Commit 332535bf authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode


parent c5423766
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -112,7 +112,13 @@
"components": [
"script": "components/base/Transform",
"properties": {}
"properties": {
"position": {
"_hashCode": 44907,
"_x": 0,
"_y": 0
"script": "components/renderer/TextureRenderer",
......@@ -121,7 +127,8 @@
"uuid": "47a489b3-037f-4f2d-87bb-58e1b962afb0"
"uuid": "47a489b3-037f-4f2d-87bb-58e1b962afb0",
"disabled": false
"name": "txt",
......@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@
"uuid": "34cfbf69-3216-4aef-9d99-936659fbca19"
"uuid": "34cfbf69-3216-4aef-9d99-936659fbca19",
"disabled": false
"name": "Label",
......@@ -391,7 +392,9 @@
"BulletItemPrefab": "res|df59e078-e7b7-4fbb-a1aa-8b291284c39f",
"YellowRocketPrefab": "res|51834a6b-5880-41df-81d9-beaef804a919",
"doJoinData": "dynamic|API|doJoin",
"getNgameStartStatus": "dynamic|API|ngameSubmit"
"getNgameStartStatus": "dynamic|API|ngameSubmit",
"bottomline": "entity|791444c1-84e8-4455-9fb1-c1b2691c6cc0",
"topline": "entity|9f9bfbf2-4f77-4a1b-b1b5-42b6784e0c8c"
......@@ -572,8 +575,8 @@
"script": "components/base/Transform",
"properties": {
"position": {
"x": -207.5,
"y": 340,
"x": -44.16666666666666,
"y": 473.33333333333337,
"_type_": "scilla/support/Vector2D"
......@@ -584,7 +587,7 @@
"width": 120,
"height": 110
"disabled": false
"disabled": true
"script": "./scripts/scenes/scenePlay/CarBulletAni",
......@@ -732,6 +735,52 @@
"name": "topline",
"components": [
"script": "components/base/Transform",
"properties": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": -256.6666666666667
"script": "components/renderer/RectRenderer",
"properties": {
"width": 750,
"fillColor": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)",
"height": 5
"uuid": "9f9bfbf2-4f77-4a1b-b1b5-42b6784e0c8c"
"name": "buttomLine",
"components": [
"script": "components/base/Transform",
"properties": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 540
"script": "components/renderer/RectRenderer",
"properties": {
"width": 750,
"height": 5,
"fillColor": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"
"uuid": "791444c1-84e8-4455-9fb1-c1b2691c6cc0"
"disabled": true
import Body from './Body';
import { gravityY } from './gameconst';
import { Entity } from 'scilla/src';
import { TextRenderer } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity } from 'scilla/src';
import Body from './Body';
export default class BallItem extends Body {
score = 0;
......@@ -9,8 +8,8 @@ export default class BallItem extends Body {
isBig = true;
constructor() {
this.gravity = gravityY;
this.rotationSpeed = 0.5;
this.gravity = 0.225;
this.rotationSpeed = 0.5;s
onAwake() {
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default class BulletItem extends Body {
constructor() {
this.gravity = 0;
this.velocityY = -10;
this.velocityY = -20;
this.rotationSpeed= 0;
\ No newline at end of file
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import InteractComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/InteractComponent";
import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
import { dynamic, Entity, instantiate, resource } from "scilla/src";
import { getTween } from '../getTween';
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
import { createSgin } from "../net/webService";
import { getX, getY, setXY, setX } from "../transformUtils";
import { getX, getY, setX, setXY } from "../transformUtils";
import BallItem from "./BallItem";
import Body from "./Body";
import { removeFromList } from "./_";
import InteractComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/InteractComponent";
import CarShootAni from "./scenePlay/CarShootAni";
import CarBulletAni from "./scenePlay/CarBulletAni";
import CarShootAni from "./scenePlay/CarShootAni";
import { removeFromList } from "./_";
export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
BallItemPrefab: resource;
......@@ -23,6 +22,8 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
bulletNumTxt: Entity;
strengthNumTxt: Entity;
car: Entity;
topline: Entity;
bottomline: Entity;
doJoinData: dynamic;
getNgameStartStatus: dynamic;
......@@ -31,15 +32,13 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
bodys: Body[];
ballList: Body[];
drops: Body[];
bullets: Body[];
// freeBullets: Body[];
_carShootAni: CarShootAni;
_carBulletAni: CarBulletAni;
// onGlobalTouchBegin(e): any {
// setX(, e.x - 375);
// return super.onGlobalTouchBegin(e);
// }
onGlobalTouchBegin(e): any {
return super.onGlobalTouchBegin(e);
_lastTouchMoveX = -1;
onGlobalTouchMove(e: { x, y }) {
......@@ -58,27 +57,31 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
onUpdate() {
// removeBullet(body: Body) {
// body.entity.enabled = false;
// this.entity.removeChild(body.entity);
// removeFromList(body, this.bodys);
// removeFromList(body, this.bullets);
// this.freeBullets.push(body);
// // console.log(this.bullets.length, this.freeBullets.length)
// }
checkRemoveBullets() {
// for (let i = 0; i < this.bullets.length; i++) {
// const bullet = this.bullets[i];
// const y = getY(bullet.entity)
// if (y < -1624 / 2) { //子弹失效
// this.removeBullet(bullet);
// i--;
// }
// }
checkBallCollideGroud() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.ballList.length; i++) {
const ball = this.ballList[i];
const { position } = ball.getComponent(Transform);
const pic = ball.entity.getChildrenByName('blue')[0];
const { height, scale } = pic.getComponent(Transform);
const r = height / 2 * scale.y;//刚体的半径
if (position.y + r > getY(this.bottomline)) {
position.y = getY(this.bottomline) - r;
ball.velocityY = -17.54;
if (position.x + r > 375) {
position.x = 375 - r;
if (position.x - r < -375) {
position.x = -375 + r;
onDrops(ball: Body) {
......@@ -93,10 +96,15 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
return item;
bulletCreated(bullet: Body) {
bulletRemoved(body: Body) {
removeFromList(body, this.bodys);
bulletCreated(bullets: Body[]) {
bullets.forEach(bullet => {
getFireItem(res: resource) {
......@@ -109,11 +117,12 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
async createBigBall() {
let dir = Math.random() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
const ball = this.getBallItem(20);
setXY(ball.entity, -375, -400);
setXY(ball.entity, -375, getY(this.topline) +400);
const body = ball.getComponent(Body);
body.enabled = false;
await getTween(this, ball.getComponent(Transform), { x: -375 + 200 }, 1000);
await getTween(this, ball.getComponent(Transform), { x: -375 + 200 }, 700);
body.velocityX = 5;
body.enabled = true;
......@@ -133,8 +142,6 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
this.bodys = [];
this.ballList = [];
this.drops = [];
this.bullets = [];
// this.freeBullets = [];
this._carShootAni =;
this._carBulletAni =;
......@@ -146,11 +153,9 @@ export default class ScenePlay extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorVi
// this.onGameOver();
// }, 3000);
// setInterval(() => { this.createBullet() }, 1000 / 10);
// setInterval(() => {
// this.createBigBall();
// }, 3000);
setInterval(() => {
}, 2000);
onGameOver() {
import { getTween } from 'assets/scripts/getTween';
import { getX, getY, setXY } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { Transform } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity, instantiate, resource } from 'scilla/src';
import Body from '../Body';
import { setXY, getX, getY } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
import { removeFromList } from '../_';
const getLines = (X) => {
if (X <= 20) return 1
if (X <= 40) return 2
if (X <= 60) return 3
if (X <= 80) return 4
if (X <= 100) return 5
if (X <= 120) return 6
if (X <= 140) return 7
return 7
export default class CarBulletAni extends ScillaComponent {
BulletItemPrefab: resource;
private _interval = 10;
private _interval = 3;
//等级1 2 3 4
private _level: number;
freeBullets: Body[];
private _lines = 7;
private _offsetList: number[][] = [];
bullets: Body[] = [];
private _freeBullets: Body[];
private _playScene: Entity;
onAwake() {
this.freeBullets = [];
this._freeBullets = [];
this._offsetList.push([-9, 9]);
this._offsetList.push([-18, 0, 18]);
this._offsetList.push([-27, -9, 9, 27]);
this._offsetList.push([-36, -18, 0, 18, 36]);
this._offsetList.push([-45, -27, -9, 9, 27, 45]);
this._offsetList.push([-54, -36, -18, 0, 18, 36, 54]);
this._playScene = this.entity.parent;
updateLines(X) {
this._lines = getLines(x);
_counter = 0;
onUpdate(t) {
if (this._counter > this._interval) {
if (this._counter >= this._interval) {
this._counter = 0;
removeBullet(body: Body) {
// body.entity.enabled = false;
// this.entity.removeChild(body.entity);
// removeFromList(body, this.bodys);
// removeFromList(body, this.bullets);
// this.freeBullets.push(body);
body.entity.enabled = false;
removeFromList(body, this.bullets);
this.bubbling('bulletRemoved', body);
// console.log(this._freeBullets.length, this._bullets.length);
checkRemoveBullets() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.bullets.length; i++) {
const bullet = this.bullets[i];
const y = getY(bullet.entity)
if (y < -1624 / 2) { //子弹失效
createBullet() {
let bullet: Body;
let item: Entity;
if (this.freeBullets.length > 0) {
bullet = this.freeBullets.pop();
item = bullet.entity;
item.enabled = true;
} else {
item = instantiate(this.BulletItemPrefab);
bullet = item.getComponent(Body);
const tweens = [];
const list: Body[] = [];
const offsets = this._offsetList[this._lines - 1];
for (let i = 0; i < this._lines; i++) {
let bullet: Body;
let item: Entity;
if (this._freeBullets.length > 0) {
bullet = this._freeBullets.pop();
item = bullet.entity;
item.enabled = true;
} else {
item = instantiate(this.BulletItemPrefab);
bullet = item.getComponent(Body);
bullet.enabled = false;//先禁用物理
const targetX = getX(this.entity);
const targetY = getY(this.entity) - 100;
setXY(item, targetX, targetY);
const tween = getTween(this, item.getComponent(Transform), { y: targetY - 60, x: targetX + offsets[i] }, 100);
// this.entity.addChild(item);
// this.bodys.push(bullet);
// this.bullets.push(bullet);
console.log(getX(this.entity), getY(this.entity) - 100);
setXY(item, getX(this.entity), getY(this.entity) - 100);
this.bubbling('bulletCreated', bullet);
Promise.all(tweens).then(() => {
list.forEach(item => item.enabled = true);
this.bubbling('bulletCreated', list);
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export default class CarShootAni extends ScillaComponent {
if (this._counter > 1) {
this._counter = 0;
const bodyY = getY(this.body);
const targetY = bodyY == this._bodyY ? this._bodyY + 3 : this._bodyY;
const targetY = bodyY == this._bodyY ? this._bodyY -3 : this._bodyY;
setY(this.body, targetY);
this.smoke.enabled = !this.smoke.enabled;
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