Commit 975c66c3 authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode


parent f9dead57
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<!-- <script src="phaser-matter-physics.js"></script> -->
<script src="phaser-duiba.min.js"></script>
<script src="phaser_lastest.js"></script>
<script src="output.js"></script>
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
"webpack": "^4.4.1",
"webpack-cli": "^2.0.13",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.0",
"webpack-merge": "^4.1.2",
"@types/createjs": "^0.0.29"
"webpack-merge": "^4.1.2"
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export default class Piece extends createjs.Container {
isDog: boolean;
front: createjs.Bitmap;
back: createjs.Bitmap;
index: number;
static FLIP_DURTION = 1000;
constructor(isDog: boolean, index: number) {
this.index = index;
this.isDog = isDog;
if (isDog) {
this.front = new createjs.Bitmap('./imgs/front.png');
} else {
this.front = new createjs.Bitmap('./imgs/bone.png');
this.back = new createjs.Bitmap('./imgs/back.png');
// this.front.anchorX = this.front.width / 2;
// this.front.anchorY = this.front.height / 2;
// this.back.anchorX = this.back.width / 2;
// this.back.anchorY = this.back.height / 2;
reset(callback) {
// createjs.Tween.get(this.front, { loop: true })
// .to({ x: 400 }, 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(4))
const ease = createjs.Ease.quadInOut;
.to({ scaleX: 0.01 }, Piece.FLIP_DURTION / 2, ease);
// createjs.Tween.get(this.front, Piece.FLIP_DURTION / 2, {
// scaleX: 0.01,
// ease: ease,
// onComplete: () => {
// this.back.visible = true;
// this.front.visible = false;
//, Piece.FLIP_DURTION / 2, {
// scaleX: 1,
// ease: ease,
// onComplete: () => {
// callback && callback();
// }
// });
// }
// });
resetImmediately() {
this.back.visible = true;
this.back.scaleX = 1;
this.front.visible = false;
this.front.scaleX = 0.01;
flipImmediately() {
this.back.visible = false;
this.front.visible = true;
this.front.scaleX = 1;
this.back.scaleX = 0.01;
flip(callback = null) {
// const ease = annie.Tween.quadraticInOut;
//, Piece.FLIP_DURTION / 2, {
// ease: ease,
// scaleX: 0.01,
// onComplete: () => {
// this.back.visible = false;
// this.front.visible = true;
//, Piece.FLIP_DURTION / 2, {
// ease: ease,
// scaleX: 1,
// onComplete: () => {
// callback && callback();
// }
// });
// }
// });
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export default class PieceControl {
private scene;
private isDog: boolean;
private front;
private back;
private index: number;
static FLIP_DURTION = 1000;
public container;
constructor(scene, isDog: boolean, index: number) {
this.scene = scene;
this.index = index;
this.isDog = isDog;
if (isDog) {
this.front = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'front');
} else {
this.front = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'bone');
this.back = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'back');
this.container = this.scene.add.container(0, 0, [this.back, this.front]);
reset(callback?) {
const timeline = this.scene.tweens.timeline({
tweens: [
targets: this.front,
scaleX: 0.01,
duration: PieceControl.FLIP_DURTION / 2,
onComplete: () => {
this.back.visible = true;
this.front.visible = false;
targets: this.back,
scaleX: 1,
duration: PieceControl.FLIP_DURTION / 2,
onComplete: () => { callback && callback() }
resetImmediately() {
this.back.visible = true;
this.back.scaleX = 1;
this.front.visible = false;
this.front.scaleX = 0.01;
flipImmediately() {
this.back.visible = false;
this.front.visible = true;
this.front.scaleX = 1;
this.back.scaleX = 0.01;
flip(callback = null) {
const timeline = this.scene.tweens.timeline({
tweens: [
targets: this.back,
scaleX: 0.01,
duration: PieceControl.FLIP_DURTION / 2,
onComplete: () => {
this.back.visible = false;
this.front.visible = true;
targets: this.front,
scaleX: 1,
duration: PieceControl.FLIP_DURTION / 2,
onComplete: () => { callback && callback() }
\ No newline at end of file
import Piece from './Piece';
import * as utils from './utils'
import Swap from './Swap';
// import Piece from './Piece';
// import * as utils from './utils'
// import Swap from './Swap';
export default class Scene extends createjs.Container {
private _targets: number[];
private _list: Piece[];
// export default class Scene extends createjs.Container {
// private _targets: number[];
// private _list: Piece[];
SHOW_TIME = 1000;
DELAY = 500;
BORNS = 1;
R = 3;
TIMES = 3;
N = 4;
SIZE = 235;
// SHOW_TIME = 1000;
// DELAY = 500;
// BORNS = 1;
// R = 3;
// TIMES = 3;
// N = 4;
// SIZE = 235;
constructor() {
// constructor() {
// super();
// this.initUI();
// this.update();
// }
initUI() {
const n = this.R * this.R;
const targetList = utils.fillN(n);
const randomTargetList = utils.shuffle(targetList);
this._targets = randomTargetList.slice(0, this.BORNS);
this._list = [];
for (let index = 1; index <= n; index++) {
const inTargets = this._targets.indexOf(index) != -1;
const p = new Piece(!inTargets, index);
p['index'] = index;
p.x = ((index - 1) % this.R) * this.SIZE;
p.y = Math.floor((index - 1) / this.R) * this.SIZE;
p.addEventListener('click', (e: createjs.MouseEvent) => {
const p = (e.currentTarget as Piece);
let enable = false;
const index = this._targets.indexOf(p.index);
if (index != -1) {
this._targets.splice(index, 1);
if (this._targets.length == 0) {
} else {
enable = true;
else {
p.flip(() => {
if (enable) this.enable();
// initUI() {
// const n = this.R * this.R;
// const targetList = utils.fillN(n);
// const randomTargetList = utils.shuffle(targetList);
// this._targets = randomTargetList.slice(0, this.BORNS);
// this._list = [];
// for (let index = 1; index <= n; index++) {
// const inTargets = this._targets.indexOf(index) != -1;
// const p = new Piece(!inTargets, index);
// p['index'] = index;
// this.addChild(p);
// this._list.push(p);
// p.x = ((index - 1) % this.R) * this.SIZE;
// p.y = Math.floor((index - 1) / this.R) * this.SIZE;
// p.flipImmediately();
// p.addEventListener('click', (e: createjs.MouseEvent) => {
// const p = (e.currentTarget as Piece);
// this.disable();
// let enable = false;
// const index = this._targets.indexOf(p.index);
// if (index != -1) {
// this._targets.splice(index, 1);
// if (this._targets.length == 0) {
// console.log('good.')
// } else {
// enable = true;
// }
// }
// else {
// console.log('sorry.')
// }
// p.flip(() => {
// if (enable) this.enable();
// });
// });
// }
// this.disable();
// }
update() {
const onResetComplete = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
Swap.startSwap(this._list, this.N, this.TIMES, this._targets[0], () => {
}, this.DELAY);
// update() {
// const onResetComplete = () => {
// setTimeout(() => {
// Swap.startSwap(this._list, this.N, this.TIMES, this._targets[0], () => {
// this.onSwapComplete()
// })
// }, this.DELAY);
// }
setTimeout(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < this._list.length; i++) {
const e = this._list[i];
e.reset(i == 0 ? onResetComplete : null);
}, this.SHOW_TIME);
// setTimeout(() => {
// for (let i = 0; i < this._list.length; i++) {
// const e = this._list[i];
// e.reset(i == 0 ? onResetComplete : null);
// }
// }, this.SHOW_TIME);
// }
onSwapComplete() {
// onSwapComplete() {
// console.log('onSwapComplete');
// this.enable();
// }
disable() {
for (const e of this._list) {
e.mouseEnabled = false;
// disable() {
// for (const e of this._list) {
// e.mouseEnabled = false;
// }
// }
enable() {
for (const e of this._list) {
e.mouseEnabled = true;
\ No newline at end of file
// enable() {
// for (const e of this._list) {
// e.mouseEnabled = true;
// }
// }
// }
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import * as utils from './utils'
import Piece from './Piece';
export default class Swap {
static DURATION = 0.25;
static DELAY = .9;
// import * as utils from './utils'
// import Piece from './Piece';
// export default class Swap {
// static DURATION = 0.25;
// static DELAY = .9;
static startSwap(all: Piece[], n: number, times: number, target: number, onSwapComplete: Function) {
for (let index = 0; index < times; index++) {
const list = Swap.getList(all, n, target);
setTimeout(() => {
Swap.swap(list, index + 1 == times ? onSwapComplete : null);
}, Swap.DURATION * 1000 * index + Swap.DELAY * 1000 * index);
private static getList(all: Piece[], n: number, target: number) {
const randomizedDeck = utils.shuffle(all);
let targetPiece;
const randomizedDeck2 = randomizedDeck.filter(e => {
if (e.index == target)
targetPiece = e;
return e.index != target;
const list = randomizedDeck2.slice(0, n - 1);
const m = n / 2;
const list1 = list.slice(0, m);
const list2 = list.slice(m);
(val, index) => { return { a: val, b: list2[index] } }
// static startSwap(all: Piece[], n: number, times: number, target: number, onSwapComplete: Function) {
// for (let index = 0; index < times; index++) {
// const list = Swap.getList(all, n, target);
// setTimeout(() => {
// Swap.swap(list, index + 1 == times ? onSwapComplete : null);
// }, Swap.DURATION * 1000 * index + Swap.DELAY * 1000 * index);
// }
// }
// private static getList(all: Piece[], n: number, target: number) {
// const randomizedDeck = utils.shuffle(all);
// let targetPiece;
// const randomizedDeck2 = randomizedDeck.filter(e => {
// if (e.index == target)
// targetPiece = e;
// return e.index != target;
// });
// const list = randomizedDeck2.slice(0, n - 1);
// const m = n / 2;
// const list1 = list.slice(0, m);
// const list2 = list.slice(m);
// list2.push(targetPiece);
// return
// (val, index) => { return { a: val, b: list2[index] } }
// )
// }
private static swap(list: { a: Piece, b: Piece }[], onComplete: Function = null) {
let tag = true;
for (const e of list) {
if (tag) {
tag = false;
Swap.swapOne(e.a, e.b, onComplete);
} else {
Swap.swapOne(e.a, e.b);
// private static swap(list: { a: Piece, b: Piece }[], onComplete: Function = null) {
// let tag = true;
// for (const e of list) {
// if (tag) {
// tag = false;
// Swap.swapOne(e.a, e.b, onComplete);
// } else {
// Swap.swapOne(e.a, e.b);
// }
// }
// }
private static swapOne(a: Piece, b: Piece, onComplete: Function = null) {
const ax = a.x;
const ay = a.y;
const bx = b.x;
const by = b.y;
const ease = createjs.Ease.quadInOut;
// if (onComplete)
//, Swap.DURATION, { x: ax, y: ay, onComplete: onComplete, ease: ease });
// else
//, Swap.DURATION, { x: ax, y: ay, ease: ease });
//, Swap.DURATION, { x: bx, y: by, ease: ease });
\ No newline at end of file
// private static swapOne(a: Piece, b: Piece, onComplete: Function = null) {
// const ax = a.x;
// const ay = a.y;
// const bx = b.x;
// const by = b.y;
// const ease = createjs.Ease.quadInOut;
// // if (onComplete)
// //, Swap.DURATION, { x: ax, y: ay, onComplete: onComplete, ease: ease });
// // else
// //, Swap.DURATION, { x: ax, y: ay, ease: ease });
// //, Swap.DURATION, { x: bx, y: by, ease: ease });
// }
// }
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let gameconfig = {
import PieceControl from "./PieceControl";
const gameconfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 600,
......@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ let gameconfig = {
let game = new Phaser.Game(gameconfig);
const game = new Phaser.Game(gameconfig);
function preload() {
this.load.image('back', 'assets/back.png');
......@@ -18,8 +20,16 @@ function preload() {
function create() {
this.add.image(106, 106, 'back');
// this.add.image(400, 300, 'bone');
const a = new PieceControl(this, true, 0);
a.container.x = 107;
a.container.y = 107;
// a.container.visible =false
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// a.container.scaleX = 0.5
// a.flipImmediately();
function update() {
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