Commit 1b886d48 authored by Jsbd's avatar Jsbd


parent d1f2e65e
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public class PhantomJSDownloader extends AbstractDownloader {
public PhantomJSDownloader() {
* 添加新的构造函数,支持phantomjs自定义命令
......@@ -44,6 +45,38 @@ public class PhantomJSDownloader extends AbstractDownloader {
PhantomJSDownloader.phantomJsCommand = phantomJsCommand;
* 新增构造函数,支持crawl.js路径自定义,因为当其他项目依赖此jar包时,runtime.exec()执行phantomjs命令时无使用法jar包中的crawl.js
* crawl.js start -->>
* var system = require('system');
* var url = system.args[1];
* var page = require('webpage').create();
* page.settings.loadImages = false;
* page.settings.resourceTimeout = 5000;
*, function (status) {
* if (status != 'success') {
* console.log("HTTP request failed!");
* } else {
* console.log(page.content);
* }
* page.close();
* phantom.exit();
* });
* <<-- crawl.js end
* 具体项目时可以将以上js代码复制下来使用
* example:
* new PhantomJSDownloader("/your/path/phantomjs", "/your/path/crawl.js");
* @param phantomJsCommand
* @param crawlJsPath
public PhantomJSDownloader(String phantomJsCommand, String crawlJsPath) {
PhantomJSDownloader.phantomJsCommand = phantomJsCommand;
PhantomJSDownloader.crawlJsPath = crawlJsPath;
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