Commit 21ea4a44 authored by wildfirecode13's avatar wildfirecode13


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"uuid": "5fbf3c28-003e-46c6-833d-968eaeb820cf",
"url": "//"
"name": "exchanged_close",
"ext": ".png",
"uuid": "e170173f-d814-4e58-a5b0-95c2d80b9673",
"url": "//"
"name": "message_closebtn",
"name": "exchanged_btn",
"ext": ".png",
"uuid": "5488b126-f520-496f-ace6-010a89eb108f",
"url": "//"
"uuid": "9df943b3-e90f-4593-b144-d5d47bba5c4d",
"url": "//"
"dependencies": {
......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ const EXCHANGE_STATUS = {
import resList from '../../resconfig/resList'; //import API from '../../api';
import API from '../../api';
const app = getApp();
const { tbcc } = app;
const { commonToast } = tbcc.tb;
let flag = 0;
data: {
......@@ -17,43 +21,47 @@ Page({
resList: resList
async handleClick(e) {
if (flag) return;
flag = 1;
const { item:{_id} } =;
const { item: { _id } } =;
const { success, data, message } = await API.exchangeGood({ _id }).catch(res => {
commonToast(res && res.message);
flag = 0;
}) || {};
if (success && data) {
await this.getExchangeGoodList();
flag = 0;
async onItemExchange(_id) {
const { success, data, message } = await API.exchangeGood({ _id }).catch(res => {
commonToast(res && res.message)
}) || {};
// async onItemExchange(_id) {
// const { success, data, message } = await API.exchangeGood({ _id }).catch(res => {
// commonToast(res && res.message)
// }) || {};
// API.exchangeGood({ _id })
// .then(() => {
// _list.forEach(item => {
// if (item._id == _id) {
// item.exchanged = true;
// }
// })
// console.log('_list', _list)
// this.setData({ list: [] });
// // this.updateData();
// })
// .catch(res => {
// });
// // API.exchangeGood({ _id })
// // .then(() => {
// // _list.forEach(item => {
// // if (item._id == _id) {
// // item.exchanged = true;
// // }
// // })
// // console.log('_list', _list)
// // this.setData({ list: [] });
// // // this.updateData();
// // })
// // .catch(res => {
// // });
// },
async updateData() {
async getExchangeGoodList() {
const { data: { list, happyCoin } } = await API.exchangeGoodList();
list.forEach(item => {
item.exchanged = item.status == EXCHANGE_STATUS.DONE;
const resList = {
'6768cd2f-8a8e-4a49-9f20-29a4fdefe142': {
name: 'exchanged_bg',
ext: '.png',
uuid: '6768cd2f-8a8e-4a49-9f20-29a4fdefe142',
url: '//'
'5fbf3c28-003e-46c6-833d-968eaeb820cf': {
name: 'exchanged_imgbg',
ext: '.png',
uuid: '5fbf3c28-003e-46c6-833d-968eaeb820cf',
url: '//'
'e170173f-d814-4e58-a5b0-95c2d80b9673': {
name: 'exchanged_close',
ext: '.png',
uuid: 'e170173f-d814-4e58-a5b0-95c2d80b9673',
url: '//'
'9df943b3-e90f-4593-b144-d5d47bba5c4d': {
name: 'exchanged_btn',
ext: '.png',
uuid: '9df943b3-e90f-4593-b144-d5d47bba5c4d',
url: '//'
'0c446868-16d2-47f1-a0d6-27dadff681f2': {
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