* The angular velocity of the body, in radians per second.
* @property angularVelocity
* @type {number}
* The inverse inertia of the body.
* @property invInertia
* @type {number}
* The inverse mass of the body.
* @property invMass
* @type {number}
* The previous angle of the body.
* @property previousAngle
* @type {number}
* The previous position of the body.
* @property previousPosition
* @type {Array}
* Constraint velocity that was added to the body during the last step.
* @property vlambda
* @type {Array}
* Angular constraint velocity that was added to the body during last step.
* @property wlambda
* @type {Array}
* The number of iterations that should be used when searching for the time of impact during CCD. A larger number will assure that there's a small penetration on CCD collision, but a small number will give more performance.
* @property {Number} ccdIterations
* @default 10
* If the body speed exceeds this threshold, CCD (continuous collision detection) will be enabled. Set it to a negative number to disable CCD completely for this body.
* @property {Number} ccdSpeedThreshold
* @default -1
* Whether to produce contact forces when in contact with other bodies. Note that contacts will be generated, but they will be disabled. That means that this body will move through other bodies, but it will still trigger contact events, etc.
* @property collisionResponse
* @type {Boolean}
* Set to true if you want to fix the body movement along the X axis. The body will still be able to move along Y.
* @property fixedX
* @type {Boolean}
* Set to true if you want to fix the body movement along the Y axis. The body will still be able to move along X.
* Check if the body is overlapping another body. Note that this method only works if the body was added to a World and if at least one step was taken.
* @method overlaps
* @param {Body} body
* @return {boolean}
* Moves the shape offsets so their center of mass becomes the body center of mass.
* @method adjustCenterOfMass
* Apply damping.
* @method applyDamping
* @param {number} dt Current time step
* Reads a polygon shape path, and assembles convex shapes from that and puts them at proper offset points.
* @method fromPolygon
* @param {Array} path An array of 2d vectors, e.g. [[0,0],[0,1],...] that resembles a concave or convex polygon. The shape must be simple and without holes.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.optimalDecomp=false] Set to true if you need optimal decomposition. Warning: very slow for polygons with more than 10 vertices.
* @param {Boolean} [options.skipSimpleCheck=false] Set to true if you already know that the path is not intersecting itself.
* @param {Boolean|Number} [options.removeCollinearPoints=false] Set to a number (angle threshold value) to remove collinear points, or false to keep all points.
* @return {Boolean} True on success, else false.
removeCollinearPoints?:boolean;// Boolean | Number
* Sets the force on the body to zero.
* @method setZeroForce
* Transform a world point to local body frame.
* @method toLocalFrame
* @param {Array} out The vector to store the result in
* @param {Array} localForce The force vector to add, oriented in local body space.
* @param {Array} localPoint A point relative to the body in world space. If not given, it is set to zero and all of the impulse will be excerted on the center of mass.
* Apply impulse to a point relative to the body. This could for example be a point on the Body surface. An impulse is a force added to a body during a short period of time (impulse = force * time). Impulses will be added to Body.velocity and Body.angularVelocity.
* @method applyImpulse
* @param {Array} impulse The impulse vector to add, oriented in world space.
* @param {Array} relativePoint A point relative to the body in world space. If not given, it is set to zero and all of the impulse will be excerted on the center of mass.
* Apply impulse to a point relative to the body. This could for example be a point on the Body surface. An impulse is a force added to a body during a short period of time (impulse = force * time). Impulses will be added to Body.velocity and Body.angularVelocity.
* @method applyImpulseLocal
* @param {Array} impulse The impulse vector to add, oriented in world space.
* @param {Array} relativePoint A point relative to the body in world space. If not given, it is set to zero and all of the impulse will be excerted on the center of mass.
* Fired just before equations are added to the solver to be solved. Can be used to control what equations goes into the solver.
* @event preSolve
* @param {Array} contactEquations An array of contacts to be solved.
* @param {Array} frictionEquations An array of friction equations to be solved.
* 从不让刚体睡眠
* @static
* @property {number} NO_SLEEPING
* 刚体睡眠
* @static
* @property {number} BODY_SLEEPING
* 取消激活在接触中的刚体,如果所有刚体都接近睡眠。必须设置 World.islandSplit
* @static
* @property {number} ISLAND_SLEEPING
* For keeping track of what time step size we used last step
* @property lastTimeStep
* @type {number}
* If the length of .gravity is zero, and .useWorldGravityAsFrictionGravity=true, then switch to using .frictionGravity for friction instead. This fallback is useful for gravityless games.