Commit 4390c20f authored by wildfirecode's avatar wildfirecode


parent 6f9b43fa
No preview for this file type
\ No newline at end of file
# shuijf
## manifest.json
- fps改成63,提升fps
- 使用fixedWidth
- webServiceUrl
# 环境
- scilla editor v0.0.30
# 步骤
- 使用v0.0.30的create模板hello-scilla
- 使用scilla editor 打开
- preview上的虫子按钮编译
- 运行成功
# livereload
- index.html 增加
document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] +
':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')
- sudo npm install -g livereload
- livereload ./debug
# mock
- npm run mock
# 配置
- "scaleMode": "fixedWidth",
- "webServiceUrl": "http://localhost:4001"
- dataCenterConfig
## loading.gif
# 流程
- main controller
- webservice,SampleApi,SamplePollingApi
- toast
- net和data
- scene&popup
\ No newline at end of file
# 日报
- 5.28 跑新的demo,运行成功
- 5.28
# 换皮
- 换皮可能会超级麻烦
# 可以优化的点
- 分离单个UI配置文件,方便复制
- editor内即时刷新组件属性
- http://localhost:52751/ port能固定不
- 改了图要退出editor才会刷新
- 筛选图的方法
# 优先级
# todo
- 排行榜
\ No newline at end of file
No preview for this file type
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\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* Created by rockyl on 2019-01-03.
* 砖块动画单体
import {Entity,} from "scilla";
import TextRenderer from 'components/renderer/TextRenderer'
import Wave from 'components/animation/Wave'
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
export default class HelloScilla extends ScillaComponent {
name: string = 'scilla';
logo: Entity;
label: Entity;
private labelRenderer: TextRenderer;
private logoAnimation: Wave;
onAwake() {
this.labelRenderer = this.label.getComponent(TextRenderer);
this.logoAnimation = this.logo.getComponent(Wave);
this.labelRenderer.text = 'Hello ' +;;
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { getX, getY, setXY } from './transformUtils';
export default class Icon extends ScillaComponent {
private GRAVITY = .7;
private _vx = 0;
private _vy = 0;
onAwake() {
const children = this.entity.children;
const index = Math.floor(children.length * Math.random());
children.forEach((v, i) => v.enabled = index == i);
const baseY = -100;
const offsetX = 150;
const offsetY = -100;
const randomXoffset = Math.random() * offsetX * 2 - offsetX;
const randomYoffset = Math.random() * offsetY;
setXY(this.entity, randomXoffset, baseY + randomYoffset);
this._vy = (-Math.random() * 3 - 10) * 2;
this._vx = (Math.random() * 5 + 5) * (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1) * 1;
onUpdate(t) {
this._vy += this.GRAVITY;
const x = getX(this) + this._vx;
const y = getY(this) + this._vy;
setXY(this, x, y)
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { engine, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import { initEnv } from "./common/BuriedPoint";
import { dynamic, engine, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import Toast from "./common/Toast";
import { initEnv } from "./common/BuriedPoint";
import Popup from "./popup/Popup";
export default class MainController extends ScillaComponent {
Popup: Entity;//PopupContainer 弹窗容器
Toast: Entity;//toast 实体
hdToolId: dynamic;
actId: dynamic;
private _toast: Toast;
private _popup: Popup;
// fuckNavigator(p) {
// console.log('fuckNavigator from MainController', p)
// }
onAwake() {
......@@ -21,47 +26,42 @@ export default class MainController extends ScillaComponent {
// const limit = localStorage.getItem('')
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'ajaxElement', { duibaId: this.hdToolId, activityId: this.actId })
onGotAjaxElement() {
onGotAjaxElementError(e) {
// onGotAjaxElement() {
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.broadcast('initGameStage');
// }, 1000);
// if (typeof e === 'string') {
// switch (e) {
// case '0100016': //活动未开始
// case '0100014': //活动已结束
// case '0100017': //活动已关闭
// this.showErrorToast(e);
// break;
// default:
// this.showNetError();
// }
// onGotAjaxElementError(e) {
// console.log(e);
// // if (typeof e === 'string') {
// // switch (e) {
// // case '0100016': //活动未开始
// // case '0100014': //活动已结束
// // case '0100017': //活动已关闭
// // this.showErrorToast(e);
// // break;
// // default:
// // this.showNetError();
// // }
// // } else {
// // this.showNetError();
// // }
// } else {
// this.showNetError();
// }
// showErrorToast(e) {
// // switch (e) {
// // case '0100016': //活动未开始
// // this.showToast('活动未开始,暂时无法参与');
// // break;
// // case '0100014': //活动已结束
// // case '0100017': //活动已关闭
// // this.showToast('活动已结束,无法参与');
// // break;
// // }
showErrorToast(e) {
// switch (e) {
// case '0100016': //活动未开始
// this.showToast('活动未开始,暂时无法参与');
// break;
// case '0100014': //活动已结束
// case '0100017': //活动已关闭
// this.showToast('活动已结束,无法参与');
// break;
// }
showToast(content, duration?) {{
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
* 简单的api组件
import { utils, } from 'scilla/src'
import {utils, } from 'scilla/src'
import ApiComponent from "./ApiComponent";
import { callApi } from "../net/webService";
import {callApi} from "../net/webService";
export default class SampleApi extends ApiComponent {
uri: string;
ignoreSuccessField = false;
async callApi(name, paramsInput, ...args) {
if ( == name) {
async callApi(name, paramsInput, ...args){
if( == name){
await this.execute(paramsInput, ...args);
......@@ -23,22 +23,20 @@ export default class SampleApi extends ApiComponent {
const params = {};
if (this.params) {
utils.injectProp(params, this.params);
if (paramsInput) {
utils.injectProp(params, paramsInput);
const { uri, method } = this;
const {uri, method} = this;
try {
const response = await callApi(uri, params, method, 'json', this.ignoreSuccessField);
} catch (e) {
......@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
export default class Toast extends ScillaComponent {
Label: Entity;
ypadding = 20;
xpadding = 50;
padding = 20;
offsetY = 0;
showDuration = 300;
hideDuration = 300;
......@@ -51,13 +50,13 @@ export default class Toast extends ScillaComponent {
show({content, duration = 1000}) {
this.entity.enabled = true;
const {_bgTransform, _labelRenderer, _labelTransform, xpadding,ypadding} = this;
const {_bgTransform, _labelRenderer, _labelTransform, padding} = this;
_labelRenderer.text = content;
_bgTransform.width = _labelTransform.width + xpadding * 2;
_bgTransform.height = _labelTransform.height + ypadding * 2;
_bgTransform.width = _labelTransform.width + padding * 2;
_bgTransform.height = _labelTransform.height + padding * 2;
this._tweenOut.queue[0].props.position.y = this.outPos;
......@@ -5,19 +5,17 @@
import DialogContent from "../popup/DialogContent";
import { Entity } from "scilla/src";
import { setText } from "../entityUtils";
export default class AlertDialogContent extends DialogContent {
content: Entity;
onAwake() {
protected onTapCloseButton() {
this.bubbling('fuckNavigator', 'start');
setup(data: any = {}) {
setText(this.content, data);
onClickConfirmButton() {
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-10.
* 警告对话框内容
import { TextureRenderer } from "scilla-components/src";
import { AssetsManager, createTexture, EngineConfig, Entity, Texture, dynamic } from "scilla/src";
import DialogContent from "../popup/DialogContent";
import { setScale, setText } from "../transformUtils";
import { getRecordURL } from "./ScoreDialogContent";
export default class PrizeDialogContent extends DialogContent {
pic: Entity;
name: Entity;
title: Entity;
private loadImage = (url: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement> => {
return new Promise<HTMLImageElement>((resolve, reject) => {
let img = new Image();
if (EngineConfig.imgCrossOrigin) {
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
img.onload = function (e) {
img.onerror = function (e) {
img.src = url;
private loadTexture = async (url: string): Promise<Texture> => {
const img = await this.loadImage(url);
const texture = createTexture(img);
return texture;
onClick_usebtn() {
window.location.href = getRecordURL();
onAwake() {
async setup(data: any = {}) {
setText(, data.prizeName);
setText(this.title, this.getTypeStr(data.prizeType))
const texRender = this.pic.getComponent(TextureRenderer);
const texture = await this.loadTexture(data.prizeImage);
texRender.texture = texture;
if (texture.bounds.width > texture.bounds.height) {
const maxwidth = 250;
setScale(this.pic, maxwidth / texture.bounds.width)
} else {
const maxheight = 250;
setScale(this.pic, maxheight / texture.bounds.height)
private getTypeStr(type: number) {
if (type == 1) {
return `获得一等奖`
if (type == 2) {
return `获得二等奖`
if (type == 3) {
return `获得三等奖`
if (type == 4) {
return `获得四等奖`
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export default class RuleDialogContent extends DialogContent {
setup(data) {
this._contentRenderer.htmlText = window['ruleContent'];
this._contentRenderer.htmlText = this.ajaxElement.rule;
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-10.
* 警告对话框内容
import { Entity } from "scilla/src";
import { setText } from "../entityUtils";
import DialogContent from "../popup/DialogContent";
export default class ScoreDialogContent extends DialogContent {
content: Entity;
rankbtn: Entity;
onAwake() {
setup(data: any = {}) {
setText(this.content, `恭喜你共摇出${data}颗糖果`)
protected onTapCloseButton() {
this.bubbling('fuckNavigator', 'start');
onclick_ranbtn() {
// this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'rankInfo', {
// weddingId: window['CFG'].weddingId,
// activityId: window['CFG'].activityId
// })
this.bubbling('fuckNavigator', 'start');
window.location.href = getRankURL();
// onResponse_rank1() {
// console.log('score dialog content,onResponse_rank')
// this.bubbling('fuckNavigator', 'result');
// }
export const getRankURL = () => {
return `/customActivity/sjf/activity/recordIndex?weddingId=${window['CFG'].weddingId}&activityId=${window['CFG'].activityId}&brickType=7`
export const getURL = () => {
return `/customActivity/sjf/mainIndex?weddingId=${window['CFG'].weddingId}`;
export const getRecordURL = () => {
return `/customActivity/sjf/activity/recordIndex?weddingId=${window['CFG'].weddingId}&activityId=${window['CFG'].activityId}&brickType=6`;
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ import { TextRenderer } from "scilla-components/src";
import { Entity } from "scilla/src";
export const setText = (entity: Entity, text) => {
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text + '';
entity.getComponent(TextRenderer).text = text;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,19 +17,7 @@ export const getTween = (context, val: Transform | Entity | ScillaComponent, obj
delete obj[key];
const scaleObj = {};
for (const key in obj) {
if (key == 'scalex') {
scaleObj['x'] = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
if (key == 'scaley') {
scaleObj['y'] = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
createTween(context, target.position, true).to(postionObj, duration, ease);
createTween(context, target.scale, true).to(scaleObj, duration, ease);
createTween(context, target, true).to(obj, duration, ease).call(r);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,12 +5,8 @@
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { ScenePlay, SceneStart } from "../scenes";
import { VirtualNavigator } from "./VirtualNavigator";
import SceneStart from "../scenes/SceneStart";
import ScenePlay from "../scenes/ScenePlay";
import SceneGuide from "../scenes/SceneGuide";
import SceneResult from "../scenes/SceneResult";
import { Button } from "scilla-components/src";
export default class SingleSceneNavigator extends ScillaComponent {
_navigator: VirtualNavigator;
......@@ -20,8 +16,6 @@ export default class SingleSceneNavigator extends ScillaComponent {
this._navigator = new VirtualNavigator(this.entity);
this._navigator.register('start', 'SceneStart', SceneStart);
this._navigator.register('play', 'ScenePlay', ScenePlay);
this._navigator.register('guide', 'SceneGuide', SceneGuide);
this._navigator.register('result', 'SceneResult', SceneResult);
onAwake() {
......@@ -117,6 +117,6 @@ export class VirtualNavigator extends EventEmitter implements INavigatorDelegate
* @param error
onError(error: Error) {
......@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
* 弹层
import TouchInterrupt from "components/base/TouchInterrupt";
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
import RectRenderer from "scilla-components/src/renderer/RectRenderer";
import { Entity } from "scilla/src";
import SingleSceneNavigator from "../navigator/SingleSceneNavigator";
import DialogContent from "./DialogContent";
import RectRenderer from "scilla-components/src/renderer/RectRenderer";
import TouchInterrupt from "scilla-components/src/base/TouchInterrupt";
import Transform from "scilla-components/src/base/Transform";
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { none } from "./PopupEffect";
import { createTween, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import SingleSceneNavigator from "../navigator/SingleSceneNavigator";
export default class Popup extends ScillaComponent {
blackLayerDuration = 300;
bgRenderer: Entity;
private _bgRenderer: RectRenderer;
private _touchInterrupt: TouchInterrupt;
private _dialogStack = [];
......@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ export default class Popup extends ScillaComponent {
this._touchInterrupt = this.getComponent(TouchInterrupt);
this._touchInterrupt.enabled = false;
// this.bgRenderer.enabled = false;
this._navigator = this.sceneContainer.getComponent(SingleSceneNavigator);
const bgRenderer = this._bgRenderer = this.getComponent(RectRenderer);
bgRenderer.enabled = false;
this.entity.children.forEach(child => child.enabled = false);
this._navigator = this.sceneContainer.getComponent(SingleSceneNavigator)
fuckNavigator(p) {
......@@ -53,18 +52,17 @@ export default class Popup extends ScillaComponent {
setBgVisible(visible) {
this.bgRenderer.enabled = visible;
// if (visible) {
// this._bgRenderer.enabled = true;
// }
// this._bgRenderer.alpha = visible ? 0 : 1;
// createTween(this, this._bgRenderer, true)
// .to({ alpha: visible ? 1 : 0 }, this.blackLayerDuration)
// .call(() => {
// if (!visible) {
// this._bgRenderer.enabled = false;
// }
// });
if (visible) {
this._bgRenderer.enabled = true;
this._bgRenderer.alpha = visible ? 0 : 1;
createTween(this, this._bgRenderer, true)
.to({ alpha: visible ? 1 : 0 }, this.blackLayerDuration)
.call(() => {
if (!visible) {
this._bgRenderer.enabled = false;
getDialogInStack(name) {
......@@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ export default class Popup extends ScillaComponent {
const effect = content ? content.effectImpl : none;
const effectOptions = content ? content.showEffectOptions : null;
// await, effectOptions);
await, effectOptions);
async hideDialog(name, action?: string, data?) {
......@@ -145,7 +143,7 @@ export default class Popup extends ScillaComponent {
const effect = content ? content.effectImpl : none;
const effectOptions = content ? content.hideEffectOptions : null;
// await effect.hide(transform, effectOptions);
await effect.hide(transform, effectOptions);
dialog.enabled = false;
if (dialogConfig.callback) {
import { TextRenderer } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity } from 'scilla/src';
import Body from './Body';
import { calNextColor } from './scenePlay/colors';
export default class BallItem extends Body {
private _storedScore;
private _currentScore = 0;
scoreTxt: Entity;
isBig = true;
size: BallSizeType;
colorIndex: number;
nextColorIndex: number;
ID: number;
parentID: number;
constructor() {
this.gravity = 0.225;
this.rotationSpeed = 0.5;
onAwake() {
reduceScore(score: number) {
let result = 0;
if (this._currentScore <= score)
result = this._currentScore;
result = score;
this._currentScore -= score;
if (this._currentScore < 0)
this._currentScore = 0;
return result;
resetScore(score) {
this._currentScore = score;
this._storedScore = score;
this.nextColorIndex = calNextColor(this.colorIndex);
updateScoreTxt() {
const tr = this.scoreTxt.getComponent(TextRenderer);
tr.text = this._currentScore.toString();
childNames = [BallType.yellow,,, BallType.darkBlue, BallType.purple,];
color: BallType;
updateColor(color: BallType) {
this.color = color;
this.childNames.forEach(name => {
const child = this.entity.getChildrenByName(name)[0];
if (name != color)
child.enabled = false;
const child = this.entity.getChildrenByName(color)[0];
child.enabled = true;
get currentScore() { return this._currentScore }
get storedScore() { return this._storedScore }
export enum BallSizeType {
min = 0,
size1 = 1,
size2 = 2,
max = 3,
export enum BallType {
blue = 'blue',
purple = 'purple',
red = 'red',
green = 'green',
darkBlue = 'darkBlue',
yellow = 'yellow',
export const BallSizeTypeList = [74, 126, 165, 227];
\ No newline at end of file
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { Transform } from 'scilla-components/src';
export default class Body extends ScillaComponent {
bounceY = 1;
bounceX = 1;
velocityY = 0;
velocityX = 0;
rotationSpeed = 0.5;
gravity = 0;
private _counter = 0;
onUpdate() {
const { entity } = this;
this.velocityY += this.gravity;
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.y += this.velocityY;
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.x += this.velocityX;
// console.log(entity.getComponent(Transform).position.y)
entity.getComponent(Transform).rotation = this._counter * .7 * this.rotationSpeed;
reset() {
const { entity } = this;
this.velocityY = 0;
this.velocityX = 0;
entity.getComponent(Transform).rotation = 0;
this._counter = 0;
revertY() {
this.velocityY *= -1 * this.bounceY;
revertX() {
this.velocityX *= -1 * this.bounceX;
\ No newline at end of file
import Body from './Body';
import { Transform } from 'scilla-components/src';
export default class BulletItem extends Body {
constructor() {
this.gravity = 0;
this.velocityY = -20;
this.rotationSpeed= 0;
onUpdate() {
const { entity } = this;
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.y += this.velocityY;
entity.getComponent(Transform).position.x += this.velocityX;
reset() {}
\ No newline at end of file
import Body from './Body';
import { Entity } from 'scilla/src';
import { DropType } from './scenePlay/DropType';
export default class RocketItem extends Body {
type: DropType;
text: Entity;
constructor() {
this.gravity = .5;
this.bounceY = 0.4;
this.rotationSpeed = 0;
onAwake() {
this.text.enabled = false;
reset() {
this.rotationSpeed = 0;
getCarFire() {
if (this.type == return 30;
if (this.type == DropType.yellow) return 10;
if (this.type == DropType.purple) return 20;
return 0;
getCarBullet() {
if (this.type == return 1;
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export default class SceneController extends ScillaComponent {
fuck(p) {
// console.log('fuck',p)
const nav = this.entity.getComponent(SingleSceneNavigator);
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
import { Button, InteractComponent } from "scilla-components/src";
export default class SceneGuide extends InteractComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
onAwake() {
onGlobalTouchBegin(e) {
return false;
onNextScene() {
this.bubbling('fuck', 'play');
// _timer
onDidEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = true;
onDidLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = false;
async onWillEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
async onWillLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
onWillMount(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
onWillUnMount(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
This diff is collapsed.
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { createTexture, EngineConfig, Entity, Texture, dynamic } from "scilla/src";
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
import { TextureRenderer } from "scilla-components/src";
import { setScale, setText } from "../transformUtils";
export default class SceneResult extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
onAwake() {
// console.log(this.rankInfo);
rankInfo: dynamic;
onResponse(data) {
setText(this.myname, data.nickName);
if (data.rank > 500)
setText(this.myrank, '未上榜');
setText(this.myrank, data.rank + '');
setText(this.myscore, data.score);
this.loadAvatar(this.myavatar, data.avatar, 78);
const [rankinfo1, rankinfo2, rankinfo3] = data.list;
// console.log(rankinfo1, rankinfo2, rankinfo3, last);
if (rankinfo1) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar1, rankinfo1.avatar, 78);
setText(this.name1, rankinfo1.nickName);
setText(this.score1, rankinfo1.score);
if (rankinfo2) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar2, rankinfo2.avatar, 64);
setText(this.name2, rankinfo2.nickName);
setText(this.score2, rankinfo2.score);
if (rankinfo3) {
this.loadAvatar(this.avatar3, rankinfo3.avatar, 64);
setText(this.name3, rankinfo3.nickName);
setText(this.score3, rankinfo3.score);
onTapCloseButton() {
this.bubbling('fuck', 'start');
onDidEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = true;
onDidLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): void {
this.entity.enabled = false;
async onWillEnter(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
async onWillLeave(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any) {
onWillMount(last: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
onWillUnMount(next: string, action: alien.NavigatorAction, parameters: any): Promise<any> {
return undefined;
async loadAvatar(avatar: Entity, url: string, width: number) {
const texRender = avatar.getComponent(TextureRenderer);
const texture = await this.loadTexture(url);
texRender.texture = texture;
setScale(avatar, width / texture.bounds.width);
private loadImage = (url: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement> => {
return new Promise<HTMLImageElement>((resolve, reject) => {
let img = new Image();
if (EngineConfig.imgCrossOrigin) {
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
img.onload = function (e) {
img.onerror = function (e) {
img.src = url;
private loadTexture = async (url: string): Promise<Texture> => {
const img = await this.loadImage(url);
const texture = createTexture(img);
return texture;
avatar1: Entity;
myavatar: Entity;
avatar2: Entity;
avatar3: Entity;
name2: Entity;
name1: Entity;
name3: Entity;
myname: Entity;
myscore: Entity;
score2: Entity;
score1: Entity;
score3: Entity;
myrank: Entity;
......@@ -2,192 +2,76 @@
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-09.
import { Button } from "scilla-components/src";
import ScillaComponent from "scilla-components/src/base/ScillaComponent";
import { dynamic, Entity } from "scilla/src";
import { setText } from "../entityUtils";
import { alien } from "../navigator/StackNavigator";
import { INavigatorViewBase } from "../navigator/VirtualNavigator";
import { setText, setRotation, getRotation } from "../transformUtils";
import { getRankURL, getRecordURL, getURL } from "../dialogs/ScoreDialogContent";
export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorViewBase {
ajaxElement: dynamic;
doJoin: dynamic;
getOrderStatus: dynamic;
// getNgameStartStatus: dynamic;
countTxt: Entity;
startbtn: Entity;
rankbtn: Entity;
rulebtn: Entity;
box: Entity;
musiconbtn: Entity;
musicoffbtn: Entity;
onclick_music() {
this.musicoffbtn.enabled = !this.musicoffbtn.enabled;
this.musiconbtn.enabled = !this.musiconbtn.enabled;
if (this.musiconbtn.enabled) {
} else {
private INTERVAL = 3000;
private STREN = 3;
private FREQ = 5;
private SHAK_TIMERS = 10;
private _shakeTimes = -1;
private _counter = -1;
private _lastTime = -1;
onUpdate() {
if ( - this._lastTime > this.INTERVAL) {
this._lastTime =;
setRotation(, this.STREN);
this._shakeTimes = this.SHAK_TIMERS;
this._counter = 0;
if (this._shakeTimes > 0) {
if (this._counter <= 0) {
setRotation(, -getRotation(
if (this._shakeTimes <= 0) {
setRotation(, 0);
this._counter = this.FREQ;
} else {
updateCountFromNet(limit: number) {
if (limit < 0)
limit = 0;
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:${limit}`);
console.log('updateCountFromNet', `剩余次数:${limit}`)
onErrorLimitFree(data) {
console.log('onErrorLimitFree', data);
if (data == '400005')
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:${window['CFG'].freeLimit}`);
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:0`);
updateCountTxtFromDojoin() {
let limit = 0;
if (this.doJoin) {
limit = this.doJoin.freeLimit;
if (limit < 0)
limit = 0;
setText(this.countTxt, `剩余次数:${limit}`);
console.log('updateCountTxtFromDojoin', `剩余次数:${limit}`)
onAwake() {
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'rankInfo2', {
weddingId: window['CFG'].weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG'].activityId
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'limitTimes', {
weddingId: window['CFG'].weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG'].activityId
this._shakeTimes = 0;
this._counter = 0;
this._lastTime = -1;
setRotation(, 0);
// SingleSceneNavigator
console.log('fuck start scene')
onResponse_rankInfo2(data) {
if (data.openPrize && data.score > 0) {//开奖了,都是线下奖品
console.log('prizelist', JSON.stringify(window['CFG'].activity.prizeList));
let prize;
window['CFG'].activity.prizeList.forEach(p => {
if (p.prizeType == data.prizeType)
prize = p;
if (prize)
console.log('中奖了', JSON.stringify(prize))
if (!window.localStorage.getItem(this.getKey())) {
if (prize) //中奖了
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Prize', prize);
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '您与奖品擦肩而过~');
} else {
console.log('已经弹窗过了', this.getKey())
window.localStorage.setItem(this.getKey(), '1')
getKey() {
return 'prizeShowed-' + window['CFG'].weixinUid + '-' + window['CFG'].weddingId + '-' + window['CFG'].activityId
private setCountText(text: string) {
setText(this.countTxt, text);
initGameStage() {
onClick_startbtn() {
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = false;
updateCountText() {
const { element } = this.ajaxElement;
let text = ''
if (element.freeLimit > 0) {
text = `今日剩余免费次数:${element.freeLimit}次`;
} else {
text = `${element.needCredits}${window['CFG'].unitName}/次`
sendDojoin() {
// if (window['getDuibaToken']) {
// window['getDuibaToken']((tokenObj: any) => {
// this.dojoinFunc(tokenObj.token);
// }, (key: string, messageObj: any) => {
// // this.onError(net);
// });
// } else {
// }
dojoinFunc(token?) {
onClick_startbtn() {
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'doJoin', {
activityId: window['CFG'].activityId,
weddingId: window['CFG'].weddingId,
activityId: window['CFG'].actId,
activityType: 'hdtool',
consumerId: window['CFG'].consumerId
// globalEvent.emit('popup', { name: 'RulePanel', params: {} }, this.onAlertClose);
onGotDojoin() {
console.log('onGotDojoin', this.doJoin);
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.bubbling('fuck', 'guide');
}, 50);
this.broadcast('callApi', 1, 'getNgameStartStatus', {
orderId: this.doJoin
onGotDojoinError(error) {
this.startbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
if (error === '400005') {
this.bubbling('showToast', '活动还未开始\n敬请期待~');
} else if (error === '400006') {
this.bubbling('showToast', '活动已结束\n下次早点来哦~');
} else if (error === '400002') {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '您已经没有抽奖机会了');
onGotDojoinError() {
else {
this.bubbling('showDialog', 'Alert', '网络异常,请稍后再试~');
onGot_getNgameStartStatus() {
// console.log('onGot_getNgameStartStatus', this.getNgameStartStatus);
//fuck 不可以循环引用
this.bubbling('fuck', 'play');
console.log('onGotDojoinError', error);
onGotError_getNgameStartStatus() {
onClick_rulebtn() {
......@@ -196,22 +80,7 @@ export default class SceneStart extends ScillaComponent implements INavigatorVie
onClick_rankbtn() {
window.location.href = getRankURL();
onClick_backbtn() {
// console.log('onClick_backbtn');
window.location.href = getURL()
onResponse_rank() {
this.bubbling('fuck', 'result');
this.rankbtn.getComponent(Button).enabled = true;
onClick_recordbtn() {
// alert('onClick_recordbtn')
window.location.href = getRecordURL();
// globalEvent.emit('alert', {title: 'Success', content: 'You complete this puzzle', button: 'Next level'}, this.onAlertClose);
export const removeFromList = (item, list: any[]) => {
const index = list.indexOf(item);
if (index != -1) {
list.splice(index, 1);
return item;
export const pickFromList = (list: any[]) => {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length);
return list[index]
\ No newline at end of file
export const gravityY= .5;
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by rockyl on 2019-04-09.
export {default as SceneStart} from "./SceneStart";
export {default as ScenePlay} from "./ScenePlay";
import { setText } from 'assets/scripts/entityUtils';
import { setScale } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { TextureRenderer } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { createTexture, EngineConfig, Entity, Texture } from 'scilla/src';
export default class RankItem extends ScillaComponent {
score: Entity;
rank: Entity;
name: Entity;
avatar: Entity;
onAwake() {
async setdata(data) {
// console.log(data);
setText(this.score, data.score + '');
setText(this.rank, data.rank);
setText(, data.nickName);
const texRender = this.avatar.getComponent(TextureRenderer);
const texture = await this.loadTexture(data.avatar);
texRender.texture = texture;
setScale(this.avatar, 40 / texture.bounds.width)
onUpdate(t) {
private loadImage = (url: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement> => {
return new Promise<HTMLImageElement>((resolve, reject) => {
let img = new Image();
if (EngineConfig.imgCrossOrigin) {
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
img.onload = function (e) {
img.onerror = function (e) {
img.src = url;
private loadTexture = async (url: string): Promise<Texture> => {
const img = await this.loadImage(url);
const texture = createTexture(img);
return texture;
* Created by rockyl on 2019-01-03.
* 砖块动画单体
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { RectRenderer, Transform } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity, resource, instantiate, dynamic } from 'scilla/src';
import RankItem from './RankItem';
export default class RankList extends ScillaComponent {
item: resource;
content: Entity;
private _list: Entity[];
private _bg: RectRenderer;
rankInfo: dynamic;
onAwake() {
// console.log('RankList onAwake')
updateRankList(rankInfo) {
const [, , ,] = rankInfo.list;
this._bg = this.content.getComponent(RectRenderer);
if (this._list) {
this._list.forEach(item => {
const itemHeight = 73;
const totalHeight = itemHeight * data.length;
this._list = [];
this._bg.height = totalHeight;
data.forEach((item, index) => {
const rank = instantiate(this.item);
// rank.getComponent(Transform).position.y = index * itemHeight;
rank.getComponent(Transform).position.y = index * itemHeight - totalHeight / 2 + itemHeight / 2 + 10;
import { getTween } from 'assets/scripts/getTween';
import { getX, getY, setScale, setXY } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { Transform } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity, instantiate, resource } from 'scilla/src';
import BallItem, { BallSizeType, BallSizeTypeList } from '../BallItem';
import { removeFromList } from '../_';
import { getBallScore, getBallScoreRange } from './ballScore';
import { randomColorIndex } from './colors';
import { getNextScore } from './getNextScore';
const getN = (carBullet) => {
if (carBullet <= 20) return 1;
if (carBullet <= 60) return 2;
if (carBullet <= 100) return 3
if (carBullet <= 130) return 4;
if (Math.random() < 0.3) return 6;
return 7;
export default class BallManager extends ScillaComponent {
private _idCounter = 1;
/** 所有父亲球的id */
private _ballIDs: number[] = [];
private checkAddBall(carBullet, carFire) {
if (this._ballIDs.length < getN(carBullet)) {
this.addBall(carBullet, carFire)
onBallDestroyedCheckBallIDs(carBullet, carFire) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._ballIDs.length; i++) {
const id = this._ballIDs[i];
const ballIsNotDestroy = this.ballList.some(ball => ball.ID == id);
if (this.ballList.every(ball => ball.parentID != id) && !ballIsNotDestroy) {
this._ballIDs.splice(i, 1);
this.checkAddBall(carBullet, carFire);
addBall(carBullet, carFire) {
let size = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); //随机size,0-3
let colorIndex = randomColorIndex(size); //根据size随机颜色
let scorerange = getBallScoreRange(carBullet, carFire);
scorerange = => Math.ceil(val * (window['ballscore-p'] || 1)));
const score = getBallScore(scorerange, colorIndex);// [1, 100];
let dir = Math.random() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
// this.createBigBall(20, dir, colorIndex, size);
this.createBigBall(score, dir, colorIndex, size);
onGameOver() {
disableBalls() {
this.ballList.forEach(item => item.enabled = false);
_onDidLeave() {
ball => {
ball.enabled = false;
this.ballList = [];
this._ballIDs = [];
this._idCounter = 1;
checkBallSplit(ball: BallItem,bullet,fire) {
ball.enabled = false;
removeFromList(ball, this.ballList);
// console.log('this.ballList', this.ballList.length, 'this._freeBallList', this._freeBallList.length);
if (ball.size > BallSizeType.min) {//开始分裂
const nextSizeType = ball.size - 1;
const nextScore = getNextScore(ball.storedScore);
const nextColorIndex = ball.nextColorIndex;
const ball1 = this.createSplitedBall(ball, nextSizeType, nextScore, nextColorIndex);
const ball2 = this.createSplitedBall(ball, nextSizeType, nextScore, nextColorIndex);
ball1.velocityX = -5;
ball2.velocityX = 5;
} else {//掉落
this.broadcast('createDrop', 1, ball,bullet,fire)
BallItemPrefab: resource;
topline: Entity;
ballList: BallItem[] = [];
private _freeBallList: BallItem[] = [];
createSplitedBall(parentBall: BallItem, size, score, nextColorIndex) {
const ball = this.getBall();
ball.size = size;
// console.log(size)
setScale(ball, BallSizeTypeList[size] / BallSizeTypeList[BallSizeTypeList.length - 1]);
setXY(ball, getX(parentBall), getY(parentBall));
ball.enabled = true;
ball.velocityY = -5;
ball.parentID = parentBall.ID == -1 ? parentBall.parentID : parentBall.ID; //parentBall.ID = -1 表示是父球,不是祖宗求。否则是祖宗求
ball.ID = -1;
return ball;
private async createBigBall(score, dir, colorIndex, size: BallSizeType) {
const ball = this.getBall();
setScale(ball, 1);
ball.enabled = false;
ball.size = size;
ball.parentID = -1;
ball.ID = ++this._idCounter;
setScale(ball, BallSizeTypeList[size] / BallSizeTypeList[BallSizeTypeList.length - 1]);
if (dir == 1) {
setXY(ball.entity, -375, getY(this.topline));
await getTween(this, ball.getComponent(Transform), { x: -375 + 200 }, 700);
ball.velocityX = 5;
else {
setXY(ball.entity, 375, getY(this.topline));
await getTween(this, ball.getComponent(Transform), { x: 375 - 200 }, 700);
ball.velocityX = -5;
ball.enabled = true;
getBall() {
let ball: BallItem;
if (this._freeBallList.length > 0) {
ball = this._freeBallList.pop();
} else {
ball = this.createBall();
return ball;
createBall() {
const ball = instantiate(this.BallItemPrefab);
const body = ball.getComponent(BallItem);
return body;
import { getTween } from 'assets/scripts/getTween';
import { getX, getY, setXY } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { Transform } from 'scilla-components/src';
import { Entity, instantiate, resource } from 'scilla/src';
import Body from '../Body';
const getLines = (X) => {
if (X <= 20) return 1
if (X <= 40) return 2
if (X <= 60) return 3
if (X <= 80) return 4
if (X <= 100) return 5
if (X <= 120) return 6
if (X <= 140) return 7
return 7
export default class CarBulletAni extends ScillaComponent {
BulletItemPrefab: resource;
scenePlay: Entity;
private _interval = 10;
//等级1 2 3 4
private _lines = 1;
private _offsetList: number[][] = [];
bullets: Body[] = [];
private _freeBullets: Body[];
private _pause = false;
onGameOver() {
this._pause = true;
disableBullets() {
this.bullets.forEach(item => item.enabled = false);
_onDidLeave() {
this.bullets.forEach(bullet => {
bullet.enabled = false;
this.bullets = [];
onAwake() {
if (!this._freeBullets) {
this._freeBullets = [];
this._offsetList.push([-9, 9]);
this._offsetList.push([-18, 0, 18]);
this._offsetList.push([-27, -9, 9, 27]);
this._offsetList.push([-36, -18, 0, 18, 36]);
this._offsetList.push([-45, -27, -9, 9, 27, 45]);
this._offsetList.push([-54, -36, -18, 0, 18, 36, 54]);
this._pause = false;
this._interval = 10;
updateLines(carbullet) {
if (carbullet >= 20)
this._interval = 3;
this._interval = 10 - (carbullet / 20) * 7;
this._lines = getLines(carbullet);
_counter = 0;
onUpdate(t) {
if (this._pause) return;
if (this._counter >= this._interval) {
this._counter = 0;
removeBullet(bullet: Body) {
bullet.enabled = false;
checkRemoveBullets() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.bullets.length; i++) {
const bullet = this.bullets[i];
const y = getY(bullet)
if (y < -1624 / 2) { //子弹失效
this.bullets.splice(i, 1);
createBullet() {
const tweens = [];
const list: Body[] = [];
const offsets = this._offsetList[this._lines - 1];
for (let i = 0; i < this._lines; i++) {
let bullet: Body;
let item: Entity;
if (this._freeBullets.length > 0) {
bullet = this._freeBullets.pop();
item = bullet.entity;
} else {
item = instantiate(this.BulletItemPrefab);
bullet = item.getComponent(Body);
bullet.enabled = false;
const targetX = getX(this.entity);
const targetY = getY(this.entity) - 80;
setXY(item, targetX, targetY);
const tween = getTween(this, item.getComponent(Transform), { y: targetY - 50, x: targetX + offsets[i] }, 100);
Promise.all(tweens).then(() => {
list.forEach(bullet => {
if (this._pause) { //暂停了之后再结束的tween
} else {
bullet.enabled = true;
list.forEach(bullet => {
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { Entity } from 'scilla/src';
import { getY, setY } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
export default class CarShootAni extends ScillaComponent {
body: Entity;
smoke: Entity;
_bodyY: number;
onAwake() {
this._bodyY = getY(this.body);
_counter = 0;
onUpdate(t) {
if (this._counter > 1) {
this._counter = 0;
const bodyY = getY(this.body);
const targetY = bodyY == this._bodyY ? this._bodyY - 3 : this._bodyY;
setY(this.body, targetY);
this.smoke.enabled = !this.smoke.enabled;
import { getTween } from 'assets/scripts/getTween';
import { getX, getY, setAlpha, setXY } from 'assets/scripts/transformUtils';
import ScillaComponent from 'components/base/ScillaComponent';
import { instantiate, resource } from 'scilla/src';
import Body from '../Body';
import RocketItem from '../RocketItem';
import { removeFromList } from '../_';
import { DropType } from './DropType';
import { initEnv } from 'assets/scripts/common/BuriedPoint';
import { getProp, dropsCls } from './drops';
import getPropItem from './getPropItem';
export default class DropManager extends ScillaComponent {
RedFirePrefab: resource;
BlueRocketPrefab: resource;
YellowRocketPrefab: resource;
PurpleRocketPrefab: resource;
onGameOver() {
disableBalls() {
this._dropList.forEach(item => item.enabled = false);
_onDidLeave() {
drop => {
drop.enabled = false;
const frees = this._freeDic[drop.type];
this._dropList = [];
async removeDrop(drop: RocketItem) {
drop.enabled = false;
drop.text.enabled = true;
removeFromList(drop, this._dropList);
const frees = this._freeDic[drop.type];
const y = getY(drop);
await getTween(this, drop, { y: y - 200, alpha: 0 }, 1000);
setAlpha(drop, 1);
createDrop(ball: Body, carbullet, fire) {
const dropinfo = getProp(carbullet);
const dropsData: DropType[] = getPropItem(dropsCls, dropinfo.p, dropinfo.n);
const [d1, d2, d3] = dropsData;
let n = dropsData.length;
// console.log(dropsData)
const p = 30;
let dir = 1;
if (getX(ball) > 0)
dir = -1;
const x = getX(ball), y = getY(ball);
const baseVx = dir * 1;
if (n == 3) {
const item1 = this.createDropItem(d1, ball, x, y, baseVx - dir);
const item2 = this.createDropItem(d2, ball, x + dir * p, y - p, baseVx);
const item3 = this.createDropItem(d3, ball, x + dir * p * 2, y - p * 2, baseVx + dir);
} else if (n == 2) {
const item1 = this.createDropItem(d1, ball, x, y, baseVx);
const item2 = this.createDropItem(d2, ball, x + dir * p, y - p, baseVx + dir);
} else {
const item1 = this.createDropItem(d1, ball, x, y, baseVx);
getPrefab(dropType: DropType) {
if (dropType == return this.BlueRocketPrefab;
if (dropType == DropType.purple) return this.PurpleRocketPrefab;
if (dropType == return this.RedFirePrefab;
if (dropType == DropType.yellow) return this.YellowRocketPrefab;
private createDropItem(dropType: DropType, ball: Body, x: number, y: number, vx) {
let item: Body;
item = this.getFireItem(this.getPrefab(dropType), dropType);
setXY(item, getX(ball), getY(ball));
item.velocityY = -Math.abs(vx) * 3 * 2;
item.velocityX = vx * 3;
return item;
getFireItem(res: resource, type: DropType) {
const frees = this._freeDic[type];
let body: RocketItem;
if (frees.length > 0) {
body = frees.pop();
body.enabled = true;
} else {
const item = instantiate(res);
body = item.getComponent(RocketItem);
return body;
private _dropList: RocketItem[] = [];
get dropList() { return this._dropList }
private _freeDic: { [key: string]: RocketItem[]; } = {
'red': [], 'blue': [], 'purple': [], 'yellow': []
oncreate() {
onAwake() {
onUpdate(t) {
export enum DropType {
red = 'red', blue = 'blue', yellow = 'yellow', purple = 'purple'
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