && this._args.length > 0){
* Created by hwj on 2018/12/1.
* 简单的api组件
import {utils, } from 'scilla/src'
import ApiComponent from "./ApiComponent";
import {callApi} from "../net/webService";
export default class SampleApi extends ApiComponent {
uri: string;
ignoreSuccessField = false;
async callApi(name, paramsInput, ...args){
if( == name){
await this.execute(paramsInput, ...args);
protected async execute(paramsInput?, ...args) {
await super.execute(paramsInput, ...args);
const params = {};
utils.injectProp(params, this.params);
utils.injectProp(params, paramsInput);
const {uri, method} = this;
try {
const response = await callApi(uri, params, method, 'json', this.ignoreSuccessField);
} catch (e) {
* Created by hwj on 2018/12/1.
* 轮询api组件
import {raw, utils,} from 'scilla/src'
import ApiComponent from "./ApiComponent";
import { polling} from "../net/webService";
export default class SamplePollingApi extends ApiComponent {
successField: string;
successValues: raw;
uri: string;
maxTimes = 5;
delay = 500;
private _abortFlag = false;
async callApi(name, paramsInput, ...args) {
if ( == name) {
await this.execute(paramsInput, ...args);
if ( == name) {
protected async execute(paramsInput?, ...args) {
await super.execute(paramsInput, ...args);
this._abortFlag = false;
const params = {};
if (this.params) {
utils.injectProp(params, this.params);
if (paramsInput) {
utils.injectProp(params, paramsInput);
const {uri, method} = this;
try {
const response = await polling(this.successFunc, uri, params, this.maxTimes, this.delay, this.abortFunc, method);
} catch (e) {
protected abortFunc=()=>{
return this._abortFlag;
protected _abort(){
this._abortFlag = true;
successFunc=(response)=> {
// const {successField, successValues} = this;
// let v = successField ?[successField] :;
// return successValues ? successValues.indexOf(v) >= 0 : false;
return response.origin.code != "C000000001";
* Created by rockyl on 2018-12-26.
* 埋点按钮
import InteractComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/InteractComponent";
import {callApi} from "../net/webService";
import {engine} from "scilla/src";
export default class BuriedPoint extends InteractComponent {
dpm: string;
dcm: string;
private _buriedPointName: string;
private _exposured: boolean;
onAwake() {
if (this.dpm && this.dcm && !this._exposured) {
this.setConfig(this.dpm, this.dcm, true);
onTouchTap(e) {
if (this._buriedPointName) {
setConfig(dpm, dcm, needLogExposure = false) {
this._buriedPointName = 'buried-point-' + + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999);
{dpm, dcm}
if (needLogExposure) {
this._exposured = true;
let _buriedPoints: any = {};
let env: any;
export function initEnv() {
const cfg = engine.dataCenter.get('CFG');
env = {
app_id: cfg.appId,
oaid: cfg.opActivityId,
page_id: 3,
comp_id: 4,
export function addBuriedPoints(buriedPoints) {
for (let name in buriedPoints) {
_buriedPoints[name] = buriedPoints[name];
export function addBuriedPointConfig(name, config) {
const {dpm, dcm} = config;
_buriedPoints[name] = new BuriedPointData(dpm, dcm);
export function addBuriedPointConfigs(configs) {
for (let name in configs) {
addBuriedPointConfig(name, configs[name]);
export function logExposure(name) {
return log(name, 'exposure');
export function logClick(name) {
return log(name, 'click');
function log(name, type) {
if (DEBUG) {
let logPoint = _buriedPoints[name];
let appId = engine.dataCenter.get('CFG', 'appId');
let {dpm, dcm} = logPoint;
return callApi( //todo 埋点
type == 'exposure' ? '//' : '/log/click',
dpm, dcm, appId
'get', type == 'exposure' ? 'jsonp' : 'json'
).catch(e => {
function fillData(src) {
let result = src;
for (let key in env) {
result = result.replace(key, env[key]);
return result;
class BuriedPointData {
dpm: string;
dcm: string;
constructor(dpm, dcm) {
this.dpm = fillData(dpm);
this.dcm = fillData(dcm);
* Created by rockyl on 2019-01-02.
* Toast
import {Entity, createTween, Tween, ease, engine,} from "scilla/src";
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import TextRenderer from "scilla-components/src/renderer/TextRenderer";
import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
export default class Toast extends ScillaComponent {
Label: Entity;
padding = 20;
offsetY = 0;
showDuration = 300;
hideDuration = 300;
private _bgTransform: Transform;
private _labelRenderer: TextRenderer;
private _labelTransform: Transform;
private _tweenIn: Tween;
private _tweenOut: Tween;
private _timerDuration;
onAwake() {
if (!this._bgTransform) {
const {offsetY, hideDuration, showDuration, transform} = this;
this._bgTransform = this.getComponent(Transform);
this._labelRenderer = this.Label.getComponent(TextRenderer);
this._labelTransform = this.Label.getComponent(Transform);
this._tweenIn = createTween(this, transform, false, {autoPlay: false})
.to({position: {x: 0, y: offsetY}}, showDuration, ease.cubicOut);
this._tweenOut = createTween(this, transform, false, {autoPlay: false})
.to({position: {y: 0}}, hideDuration, ease.cubicIn)
this.transform.position.y = this.outPos;
private get outPos(){
return engine.renderContext.stageCenter.y + this._bgTransform.height;
show({content, duration = 1000}) {
this.entity.enabled = true;
const {_bgTransform, _labelRenderer, _labelTransform, padding} = this;
_labelRenderer.text = content;
_bgTransform.width = _labelTransform.width + padding * 2;
_bgTransform.height = _labelTransform.height + padding * 2;
this._tweenOut.queue[0].props.position.y = this.outPos;;
if (this._timerDuration) {
this._timerDuration = null;
this._timerDuration = setTimeout(() => {
}, duration);
hide() {;
private onHidden() {
this.entity.enabled = false;
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-10.
* 警告对话框内容
import DialogContent from "../popup/DialogContent";
export default class AlertDialogContent extends DialogContent {
onAwake() {
setup(data: any = {}) {
onClickConfirmButton() {
import DialogContent from '../popup/DialogContent';
export default class GameOverPanel extends DialogContent {
onAwake() {
onclick_againBtn() {
this.bubbling('fuckNavigator', 'start')
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-10.
* 规则对话框内容
import HtmlRenderer from "scilla-components/src/renderer/HtmlRenderer";
import { dynamic, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import DialogContent from "../popup/DialogContent";
export default class RuleDialogContent extends DialogContent {
Content: Entity;
ajaxElement: dynamic;//ajax Element
private _contentRenderer: HtmlRenderer;
onAwake() {
this._contentRenderer = this.Content.getComponent(HtmlRenderer);
setup(data) {
this._contentRenderer.htmlText = this.ajaxElement.rule;
import { TextRenderer } from "scilla-components/src";
import { Entity } from "scilla/src";
export const setText = (entity: Entity, text) => {
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text;
\ No newline at end of file
import { Transform, ScillaComponent } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { createTween, Entity } from 'scilla/src';
export const getTween = (context, val: Transform | Entity | ScillaComponent, obj, duration, ease?) => {
return new Promise((r) => {
let target: Transform;
if (val instanceof Transform) {
target = val;
} else {
target = val.getComponent(Transform)
const postionObj = {};
for (const key in obj) {
if (key == 'x' || key == 'y') {
postionObj[key] = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
createTween(context, target.position, true).to(postionObj, duration, ease);
createTween(context, target, true).to(obj, duration, ease).call(r);
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by rocky.l on 2017/1/19.
* 场景导航器
import {EventEmitter} from 'scilla/src'
import {alien} from "./StackNavigator";
import NavigatorAction = alien.NavigatorAction;
import INavigatorDelegate = alien.INavigatorDelegate;
import StackNavigator = alien.StackNavigator;
export interface INavigatorViewBase {
onAddView(): boolean;
onWillMount(last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onWillUnMount(next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onWillEnter(last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onDidEnter(last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void;
onWillLeave(next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onDidLeave(next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void;
const showLog = false;
export class Navigator extends EventEmitter implements INavigatorDelegate {
static VIEW_DID_ENTER: string = 'VIEW_DID_ENTER';
static VIEW_DID_LEAVE: string = 'VIEW_DID_LEAVE';
stack: StackNavigator;
protected _classDic: any;
protected _instanceDic: any;
protected _currentName: string;
protected _currentView: INavigatorViewBase;
constructor() {
this._classDic = {};
this._instanceDic = {};
this.stack = new StackNavigator(this);
register(name: string, clazz: any): void {
this._classDic[name] = clazz;
push(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this.stack.push(name, parameters);
pop(parameters: any = null) {
popToBottom(parameters: any = null) {
this.stack.popTo(0, null, parameters);
popAll(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this.stack.popAll(name, parameters);
replace(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this.stack.replace(name, parameters);
jump(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this.stack.jump(name, parameters);
get currentView(): INavigatorViewBase {
return this._currentView;
get currentName(): string {
return this._currentName;
protected newView(name: string): INavigatorViewBase {
return new this._classDic[name]();
protected getViewInstanceByName(name: string): INavigatorViewBase {
let view: INavigatorViewBase = this._instanceDic[name];
if (!view) {
view = this._instanceDic[name] = this.newView(name);
return view;
protected addView(view: INavigatorViewBase, addToBottom) {
* 栈入实现
* @param name
* @param last
* @param action
* @param parameters
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async onEnter(name: string, last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
let view: INavigatorViewBase = this.getViewInstanceByName(name);
this._currentView = view;
this._currentName = name;
await view.onWillMount(last, action, parameters);
let addToBottom = view.onAddView();
this.addView(view, addToBottom);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' will enter.');
this.emit(Navigator.VIEW_WILL_ENTER, {name, last, action, parameters});
await view.onWillEnter(last, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' did enter.');
this.emit(Navigator.VIEW_DID_ENTER, {name, last, action, parameters});
view.onDidEnter(last, action, parameters);
* 栈出实现
* @param name
* @param next
* @param action
* @param parameters
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async onLeave(name: string, next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
let view: INavigatorViewBase = this.getViewInstanceByName(name);
await view.onWillUnMount(name, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' will leave.');
this.emit(Navigator.VIEW_WILL_LEAVE, {name, next, action, parameters});
await view.onWillLeave(next, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' did leave.');
this.emit(Navigator.VIEW_DID_LEAVE, {name, next, action, parameters});
view.onDidLeave(next, action, parameters);
* 当收到错误实现
* @param error
onError(error: Error) {
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-09.
* 单场景导航器
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { ScenePlay, SceneStart } from "../scenes";
import { VirtualNavigator } from "./VirtualNavigator";
export default class SingleSceneNavigator extends ScillaComponent {
_navigator: VirtualNavigator;
onCreate() {
this._navigator = new VirtualNavigator(this.entity);
this._navigator.register('start', 'SceneStart', SceneStart);
this._navigator.register('play', 'ScenePlay', ScenePlay);
onAwake() {
onUpdate(t) {
onSleep() {
onDestroy() {
push(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this._navigator.stack.push(name, parameters);
pop(parameters: any = null) {
popToBottom(parameters: any = null) {
this._navigator.stack.popTo(0, null, parameters);
popAll(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this._navigator.stack.popAll(name, parameters);
replace(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this._navigator.stack.replace(name, parameters);
jump(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this._navigator.stack.jump(name, parameters);
* Created by rocky.l on 2017/1/17.
* 堆栈导航器
export module alien {
export enum NavigatorAction {Push, Pop, Replace, Jump}
export interface INavigatorDelegate {
onEnter(name: string, last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any);
onLeave(name: string, next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any);
onError(error: Error);
export class StackNavigator {
private _stack: string[];
private _delegate: INavigatorDelegate;
constructor(delegate: INavigatorDelegate) {
this._stack = [];
this._delegate = delegate;
private catchPromise(p: Promise<any>) {
if (p) {
p.catch((e => {
push(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
let last: string = this.getTopSceneName();
if (last) {
if (last == name) {
this.catchPromise(this._delegate.onLeave(last, name, NavigatorAction.Push, parameters));
this.catchPromise(this._delegate.onEnter(name, last, NavigatorAction.Push, parameters));
popTo(index, name?: string, parameters: any = null) {
if (this._stack.length > 0 && this._stack.length < (index + 1)) {
let last: string = this.getTopSceneName();
this._stack.splice(Math.max(index + 1, 0));
let next: string = this._stack[index];
if (!next) {
this._stack.push(next = name);
if (last) {
this.catchPromise(this._delegate.onLeave(last, next, NavigatorAction.Pop, parameters));
this.catchPromise(this._delegate.onEnter(next, last, NavigatorAction.Pop, parameters));
pop(parameters: any = null) {
this.popTo(this._stack.length - 2, null, parameters);
popAll(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
this.popTo(-1, name, parameters);
replace(name: string, parameters: any = null) {
let last: string = this._stack.pop();
this.catchPromise(this._delegate.onLeave(last, name, NavigatorAction.Replace, parameters));
this.catchPromise(this._delegate.onEnter(name, last, NavigatorAction.Replace, parameters));
jump(name: string, parameters: any = null){
if(this._stack.length < 2){
this.push(name, parameters);
let last:string = this._stack.pop();
let next:string = name;
this._delegate.onLeave(last, next, NavigatorAction.Pop, parameters);
this._delegate.onEnter(next, last, NavigatorAction.Pop, parameters);
private getTopSceneName(): string {
return this._stack.length > 0 ? this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] : null;
private getBottomSceneName(): string {
return this._stack.length > 0 ? this._stack[0] : null;
* Created by rocky.l on 2017/1/19.
* 场景导航器
import {Entity, EventEmitter} from 'scilla/src'
import {alien} from "./StackNavigator";
import NavigatorAction = alien.NavigatorAction;
import INavigatorDelegate = alien.INavigatorDelegate;
import StackNavigator = alien.StackNavigator;
const showLog = false;
export const VIEW_WILL_ENTER: string = 'VIEW_WILL_ENTER';
export const VIEW_DID_ENTER: string = 'VIEW_DID_ENTER';
export const VIEW_WILL_LEAVE: string = 'VIEW_WILL_LEAVE';
export const VIEW_DID_LEAVE: string = 'VIEW_DID_LEAVE';
export interface INavigatorViewBase {
onWillMount(last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onWillUnMount(next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onWillEnter(last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onDidEnter(last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void;
onWillLeave(next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any>;
onDidLeave(next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void;
export class VirtualNavigator extends EventEmitter implements INavigatorDelegate {
stack: StackNavigator;
protected _currentName: string;
protected _currentView: INavigatorViewBase;
protected _classDic: any;
protected _container: Entity;
constructor(container) {
this._container = container;
this._classDic = {};
this.stack = new StackNavigator(this);
register(alias: string, childName: string, componentDef): void {
this._classDic[alias] = {
get currentView(): INavigatorViewBase {
return this._currentView;
get currentName(): string {
return this._currentName;
protected getViewInstanceByName(name: string): INavigatorViewBase {
let {childName, componentDef,} = this._classDic[name];
let scene: Entity = this._container.getChildrenByName(childName)[0];
let component:any = scene.getComponent(componentDef);
return component;
* 栈入实现
* @param name
* @param last
* @param action
* @param parameters
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async onEnter(name: string, last: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
let view: INavigatorViewBase = this.getViewInstanceByName(name);
this._currentView = view;
this._currentName = name;
await view.onWillMount(last, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' will enter.');
this.emit(VIEW_WILL_ENTER, {name, last, action, parameters});
await view.onWillEnter(last, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' did enter.');
this.emit(VIEW_DID_ENTER, {name, last, action, parameters});
view.onDidEnter(last, action, parameters);
* 栈出实现
* @param name
* @param next
* @param action
* @param parameters
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async onLeave(name: string, next: string, action: NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
let view: INavigatorViewBase = this.getViewInstanceByName(name);
await view.onWillUnMount(name, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' will leave.');
this.emit(VIEW_WILL_LEAVE, {name, next, action, parameters});
await view.onWillLeave(next, action, parameters);
if (showLog) console.log(name + ' did leave.');
this.emit(VIEW_DID_LEAVE, {name, next, action, parameters});
view.onDidLeave(next, action, parameters);
* 当收到错误实现
* @param error
onError(error: Error) {
* Created by rockyl on 2018-12-12.
* 对话框内容组件
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { fade, flew, none, zoom } from "./PopupEffect";
import { raw } from "scilla/src";
import { decorators } from "scilla/src";
import { Button } from "scilla-components/src";
const { dirtyFieldTrigger } = decorators;
export default class DialogContent extends ScillaComponent {
effect: PopupEffect = PopupEffect.flew;
showEffectOptions: raw;
hideEffectOptions: raw;
protected _closeButtons: Button[];
effectImpl = none;
protected onModify(value, key, oldValue) {
super.onModify(value, key, oldValue);
if (key === 'effect') {
this.effectImpl = effects[value];
onAwake() {
if (!this._closeButtons) {
this._closeButtons = [];
const buttons = this.entity.getChildrenByName('CloseButton');
if (buttons) {
buttons.forEach(button => {
const closeBtn = button.getComponent(Button);
closeBtn.onClick.addListener(this.onTapCloseButton, this);
protected onTapCloseButton() {
setup(data) {
show = (data?, callback?) => {
this.bubbling('showDialog',, data, callback);
hide = (action?) => {
this.bubbling('hideDialog',, action || 'close');
const effects = {
export enum PopupEffect {
none = 'none',
fade = 'fade',
flew = 'flew',
zoom = 'zoom',
* Created by rockyl on 2018-12-12.
* 弹层
import DialogContent from "./DialogContent";
import RectRenderer from "scilla-components/src/renderer/RectRenderer";
import TouchInterrupt from "scilla-components/src/base/TouchInterrupt";
import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { none } from "./PopupEffect";
import { createTween, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import SingleSceneNavigator from "../navigator/SingleSceneNavigator";
export default class Popup extends ScillaComponent {
blackLayerDuration = 300;
private _bgRenderer: RectRenderer;
private _touchInterrupt: TouchInterrupt;
private _dialogStack = [];
sceneContainer: Entity;
_navigator: SingleSceneNavigator;
onAwake() {
this._touchInterrupt = this.getComponent(TouchInterrupt);
this._touchInterrupt.enabled = false;
const bgRenderer = this._bgRenderer = this.getComponent(RectRenderer);
bgRenderer.enabled = false;
this._navigator = this.sceneContainer.getComponent(SingleSceneNavigator)
fuckNavigator(p) {
console.log('fuckNavigator', p)
onUpdate(t) {
onSleep() {
onDestroy() {
setBgVisible(visible) {
if (visible) {
this._bgRenderer.enabled = true;
this._bgRenderer.alpha = visible ? 0 : 1;
createTween(this, this._bgRenderer, true)
.to({ alpha: visible ? 1 : 0 }, this.blackLayerDuration)
.call(() => {
if (!visible) {
this._bgRenderer.enabled = false;
getDialogInStack(name) {
let result;
for (let dialog of this._dialogStack) {
if ( === name) {
result = dialog;
return result;
private bringToTop(dialogConfig) {
let index = this._dialogStack.indexOf(dialogConfig);
if (index >= 0) {
this._dialogStack.splice(index, 1);
private delete(dialogConfig) {
let index = this._dialogStack.indexOf(dialogConfig);
this._dialogStack.splice(index, 1);
async showDialog(name, data?, callback?) {
let dialogConfig = this.getDialogInStack(name);
let dialog = this.entity.getChildrenByName(name)[0];
if (!dialogConfig) {
dialogConfig = {
name, data, callback, dialog
dialog.enabled = true;
const parent = dialog.parent;
parent.addChildAt(dialog, parent.children.length);
this._touchInterrupt.enabled = true;
const content: DialogContent = dialog.getComponent(DialogContent);
content && content.setup(data);
const transform = dialog.getComponent(Transform);
const effect = content ? content.effectImpl : none;
const effectOptions = content ? content.showEffectOptions : null;
await, effectOptions);
async hideDialog(name, action?: string, data?) {
let dialogConfig = this.getDialogInStack(name);
if (!dialogConfig) {
let dialog = this.entity.getChildrenByName(name)[0];
if (this._dialogStack.length === 0) {
this._touchInterrupt.enabled = false;
const transform = dialog.getComponent(Transform);
const content: DialogContent = dialog.getComponent(DialogContent);
const effect = content ? content.effectImpl : none;
const effectOptions = content ? content.hideEffectOptions : null;
await effect.hide(transform, effectOptions);
dialog.enabled = false;
if (dialogConfig.callback) {
dialogConfig.callback(action, data);
dialogConfig.callback = null;
hideAll() {
for (let dialog of this._dialogStack) {
* Created by rockyl on 2019-05-15.
import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
import {createTween, ease, engine} from "scilla/src";
function bearingsToOutPos(bearings) {
const {width, height} = engine.renderContext.stageSize;
let x, y;
switch (bearings) {
case 'south':
x = 0;
y = height / 2;
case 'west':
x = -width / 2;
y = 0;
case 'east':
x = width / 2;
y = 0;
case 'north':
x = 0;
y = -height / 2;
return {
x, y,
export const none = {
show(transform: Transform, options?) {
transform.position.setXY(0, 0);
return Promise.resolve();
hide(transform: Transform, options?) {
transform.position.setXY(engine.renderContext.stageSize.width, 0);
return Promise.resolve();
export const fade = {
show(transform: Transform, options?: { bearings?: string, duration?: number, easeFunc?: Function }) {
options = options || {};
transform.alpha = 0;
const toProps: any = {
alpha: 1,
return new Promise(resolve => {
createTween(transform, transform)
.to(toProps, options.duration || 300, options.easeFunc)
hide(transform: Transform, options?: { bearings?: string, duration?: number, easeFunc?: Function }) {
options = options || {};
const toProps: any = {
alpha: 0,
return new Promise(resolve => {
createTween(transform, transform)
.to(toProps, options.duration || 200, options.easeFunc)
export const flew = {
show(transform: Transform, options?: { bearings?: string, withFade?: boolean, duration?: number, easeFunc?: Function }) {
options = options || {};
let outPos = bearingsToOutPos(options.bearings);
const toProps: any = {
position: {x: 0, y: 0,},
const withFade = options.hasOwnProperty('withFade') ? options.withFade : false;
if (withFade) {
transform.alpha = 0;
toProps.alpha = 1;
return new Promise(resolve => {
createTween(transform, transform)
.to(toProps, options.duration || 300, options.easeFunc || ease.backOut)
hide(transform: Transform, options?: { bearings?: string, withFade?: boolean, duration?: number, easeFunc?: Function }) {
options = options || {};
let outPos = bearingsToOutPos(options.bearings);
const toProps: any = {
position: outPos,
const withFade = options.hasOwnProperty('withFade') ? options.withFade : false;
if (withFade) {
toProps.alpha = 0;
return new Promise(resolve => {
createTween(transform, transform)
.to(toProps, options.duration || 200, options.easeFunc || ease.backIn)
export const zoom = {
show(transform: Transform, options?: { bearings?: string, withFade?: boolean, duration?: number, easeFunc?: Function }) {
options = options || {};
transform.scale.setXY(0, 0);
const toProps: any = {
scale: {x: 1, y: 1,},
const withFade = options.hasOwnProperty('withFade') ? options.withFade : false;
if (withFade) {
transform.alpha = 0;
toProps.alpha = 1;
return new Promise(resolve => {
createTween(transform, transform)
.to(toProps, options.duration || 300, options.easeFunc || ease.backOut)
hide(transform: Transform, options?: { bearings?: string, withFade?: boolean, duration?: number, easeFunc?: Function }) {
options = options || {};
const toProps: any = {
scale: {x: 0, y: 0},
const withFade = options.hasOwnProperty('withFade') ? options.withFade : false;
if (withFade) {
toProps.alpha = 0;
return new Promise(resolve => {
createTween(transform, transform)
.to(toProps, options.duration || 200, options.easeFunc || ease.backIn)
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
export default class ScenePlay extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
onAwake() {
// _timer
onDidEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = true;
onDidLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = false;
async onWillEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
async onWillLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
onWillMount(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
onWillUnMount(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-09.
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { dynamic, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import { setText } from "../entityUtils";
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
ajaxElement: dynamic;
doJoin: dynamic;
// getNgameStartStatus: dynamic;
countTxt: Entity;
startbtn: Entity;
rankbtn: Entity;
rulebtn: Entity;
onAwake() {
// SingleSceneNavigator
console.log('fuck start scene')
private setCountText(text: string) {
setText(this.countTxt, text);
initGameStage() {
updateCountText() {
const { element } = this.ajaxElement;
let text = ''
if (element.freeLimit > 0) {
text = `今日剩余免费次数:${element.freeLimit}次`;
} else {
text = `${element.needCredits}${window['CFG'].unitName}/次`
onClick_startbtn() {
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'doJoin', {
activityId: window['CFG'].actId,
activityType: 'hdtool',
consumerId: window['CFG'].consumerId
// globalEvent.emit('popup', { name: 'RulePanel', params: {} }, this.onAlertClose);
onGotDojoin() {
console.log('onGotDojoin', this.doJoin);
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'getNgameStartStatus', {
orderId: this.doJoin
onGotDojoinError() {
onGot_getNgameStartStatus() {
// console.log('onGot_getNgameStartStatus', this.getNgameStartStatus);
//fuck 不可以循环引用
this.bubbling('fuck', 'play');
onGotError_getNgameStartStatus() {
onClick_rulebtn() {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Rule');
onClick_rankbtn() {
// globalEvent.emit('alert', {title: 'Success', content: 'You complete this puzzle', button: 'Next level'}, this.onAlertClose);
onDidEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = true;
onDidLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = false;
async onWillEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
async onWillLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
onWillMount(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
onWillUnMount(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { Transform, TextRenderer } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity } from 'scilla/src';
export const setX = (entity: Entity, x) => {
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.x = x;
export const setAlpha = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent, alpha: number) => {
if (val instanceof Entity) {
val.getComponent(Transform).alpha = alpha;
} else if (val instanceof ScillaComponent) {
val.entity.getComponent(Transform).alpha = alpha;
export const setScale = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent, x) => {
if (val instanceof Entity) {
val.getComponent(Transform).scale.x = x;
val.getComponent(Transform).scale.y = x;
else if (val instanceof ScillaComponent) {
val.entity.getComponent(Transform).scale.x = x;
val.entity.getComponent(Transform).scale.y = x;
export const setText = (entity: Entity, text: string) => {
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text;
export const getScale = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent) => {
if (val instanceof Entity) {
return val.getComponent(Transform).scale;
else if (val instanceof ScillaComponent) {
return val.getComponent(Transform).scale;
export const setY = (entity: Entity, y) => {
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.y = y;
export const getX = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent) => {
let entity: Entity;
if (val instanceof Entity)
entity = val;
entity = val.entity;
return entity.getComponent(Transform).position.x
export const getY = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent) => {
let entity: Entity;
if (val instanceof Entity)
entity = val;
entity = val.entity;
return entity.getComponent(Transform).position.y
export const setXY = (val: Entity | ScillaComponent, x, y) => {
let entity: Entity;
if (val instanceof Entity)
entity = val;
entity = val.entity;
setX(entity, x);
setY(entity, y);
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