Commit 4fa09068 authored by rockwotj's avatar rockwotj

Exposed more group methods

parent 3d68c3bd
......@@ -342,6 +342,29 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
return retrieve().getAll(tailUrl, GitlabGroup[].class);
* Get all the projects for a group.
* @param group the target group
* @return a list of projects for the group
* @throws IOException
public List<GitlabProject> getGroupProjects(GitlabGroup group) throws IOException {
return getGroupProjects(group.getId());
* Get all the projects for a group.
* @param groupId the target group's id.
* @return a list of projects for the group
* @throws IOException
public List<GitlabProject> getGroupProjects(Integer groupId) throws IOException {
String tailUrl = GitlabGroup.URL + "/" + groupId + GitlabProject.URL;
return Arrays.asList(retrieve().to(tailUrl, GitlabProject[].class));
* Gets all members of a Group
......@@ -387,7 +410,20 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
* @throws IOException on gitlab api call error
public GitlabGroup createGroup(String name, String path) throws IOException {
return createGroup(name, path, null, null);
return createGroup(name, path, null, null, null);
* Creates a Group
* @param name The name of the group
* @param path The path for the group
* @param sudoUser The user to create the group on behalf of
* @return The GitLab Group
* @throws IOException on gitlab api call error
public GitlabGroup createGroupViaSudo(String name, String path, GitlabUser sudoUser) throws IOException {
return createGroup(name, path, null, null, sudoUser);
......@@ -397,16 +433,35 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
* @param path The path for the group
* @param ldapCn LDAP Group Name to sync with, null otherwise
* @param ldapAccess Access level for LDAP group members, null otherwise
* @return The GitLab Group
* @throws IOException on gitlab api call error
public GitlabGroup createGroup(String name, String path, String ldapCn, GitlabAccessLevel ldapAccess) throws IOException {
return createGroup(name, path, ldapCn, ldapAccess, null);
* Creates a Group
* @param name The name of the group
* @param path The path for the group
* @param ldapCn LDAP Group Name to sync with, null otherwise
* @param ldapAccess Access level for LDAP group members, null otherwise
* @param sudoUser The user to create the group on behalf of
* @return The GitLab Group
* @throws IOException on gitlab api call error
public GitlabGroup createGroup(String name, String path, String ldapCn, GitlabAccessLevel ldapAccess, GitlabUser sudoUser) throws IOException {
Query query = new Query()
.append("name", name)
.append("path", path)
.appendIf("ldap_cn", ldapCn)
.appendIf("ldap_access", ldapAccess);
.appendIf("ldap_access", ldapAccess)
.appendIf(PARAM_SUDO, sudoUser != null ? sudoUser.getId() : null);
String tailUrl = GitlabGroup.URL + query.toString();
......@@ -483,11 +538,39 @@ public class GitlabAPI {
return retrieve().to(tailUrl, GitlabProject.class);
* Get a list of projects accessible by the authenticated user.
* @return A list of gitlab projects
* @throws IOException
public List<GitlabProject> getProjects() throws IOException {
String tailUrl = GitlabProject.URL;
return retrieve().getAll(tailUrl, GitlabProject[].class);
* Get a list of projects accessible by the authenticated user.
* @return A list of gitlab projects
* @throws IOException
public List<GitlabProject> getProjectsViaSudo(GitlabUser user) throws IOException {
Query query = new Query()
.appendIf(PARAM_SUDO, user.getId());
String tailUrl = GitlabProject.URL + query.toString();
return retrieve().getAll(tailUrl, GitlabProject[].class);
* Get's all projects in Gitlab, requires sudo user
* @return A list of gitlab projects
* @throws IOException
public List<GitlabProject> getAllProjects() throws IOException {
String tailUrl = GitlabProject.URL + "/all";
return retrieve().getAll(tailUrl, GitlabProject[].class);
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